How do you convert someone to Morrissey?



Ever make compilations for someone and stick a Smiths/Morrissey track in there hoping they'll become new fans? What track do you use to seduce them to the good side? Mine is normally (Surprise surprise!) There Is A Light. It was my first Moz song, I reckon it should work on others.
> Ever make compilations for someone and stick a Smiths/Morrissey track in
> there hoping they'll become new fans? What track do you use to seduce them
> to the good side? Mine is normally (Surprise surprise!) There Is A Light.
> It was my first Moz song, I reckon it should work on others.

If it was me and I was doing the tape for someone I really liked I would put onI'd Love To" as a non too subtle hint that I to:)
It's a beautiful song and sadly overlooked by many fans.

Morrissey singing about love and baring his soul. Does it get any better than this ?
> If it was me and I was doing the tape for someone I really liked I would
> put onI'd Love To" as a non too subtle hint that I to:)

You dirty old man, Johnny. Trying to seduce people with messages hidden on compilations...
> Bloody good idea though. Does it work?

Does Spock beam up ? I think you'll find he does.
From my experience you can't.

If someone is receptive to his music, than it doesn't really matter, which
songs in particular you'll choose.
If someone doesn't want to hear about it, you probably won't change that.

Though, There Is A Light is a good choice, so is This Charming Man and Cemetry Gates in my opinion. And Everyday Is Like Sunday as a Morrissey song.

> Ever make compilations for someone and stick a Smiths/Morrissey track in
> there hoping they'll become new fans? What track do you use to seduce them
> to the good side? Mine is normally (Surprise surprise!) There Is A Light.
> It was my first Moz song, I reckon it should work on others.
> Ever make compilations for someone and stick a Smiths/Morrissey track in
> there hoping they'll become new fans? What track do you use to seduce them
> to the good side? Mine is normally (Surprise surprise!) There Is A Light.
> It was my first Moz song, I reckon it should work on others.

Why would tou want to CONVERT anyone to Morrissey? Your proposed method seems to indicate that you really just want to ignite an interest which is not the same. St. Steven is a bore, but Moz the Puz(zle) is a teaser that can sharpen your intelligence, wit and general gloom for years to come!
In my experience, it is very difficult to do so. I have tried and tried to convert my (now ex) girlfriend, my best friend, and others.....but with very limited success. The thing is, Morrissey has so many musical sounds so you'd think it would be easy to find some songs to suit most any palate. However, it usually comes back to the "I don't like his voice" objection. Fools!

Another one is "his lyrics are so depressing." Another complete falacy, but that a story for another thread.
I'm proud to say I brainwashed a few people into liking The Smiths / Moz. Not that it took much convincing. I even took a non-believer to the Moz convention this year. She walked out with some t-shirts and also wanting me to copy every album of his. I've also mailed a few Smiths / Moz compilatons out to people with all my favorite songs on them and that seemed to work really well too. It's my life's duty to spread the good word of SPM.
The "Convert ANYONE into a MORRISSEY Fan" Intructional

Note: The tracklist below are songs to convert a normal person - not just favorites even though that is what they really are... they will be theirs now...

If you are making a compilation CD to convert someone... THE NUMBER ONE RULE: You cannot mix The Smiths with Morrissey solo - You will only confuse the person.

Secondly, if it is a Moz Compilation you need, in my experiences, Suedehead as the first track. It is his frist single from 1988 and they will NOT believe it is that old. It is a timeless song. A DJ could play it on the radio - like they ever would - and tell people it is a new song and everyone who doesn't know would believe them. After that move in on them... they should love the first track & now give some B-sides, I'd Love To has to be on it as well as Nobody Loves Us. Steer clear of Let the Right One Slip In cos the person listening might get the wrong idea even though it is one of my favorites. Tracks from Your Arsenal - Your Gonna Need Someone On Your Side, We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, throw in We'll Let You Know... Of course the single The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get is one the listener should know... Speedway is a song that should be there... Speaking of Vauxhall... Now My Heart is Full needs to be on the tracklist. Alma Matters will fit nicely for the ears of one that has never heard it so that you can tell them that he played that song on Letterman... and don't forget Hold On To Your Friends.

If you have room put I Don't Mind If You Forget Me. Whatever you do... whatever, whatever, whatever you do... close the CD with Tomorrow and you will leave them wanting more. It worked for me & now the person I made the CD for annoys the hell out of me with the trivia he thinks I don't know... But hey, I converted them!

So here is the rundown...
1. Suedehead
2. Your Gonna Need Someone On Your Side
3. Nobody Loves Us
4. Alma Matters
5. Now My Heart is Full
6. We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful
7. I'd Love To
8. I Don't Mind If You Forget Me*
9. The Teachers Are Afraid of the Pupils**
10. We'll Let You Know
11. Speedway
12. Hold On To Your Friends
13. The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
14. Tomorrow

* If time allows which it should with an 80 minute CDR.
**Only if you REALLY want to make a fan out of them.

If anyone agrees with me, I will post a "Guide to The Smiths" later today...

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> Ever make compilations for someone and stick a Smiths/Morrissey track in
> there hoping they'll become new fans? What track do you use to seduce them
> to the good side? Mine is normally (Surprise surprise!) There Is A Light.
> It was my first Moz song, I reckon it should work on others.

I make people compliations of the most accessible and best-known Smiths/Morrissey songs, eg This Charming Man, What difference does it make, Bigmouth, Suedehead, Panic, There is A Light...and usually people take it on from there. I have converted several people to the Moz.
> I make people compliations of the most accessible and best-known
> Smiths/Morrissey songs, eg This Charming Man, What difference does it
> make, Bigmouth, Suedehead, Panic, There is A Light...and usually people
> take it on from there. I have converted several people to the Moz.

----convert,but why ????
----like thoes drones who come door to door all they get is followers
----just like anton levay said"i let the leaders,and the smart ones come to me"
----i find people at least where i live in north america, people dont understand or cant get over Morrissey "britishness" once they jump over that they can find him thats what i find.
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