Ice circles on the river

The Wild Turkey

Wild T!
There's ice circles formin' on the river.
Can't surely say just what it is.
Can't surely say what it's gonna lead to.
Only thing that's known for sure...
Somethin' out of the ordinary is takin' place.

Ice Rings (146).jpg
It took somethin' of a uncommon strength to get
this tree bent like that.
It ain't somethin' of a natural occurrence and there
weren't no machinery back this way.

Bent Tree (166).jpg
Can't say for surely sure rif.
The old timers been tellin' me about
these things called Grimbles.
what the heck are those, wildt?! are they little people who live beneath the ground?!?!

i cant say fer sure myself, i have to see it in person to assess the danger. bunnies are good at assessin' danger, wildT, not like you turkeys (if you was, you wouldnt be gettin' yer silly heads chopped off all the dang time). but my advice is for you to just stay away from rivers with ice circles on them and trees broken in the middle. dont you be going out to these place tryin to be intrepid with yer camera, before you know it youll find yourself in the mystical underground world of the grimbles and they have ways different than ours, im telling you, turk!!
what the heck are those, wildt?! are they little people who live beneath the ground?!?!

i cant say fer sure myself, i have to see it in person to assess the danger. bunnies are good at assessin' danger, wildT, not like you turkeys (if you was, you wouldnt be gettin' yer silly heads chopped off all the dang time). but my advice is for you to just stay away from rivers with ice circles on them and trees broken in the middle. dont you be going out to these place tryin to be intrepid with yer camera, before you know it youll find yourself in the mystical underground world of the grimbles and they have ways different than ours, im telling you, turk!!

Will talk to Ray Wavy and see if I can't get a
better explanation for ya rif.
Ya said it yourself rif, Turkeys are out here
bein' murdered.
Maybe the Grimbles could offer a
safer arrangement.
This jumbo rock was moved a good 50 yards
from it's regular restin' place.
No signs of tractor tracks or the evidence of a
rope and pulley system.
Got a feelin' that whatever moved the jumbo
rock, just picked it up and moved it.

Jumbo Rock (195).jpg
be careful!!! make sure to carry a lucky amulet!! maybe also a sword!

Ya absolutely right rif.
Ain't tryin' to proceed into no danger, but I'll be
honest with ya, there is a high curiosity.
Got a couple few tricks which the old timers taught
to me and now I know that the woodland friends
are there to help!
Went ahead and followed the Grimble trail and ended
up upon a Grimble dwelling.
Weren't look like it's been visited recently, but at least
I know I'm on the right path.
Best thing I can think to do is to come back at night time
and see if I can't come into contact with a Grimble.

Grimble Hut 1 (027).jpg
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