Label-name of Morrisseys shirts?

I got part of a pink sleeve complete with a button from the Birmingham NIA show, and the button clearly states GUCCI GUCCI. Clearly a throw-away item, no?:)
Hmmm George? That's the excact same label as this recent Wal-Mart collection we have over here in North America..they label it as "fashion taken right off the streets of London". And the clothes are pretty cheap too.
Hmmm George? That's the excact same label as this recent Wal-Mart collection we have over here in North America..they label it as "fashion taken right off the streets of London". And the clothes are pretty cheap too.

Asda was taken over by Walmart so probably the same George.
I got collar and back of brown shirt at Glasgow and it was a 16.5 PRADA
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