if Morrissey supports Kerry



he's just a naive fool. If Morrissey honestly thinks things will change one jot under Mr Kerry, he's deluding himself. How obvious to establishment "yes men" have to make it before people will sit up and see them as the frauds they so obviously are? Kerry is just another Clinton-Blair clone. He's signed up to all the things Bush is signed up to, the only real difference is that Bush is, at least, honest about his views.
What does Morrissey think about you?

Re: What does Morrissey think about you?

So you prefer Bush to Clinton?
And Thatcher to Blair?
If you are the same Broken that made such good points about Quarry, then you certainly have dropped greatly in my esteem.
> he's just a naive fool. If Morrissey honestly thinks things will change
> one jot under Mr Kerry, he's deluding himself. How obvious to
> establishment "yes men" have to make it before people will sit
> up and see them as the frauds they so obviously are? Kerry is just another
> Clinton-Blair clone. He's signed up to all the things Bush is signed up
> to, the only real difference is that Bush is, at least, honest about his
> views.
Just curious- did you watch all three debates? Bush was wired, fool.
Bush is the least honest about his views NM

> he's just a naive fool. If Morrissey honestly thinks things will change
> one jot under Mr Kerry, he's deluding himself. How obvious to
> establishment "yes men" have to make it before people will sit
> up and see them as the frauds they so obviously are? Kerry is just another
> Clinton-Blair clone. He's signed up to all the things Bush is signed up
> to, the only real difference is that Bush is, at least, honest about his
> views.

I don't think there is much between them but Bush has proved how bad he is for Americans and how dangerous he is to the world. He has also proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he is a liar.

I think Morrissey probably feels like most of us do, that Kerry is the lesser of two evils. At least he doesn't seem to have some kind of religious mission like Bush and Blair seem to.
> he's just a naive fool. If Morrissey honestly thinks things will change
> one jot under Mr Kerry, he's deluding himself. How obvious to
> establishment "yes men" have to make it before people will sit
> up and see them as the frauds they so obviously are? Kerry is just another
> Clinton-Blair clone. He's signed up to all the things Bush is signed up
> to, the only real difference is that Bush is, at least, honest about his
> views.

I don't think there is much difference between either party in the States.
Niehter are what you would call socialist.
As we know, big business is the real voice of authority,no matter who gets in.
> I think Morrissey probably feels like most of us do, that Kerry is the
> lesser of two evils. At least he doesn't seem to have some kind of
> religious mission like Bush and Blair seem to.
You have no idea. Bush wants to (by Ashcroft) turn this country into a completely Judeo-Christian country, IGNORING the rights of all other Americans who happen to be Muslims, Jews, Bahai,Catholic, I have spoken with some very nice Muslim people here in San Diego, and the Koran does NOT support what Al Queda is doing. To me, the thought of a *Judeo Christian* country scares the hell out of me. Ever spoken with a Baptist? According to them, Catholics are going to hell. This country should be a country where religion and the Government are SEPARATE. Bush is - a liar, not too bright, and extremely dangerous, you just don't realize it. Kerry-Edwards 2005!
Thatcher Vs Blair

Johan I prefer neither Bush nor Clinton and Thatcher only marginally over Blair.

If you honestly think there's much of a difference between Bush and Clinton Johan, then I'm surprised at you. If one looks beyond the spin, there's little or no difference. So instead of resorting to petty namecalling etc, let's have a look at the records of Blair and Thatcher.

Thatcher Vs Blair

On the economy

Thatcher slashes higher rate taxes and lower rate taxes, then later forces the poor to pay higher taxes to compensate the treasury for losses

Blair, who claimed her tax cuts were "disgraceful" comes to power in 1997 and retains these same higher rate tax bands without any suggestion of change. Is that what you call "progressive government?" He then systematically increases the burden of taxation on the poor with "stealth taxes" over a 7 year period, until 2004 when the poor are paying higher taxes than ever before, proportionately.

Thatcher presided over boom and bust monetarism. Blair has presided over a more sustained boom in which control over interest rates has been handed over to the bank of England's private vested interests - how egalitarian. Can't wait for the house price collapse. The IMF has repeatedly warned that britain is on the verge of a massive house price collapse with repossessions, negative equity etc, all looming on the horizon.

House building

Thatcher built more houses for the poor than Blair over his 7 years in her first 4 years. Nuff said.


The gap between rich and poor has grown under "New Labour" to levels never seen even during the Thatcher years. It's hilarious that you see Blair as being the caring face of capitalism.

Child poverty

Is at exactly the same levels, but the government have "reclassified" the system to fiddle the figures


Thatcher expanded university places and all were funded by grants - Blair has introduced fees and has planned "top up fees" while promising not to legislate in his manifesto. Still think he's a nice guy, Johan?


Increased NHS spending, mainly paid for by the very poorest people, and falling levels of productivity, due to EU working time directives and the distortion of clinical priorities by bureaucrats. Yet another hollow victory.


Most of the anti-union legislation introduced by Thatcher to "outcries" from Blair and his cronies now remain in place after 7 years of New Labour.

Corruption and sleaze

Need I begin to discuss the relltive merits of both leaders in this department?


Thatcher was for limited EU participation and Blair is for federalism. Most British people don't want federalism, so Blair just lies about it. Is that another example of his more altruistic aspirations?


Thatcher defended the Falkland Islands from an illegal invasion and urged the defence of Kuwait - whatever your views, at least these were broadly reasonable policies. Blair has declared war more times than any other british politician in the 20th century and has gone into a completely illegal war in Iraq based on blatent lies devised by his own people. Again, is this in ANY WAY preferable to Mrs Thatcher's government?

Social issues

In this one and only area Blair has thrown a few crums the way of the left wing - on one hand being nicely liberal about homomsexual issues and law and order and adopting an authoritarian stance on fox hunting to placate the left. It's frankly pathetic that, having forced through some of the most crushing policies in British political history, which have adversely affected the lives of poor people in Britain, Blair thinks he can curry favour by throwing a few crums their on social issues which cost his corporate friends nothing.

In summary: Neither are exactly fantastic choices, but Blair's agenda is clearly the consolidation and furtherment of Thatcher's early policies. The results are obvious to most people living in britain - I don't know where you live Johan but if you'd care to visit Britain, I could show you around and you can meet the people who suffer in Blair's Utopia. If you read your wishy washy pseudo-marxist European politics journals, you may fall for Blair's spin, but please don't lecture people who have actually experienced his policies first hand. There are now 1 million people in britain and hundreds of thousands of children living in temporary accomodation surrounded by drug problems and crime. It's a disgrace, and it's sad when people who haven't experienced it compliment Blair's appalling government.

> So you prefer Bush to Clinton?
> And Thatcher to Blair?
> If you are the same Broken that made such good points about Quarry, then
> you certainly have dropped greatly in my esteem.
finally a voice of reason

I thought I'd never find one here.

> I don't think there is much difference between either party in the States.
> Niehter are what you would call socialist.
> As we know, big business is the real voice of authority,no matter who gets
> in.
brilliant post broken you've summed up what I've seen over the past few years

sometimes it's a lonely life being a socialist when you read in the left wing tabloids about what a great guy Blair is. You're right, he's bordering on the fascist, and he's probably worse than Maggie. Even Mozza has said he's exactly like Thatcher - all your points are well argued and as you've said in every area, he's proven to be as bad as, or worse than maggie thatcher. What the f*** has happened to the labour party? It's not only me, millions of labour people in britain are disgusted and pissed off by what has happened and we can't wait to vote him out.

Like Morrissey said, it doesn't matter who you8 vote for, just don't vote for Blair.

> Johan I prefer neither Bush nor Clinton and Thatcher only marginally over
> Blair.

> If you honestly think there's much of a difference between Bush and
> Clinton Johan, then I'm surprised at you. If one looks beyond the spin,
> there's little or no difference. So instead of resorting to petty
> namecalling etc, let's have a look at the records of Blair and Thatcher.

> Thatcher Vs Blair

> On the economy

> Thatcher slashes higher rate taxes and lower rate taxes, then later forces
> the poor to pay higher taxes to compensate the treasury for losses

> Blair, who claimed her tax cuts were "disgraceful" comes to
> power in 1997 and retains these same higher rate tax bands without any
> suggestion of change. Is that what you call "progressive
> government?" He then systematically increases the burden of taxation
> on the poor with "stealth taxes" over a 7 year period, until
> 2004 when the poor are paying higher taxes than ever before,
> proportionately.

> Thatcher presided over boom and bust monetarism. Blair has presided over a
> more sustained boom in which control over interest rates has been handed
> over to the bank of England's private vested interests - how egalitarian.
> Can't wait for the house price collapse. The IMF has repeatedly warned
> that britain is on the verge of a massive house price collapse with
> repossessions, negative equity etc, all looming on the horizon.

> House building

> Thatcher built more houses for the poor than Blair over his 7 years in her
> first 4 years. Nuff said.

> Poverty

> The gap between rich and poor has grown under "New Labour" to
> levels never seen even during the Thatcher years. It's hilarious that you
> see Blair as being the caring face of capitalism.

> Child poverty

> Is at exactly the same levels, but the government have
> "reclassified" the system to fiddle the figures

> Education

> Thatcher expanded university places and all were funded by grants - Blair
> has introduced fees and has planned "top up fees" while
> promising not to legislate in his manifesto. Still think he's a nice guy,
> Johan?

> Health

> Increased NHS spending, mainly paid for by the very poorest people, and
> falling levels of productivity, due to EU working time directives and the
> distortion of clinical priorities by bureaucrats. Yet another hollow
> victory.

> Unions

> Most of the anti-union legislation introduced by Thatcher to
> "outcries" from Blair and his cronies now remain in place after
> 7 years of New Labour.

> Corruption and sleaze

> Need I begin to discuss the relltive merits of both leaders in this
> department?

> Europe

> Thatcher was for limited EU participation and Blair is for federalism.
> Most British people don't want federalism, so Blair just lies about it. Is
> that another example of his more altruistic aspirations?

> War

> Thatcher defended the Falkland Islands from an illegal invasion and urged
> the defence of Kuwait - whatever your views, at least these were broadly
> reasonable policies. Blair has declared war more times than any other
> british politician in the 20th century and has gone into a completely
> illegal war in Iraq based on blatent lies devised by his own people.
> Again, is this in ANY WAY preferable to Mrs Thatcher's government?

> Social issues

> In this one and only area Blair has thrown a few crums the way of the left
> wing - on one hand being nicely liberal about homomsexual issues and law
> and order and adopting an authoritarian stance on fox hunting to placate
> the left. It's frankly pathetic that, having forced through some of the
> most crushing policies in British political history, which have adversely
> affected the lives of poor people in Britain, Blair thinks he can curry
> favour by throwing a few crums their on social issues which cost his
> corporate friends nothing.

> In summary: Neither are exactly fantastic choices, but Blair's agenda is
> clearly the consolidation and furtherment of Thatcher's early policies.
> The results are obvious to most people living in britain - I don't know
> where you live Johan but if you'd care to visit Britain, I could show you
> around and you can meet the people who suffer in Blair's Utopia. If you
> read your wishy washy pseudo-marxist European politics journals, you may
> fall for Blair's spin, but please don't lecture people who have actually
> experienced his policies first hand. There are now 1 million people in
> britain and hundreds of thousands of children living in temporary
> accomodation surrounded by drug problems and crime. It's a disgrace, and
> it's sad when people who haven't experienced it compliment Blair's
> appalling government.
Re: brilliant post broken you've summed up what I've seen over the past few years

Thanks. I think you're right there - Blair cannot be allowed to retain his greasy grip on power in Britain. What we've seen is shocking and a complete betrayal of his own people in the labour party. of course, they're not really "his own people" but you know what I mean.

Only the right wing press and sleazy supposedly left wing corporate publications are still banging on about Blair - when the Sun is right behind you, surely you know you've got problems?!

That alone should set the alarm bells ringing, but like we've said already, most people are too immersed in their own lives to apply any critical analysis to Blair's New Labour.

> sometimes it's a lonely life being a socialist when you read in the left
> wing tabloids about what a great guy Blair is. You're right, he's
> bordering on the fascist, and he's probably worse than Maggie. Even Mozza
> has said he's exactly like Thatcher - all your points are well argued and
> as you've said in every area, he's proven to be as bad as, or worse than
> maggie thatcher. What the f*** has happened to the labour party? It's not
> only me, millions of labour people in britain are disgusted and pissed off
> by what has happened and we can't wait to vote him out.

> Like Morrissey said, it doesn't matter who you8 vote for, just don't vote
> for Blair.
Re: finally a voice of reason

> I thought I'd never find one here.

Well I certainly take that as a compliment Broken.
Thank you.
Re: Thatcher Vs Blair

I have only one thing to say - well said broken! You're right on the money with this post!

> Johan I prefer neither Bush nor Clinton and Thatcher only marginally over
> Blair.

> If you honestly think there's much of a difference between Bush and
> Clinton Johan, then I'm surprised at you. If one looks beyond the spin,
> there's little or no difference. So instead of resorting to petty
> namecalling etc, let's have a look at the records of Blair and Thatcher.

> Thatcher Vs Blair

> On the economy

> Thatcher slashes higher rate taxes and lower rate taxes, then later forces
> the poor to pay higher taxes to compensate the treasury for losses

> Blair, who claimed her tax cuts were "disgraceful" comes to
> power in 1997 and retains these same higher rate tax bands without any
> suggestion of change. Is that what you call "progressive
> government?" He then systematically increases the burden of taxation
> on the poor with "stealth taxes" over a 7 year period, until
> 2004 when the poor are paying higher taxes than ever before,
> proportionately.

> Thatcher presided over boom and bust monetarism. Blair has presided over a
> more sustained boom in which control over interest rates has been handed
> over to the bank of England's private vested interests - how egalitarian.
> Can't wait for the house price collapse. The IMF has repeatedly warned
> that britain is on the verge of a massive house price collapse with
> repossessions, negative equity etc, all looming on the horizon.

> House building

> Thatcher built more houses for the poor than Blair over his 7 years in her
> first 4 years. Nuff said.

> Poverty

> The gap between rich and poor has grown under "New Labour" to
> levels never seen even during the Thatcher years. It's hilarious that you
> see Blair as being the caring face of capitalism.

> Child poverty

> Is at exactly the same levels, but the government have
> "reclassified" the system to fiddle the figures

> Education

> Thatcher expanded university places and all were funded by grants - Blair
> has introduced fees and has planned "top up fees" while
> promising not to legislate in his manifesto. Still think he's a nice guy,
> Johan?

> Health

> Increased NHS spending, mainly paid for by the very poorest people, and
> falling levels of productivity, due to EU working time directives and the
> distortion of clinical priorities by bureaucrats. Yet another hollow
> victory.

> Unions

> Most of the anti-union legislation introduced by Thatcher to
> "outcries" from Blair and his cronies now remain in place after
> 7 years of New Labour.

> Corruption and sleaze

> Need I begin to discuss the relltive merits of both leaders in this
> department?

> Europe

> Thatcher was for limited EU participation and Blair is for federalism.
> Most British people don't want federalism, so Blair just lies about it. Is
> that another example of his more altruistic aspirations?

> War

> Thatcher defended the Falkland Islands from an illegal invasion and urged
> the defence of Kuwait - whatever your views, at least these were broadly
> reasonable policies. Blair has declared war more times than any other
> british politician in the 20th century and has gone into a completely
> illegal war in Iraq based on blatent lies devised by his own people.
> Again, is this in ANY WAY preferable to Mrs Thatcher's government?

> Social issues

> In this one and only area Blair has thrown a few crums the way of the left
> wing - on one hand being nicely liberal about homomsexual issues and law
> and order and adopting an authoritarian stance on fox hunting to placate
> the left. It's frankly pathetic that, having forced through some of the
> most crushing policies in British political history, which have adversely
> affected the lives of poor people in Britain, Blair thinks he can curry
> favour by throwing a few crums their on social issues which cost his
> corporate friends nothing.

> In summary: Neither are exactly fantastic choices, but Blair's agenda is
> clearly the consolidation and furtherment of Thatcher's early policies.
> The results are obvious to most people living in britain - I don't know
> where you live Johan but if you'd care to visit Britain, I could show you
> around and you can meet the people who suffer in Blair's Utopia. If you
> read your wishy washy pseudo-marxist European politics journals, you may
> fall for Blair's spin, but please don't lecture people who have actually
> experienced his policies first hand. There are now 1 million people in
> britain and hundreds of thousands of children living in temporary
> accomodation surrounded by drug problems and crime. It's a disgrace, and
> it's sad when people who haven't experienced it compliment Blair's
> appalling government.
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