Lady of Seattle - new Moz song?

Orson Swells

Well-Known Member
"Lady of Seattle" is now listed on wikipedia as a Moz/Whyte song possibly for inclusion on the new album. Has anybody else heard about this track?
I saw it a bit ago but I never thought to mention it because it wasn't on Warner Chappel (to my knowledge) and it didn't have another source so I just presumed it was made up/rumoured. :o
To me, it doesn't sound like a Morrissey song title...but I thought the same about Something is Squeezing My Skull, so what do I know?

However, it should be pointed out that Wikipedia demarcates Livings and Lady of Seattle as being on Warner-Chappell's site. They are not. Alain's song count has held steady at 79 since the inclusion of the dozen or so tracks that have been bandied about as potential tracks for Years of Refusal.

At this point, unless it's coming straight from Morrissey, a band member, a reputable source at the record label, a member of the production team, or is listed on one of songwriting publisher sites, I would err on the side of disbelief.

You could be right. What other woman from Seattle would he bother writing about?

Black Eyed Susan, Oh, Phoney, and Sheila Take a Bow were some of the tracks about real women Morrissey knew. What others are there?

perhaps he wrote a song about courtney love :p
wiki entry says it's on warner-chappel, but it's not. also isn't on bmi. neither is "livings" which is on the wiki. i'm sure mr. m is just updating the entry himself.
You could be right. What other woman from Seattle would he bother writing about?

Black Eyed Susan, Oh, Phoney, and Sheila Take a Bow were some of the tracks about real women Morrissey knew. What others are there?

Leer, I was just looking at the lyrics to Oh Phoney and didn't see anything that explicitly indicated it was about a woman and can't recall any posts to that effect. Could you fill me in? I'm drawing a blank.

in addition, the ip of the person who made the wiki entry is located in long beach, ca.

as if that means anything.
You could be right. What other woman from Seattle would he bother writing about?

Black Eyed Susan, Oh, Phoney, and Sheila Take a Bow were some of the tracks about real women Morrissey knew. What others are there?

I know its highly disputed and the actual lyrics hold no water to the debate but I still like to think at least the titles Have a go merchant was a shot at natalie merchant for misspelling his name,at the time wasnt he also friends with Michael Stipe? as was Natalie Merchant.
Morrissey can be a bit catty when he wants.
and besides that title never really fit those lyrics anyways.

In that case, "lady" would be highly tongue-in-cheek.

we would have to wait for the lyrics,he has used sarcasm before.I cant think of any other "lady of seattle" unless he had some hot fling out there we do not know of.
I could refer to sit-com character Fraiser (or Niles) who are both pompous yet feminine in the way they live their 'high class' lives, and lived in Seattle. Is this too tenuous? - Or has Moz been catching up on some American TV?
I could refer to sit-com character Fraiser (or Niles) who are both pompous yet feminine in the way they live their 'high class' lives, and lived in Seattle. Is this too tenuous? - Or has Moz been catching up on some American TV?

Hmmm, it's too far-fetched to me.
Morrissey often says he doesn't watch US TV programmes.
My mistake, Jamie -- I meant Girl Least Likely To!

The perils of writing posts as quickly as possible. When I take a little more time, I can actually string a decent sentence together.

Leer, I was just looking at the lyrics to Oh Phoney and didn't see anything that explicitly indicated it was about a woman and can't recall any posts to that effect. Could you fill me in? I'm drawing a blank.

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