I love the posts of other bands Mp3s...


Reg Plate

I fall on the floor laughing as you all try to outdo each other with the most obscure or most trendy tunes and bands you can think of.

Please keep it up, I need a laugh!

so what about it? how about some Mp3s of Horsebox (the band formerly known as Lesbian Monster Trucks) singing Lemonade?

Heres isn't hoping,

I enJoYed the OranGe Juice onessss.......

I like hearinG new muSic as well, stoP being an old fuddY-duddY...
Does anyone remember a cartoon in the Jinty or Bunty about a mini gypsy?

cast your minds back please

NoPe im far to younG.....

What were yoU doing readinG the BuntY.. that was a girly coMiC?
Hehe, obscure tunes. That was me!

Glad you noticed. Hope you listened to them though.
I like to make available, what is difficult to find available.
Ask yer Mum then...

Don't just stand there... ask yer maw! anyhoo you've been around since old cocky was an egg so I ain't sure I belive you.

You're going on before Crispy Ambulance

Dallow I never downloaded any of them - its a work PC and I'm very restricted, so you will have to hum them to me.


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