I think i've come to a conclusion.



This is the first time i've visited the boards in the early hours(UK), no trolls in sight and people in the main being civil to each other. Would i be right in thinking that most of the mayhem is caused by us Brits?

Just a thought.

Hehe. Just us lonely Americans on right now.
Yeah, seems like it. Our only fanatic is Julia.
Yeah, 06.43 here, i think i shouls get meself to bed:)

> This is the first time i've visited the boards in the early hours(UK), no
> trolls in sight and people in the main being civil to each other. Would i
> be right in thinking that most of the mayhem is caused by us Brits?

As far as I know, as bad as we are, americans are still precluded geographically from accessing a bt service provider!

Moreover, all the scoundrels sharing fake ROTT files on Soulseek appear to be from the uk.
> This is the first time i've visited the boards in the early hours(UK), no
> trolls in sight and people in the main being civil to each other. Would i
> be right in thinking that most of the mayhem is caused by us Brits?

> Just a thought.

> vulgar
Come on now. That's a bit racist.
And it's hard to know where the trolls come from, when
so many are keen to hide their identity and origins.
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