Hand in Glove....Yuck!!!

Re: Haaand innn Gloooooooove!!!!!

> eLLO Mr Leeds

> I was down the front but would have to say I'd be 100% sure they would be
> Villa or maybe Walsall as there has always been a big skinhead Villa
> contigent and I know it sounds silly but its true to say that Bham City
> fans would not be cultured enough to go to a Morrissey concert.

> I bumped into loads of Villa fans in The Academy some main faces and
> characters as well.Check out www.beerscooter.homestead.com and post your
> tunes in the guestbook :)Its a site by a crazy Music&Villa fan.

> Its weird in Brum cos if you go to a Morrissey,Fall,New Order etc etc etc
> concert you'll meet loads of Villa Hardcore,Youth,Steamers etc of all ages
> from 18-45.Theres almost a hidden culture thing between Villa and
> Blues.Most Blues fans are serious mongols.I had to laugh during Moz's
> "Crashing Bores" quips when people shouted out Elton John loads
> started shouting Steve Bruce :)

> 95% of Bham City fans are into UB40 and shit like that.I've been told that
> one of there home town concerts is like a scum home game.Wolves and Albion
> lads are into bands like Slade and Status Quo thats why we call The Black
> Country derby The Denim Derby 80)

> Hope you enjoyed the gig mate.
Well,ive seen him and that mob he used to be in51 times now,the missus keeps asking me if i'll ever grow up,but that was one of the best.Iwhole heartedly agree with the Steve Bruce comments,scum barstruid.Did you see him at the Aston Villa leisure centre,i think it was 95,when he hit that ball on the volley.Bet you were well chuffed to see him wearing the claret and blue that night.That was another cracking gig.I've got a big problem at the moment,Leeds are playing Happoel tel aviv on 14th november in Florence,morrisseys playing Greece on the 8th and 9th,and as hes not toured Italy yet,i thought some eyetie gigs would follow on,but the tour dates dry up after Greece,any ideas on where to get some info?Keep safe,Leeds Service.
misread it - you're right he can't sing THAT song any more
I wish someone would try, they deserve it for ruining the Man's songs
idiot, it's musical history, I don't care if Morrissey sings if with the London Philharmonic Orchest
Leeds UTD!!Leeds UTD!!!Leeds UTD!!!

I've seen him loads but the AV leisure centre gig was special when he turned up with the 50's Villa top on and sang Shoplifters,We had beaten Wimbledon 7-1 at home as well that day.

Villa are having a shite season so far due to Doug Ellis being a wanker as usual.Leeds have not started going either yet.I think we play you lot at Elland Rd last game of the season?????Imagine if we need a few points to stay up :)

I'm going to Blackburn later on and staying over as we play Blackburn away on the sunday he he he Spot of luck really.

> Well,ive seen him and that mob he used to be in51 times now,the missus
> keeps asking me if i'll ever grow up,but that was one of the best.Iwhole
> heartedly agree with the Steve Bruce comments,scum barstruid.Did you see
> him at the Aston Villa leisure centre,i think it was 95,when he hit that
> ball on the volley.Bet you were well chuffed to see him wearing the claret
> and blue that night.That was another cracking gig.I've got a big problem
> at the moment,Leeds are playing Happoel tel aviv on 14th november in
> Florence,morrisseys playing Greece on the 8th and 9th,and as hes not
> toured Italy yet,i thought some eyetie gigs would follow on,but the tour
> dates dry up after Greece,any ideas on where to get some info?Keep
> safe,Leeds Service.
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