Help!!! desperate need of human kindness.



this will probably sound like a sob story to most of you, but i assure that it is completely true. I need help. i had the date of the announced morrissey appearence marked on the calender from the moment the notice appeared on the website. that very day, october 9, 2000, i found out that my mother passed away. I am from michigan and i moved out to san diego for school. i immediately had to board a plane and get back to michigan for the services there...i never did find out the particulars of the appearence. after the cruelling process in michigan, we had to do it all over again, but this time in el slavador (site of which a Moz show was cancelled)...i just got back from el salvador early this morning, the very day that we had my mother buried. i chose such an early return because i needed to get back to have this chance to see Morrissey face to face. Now, i am being denied that chance, and it is making an already impossible time, all the more insuffereable. this will undoubtedly go down as the worst week of my life...but i prattle. if anyone out there can help me in any way....please, i beg of you, do so. I am leaving from san diego right now, in essence, to go down and beg the virgin people to make an exception for me....i am sure it will be fruitless, but i must at least try. I will be at the virgin store wearing my "english martyrs" shirt that i caught at the show in madison, wisconsin...if you can help me, please do, or if you just want to talk to me and keep me company while i suffer and watch...please do that too. thanks for your time, ~eddie~ p.s. i have all the documentation to back my story up, lest the cynical side of you simply think that i am trying to prey on the last vestiges of human kindness.
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