Good, Chris took the pics of Moz's house down

Re: thanks to the bitter pills...

not too sure who this person is, but they obviously didn't read my entire post. i suggest that the @sshole re-read it in as a whole instead of taking statements out of context. christ, if i didn't know any better, i'd think she were a typical british journalist - of course, the inarticulate writing structure gives her away as nothing more than a bedroom whiner.
> Why do people go to church?

i go to sing in the choir!

> Obviously a select few are going to stumble onto his address one
> way or another. That's to be as much expected as it is
> inevitable. The problems arise when it's posted publicly, for
> the flock of sheep, those non-thinking masses only interested in
> satisfying their own insatiable need to meet Morrissey. They
> arean't considering his privacy in their hysteria, and shouldn't
> be equipped with his address.

wouldn't it be fun?

but as i said, a pic is not exactly going to breach that line. you should be more worried about other things.

> How refreshing. I'm the same way. I'll never forget hanging
> outside the side of the theatre in Detroit, blistering cold wind
> with snow and ice all about, just to get a glimpse of him
> running to his tour van. And that's all it should be...anything
> else is over-indulgent.

yes, i can't even begin to imagine it. i have a hard time standing around in places where i'm supposed to be, let alone on the front lawn of a most-likely perturbed guy who probably doesn't want me there for hours and boldly thinking he will be glad of it.

> I agree...if you're not invited, you're trespassing.
The main reason that you SHOULD NOT post pictures of Morrissey's house is

It's ugly. IF it's even really his house(I've been told it's not).
I do not give a scarlet peppermint if you think it's keen or not. Don't argue with me because I am properly stating the truth regarding the design of said abode.

Furthermore, if I may, I'd like to question the mere idea that someone would want to follow Morrissey around or look him up in his house. There are some wonderful inventions like TV, movies, video games, with which to occupy your time.

I don't want to have to post again here regarding this subject, ok?
I only want smart people to respond to my post, understand me???????
ONLY REPLY IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN IN YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In conclusion, refrain from posting Morrissey's house and car on the internet, idiot.


> I'm glad to see Chris took the pics of Moz's house down. How
> disrespectful was that to put them up in the first place!
> Nothing like giving the man his privacy, huh.

> And I don't care if the fans on Ambitious-Outsiders voted to see
> the pics or not. It was total disrespect for Morrissey, period.

> Go ahead and whine about it, Chris. I just think you have alot
> to learn about being responsible...particularly if you are going
> to be keeping a website such as yours.

> I would think Moz fans would be of a higher caliber...apparently
> I'm mistaken.
A few years ago a friend of mine was walking down the street in Hale Barns in Manchester where she saw Moz coming out of his house to pick up the milk off his doorstep. A few weeks later she plucked up the courage to knock on the door. Mozzer wasnt in but she had a nice chat with his sister who was staying there at the time.
I visited the house with my friend a few weeks later my I didnt dare knock on the door. I met Mozzer in 1994 at an album signing but if i had knocked on the door and he answered and then told me to @go forth and multiply I d have been upset. If you see the guy in the street do say hello but dont go knocking on the guys door.
If anyone posts Moz's addy...

> even though I did sorta find the first time I had seen someone
> posting pics of his house as a bit shocking, i originally
> thought, "oh well", because even you have to admit,
> all the loonies can find him without help, and mostly they
> already have as you saw them piping up about the pics.
(Ummm, weren't you one of the so-called-loonies who piped up about the pics? Just a thought)...

it's like
> sharing spy secrets that you stole from the Russians to the
> Russians. they don't need a website, and frankly, in my time
> here, i've basically found the net itself as a poor source of
> stalking material. the people with the largest success are
> generally the people who happen to be out on the streets or at
> their jobs and they just so happen to run across something that
> gives his address. the stalkers themselves don't like sharing
> too much of their findings because they want to keep moz all for
> themselves.
Or so you care to believe. And is everyone who has his address a stalker to you? So if someone had inadvertently given you his address, you would be the only one in posession of it that WOULDN'T be classified as a stalker, right? You are the one who is sane enough to tell everyone else who has it that THEY are the ones stalking him, even though you have nothing to back that up, right?

that's why you have yet to see anyone around here
> post his address publicly for all to see, or at least, i've
> never seen anyone do it despite the number of "i've been to
> his house" stories. it creates a really weird paradox where
> people think of themselves as the special ones that aren't
> treading on his privacy, but have already decided that everyone
> else is potentially dangerous.

David would delete the message instantly. Believe me...even MY privacy was respected when one of the idiots who decided to post MY address by David, who almost immediately deleted it. As much as he may not like me, if he respects someone's privacy that much, I suppose you would imagine what he would do if someone were to be so stupid as to post Morrissey's address here. He probably has a pager that is attached somehow to this website that lets him know the MINUTE that address is posted, so he can act on it. And when did anyone lay claim to THAT action? The people who managed to come across Morrissey's address (I myself worked in a furniture store where he happened to shop...lucky me. FYI: that last part said with sarcasm.) are NOT particularly ALL the types to think they are 'special' compared to others. It is the perception, I believe, of those who WANT the address, can't get a reasonable way to find it out, and feel jealousy towards those who DO have it and don't trust people like you enough to give it out to you, to call those of us that DO have it names. I care about Morrissey's safety as much as I think about yours or Mimi's, or my co-workers for small example. I know them by association, I am a kind enough person to think of them pleasantly, so when the idea comes up that one of those people may be in harms way, I feel a tad distressed. Get it? Probably not.

You can't stand on the front lawn

> i go to sing in the choir!

> wouldn't it be fun?

> but as i said, a pic is not exactly going to breach that line.
> you should be more worried about other things.

> yes, i can't even begin to imagine it. i have a hard time
> standing around in places where i'm supposed to be, let alone on
> the front lawn of a most-likely perturbed guy who probably
> doesn't want me there for hours and boldly thinking he will be
> glad of it.

If you wanted to stand on his front lawn, you'd have to hop the fence. His street is a public road. If people want to go there, they can. Now if they are going there to sit and WAIT for him on purpose, then THAT is another story, I agree. However, I think in some sort of a dementia people who go to sit in front of Morrissey's house do it because they are star-struck, or they want to be near him, or they want him to sign something for them. I don't think it's too far from the reality that someone uses justification to take drugs or over drink or walk up to someone they've never met to say hi and maybe start a relationship. You see, it is all mental work that because you have never been in their shoes, you might not understand. Why be so critical of something you haven't experineced yourself? You have no idea what you would do in their same exact position. You would find some reason or another to go see his house once, just once. Honestly, you don't think you would?
Re: If anyone posts Moz's addy...

> (Ummm, weren't you one of the so-called-loonies who piped up
> about the pics? Just a thought)...

I didn't start the whole Chris is stalking crap! That was you and your buds.

> it's like
> Or so you care to believe. And is everyone who has his address a
> stalker to you? So if someone had inadvertently given you his
> address, you would be the only one in posession of it that
> WOULDN'T be classified as a stalker, right? You are the one who
> is sane enough to tell everyone else who has it that THEY are
> the ones stalking him, even though you have nothing to back that
> up, right?

Oh @#!!! me up the ass and call me Juanita....where do you get this stuff?

I can't control the spectrum of the space/time universe, OK? I can't stop random strangers from emailing me stuff i never asked for! How can I ask them if I don't know who they are? Do I just sit around and start typing in random email addresses until someone responds? And it's not like catching cooties!

ooooh. i feel WEAK. my head is starting to throb and i see spots. grandma, is that you? hand....oh my god! it's dialing southwest airlines and requesting a direct flight to LA! No! What has become of me? What have *they* done?!?! make it stop! make it stop!!!!!!!

> that's why you have yet to see anyone around here

> David would delete the message instantly. Believe me...even MY
> privacy was respected when one of the idiots who decided to post
> MY address by David, who almost immediately deleted it. As much
> as he may not like me, if he respects someone's privacy that
> much, I suppose you would imagine what he would do if someone
> were to be so stupid as to post Morrissey's address here. He
> probably has a pager that is attached somehow to this website
> that lets him know the MINUTE that address is posted, so he can
> act on it. And when did anyone lay claim to THAT action? The
> people who managed to come across Morrissey's address (I myself
> worked in a furniture store where he happened to shop...lucky
> me. FYI: that last part said with sarcasm.) are NOT particularly
> ALL the types to think they are 'special' compared to others. It
> is the perception, I believe, of those who WANT the address,
> can't get a reasonable way to find it out, and feel jealousy
> towards those who DO have it and don't trust people like you
> enough to give it out to you, to call those of us that DO have
> it names. I care about Morrissey's safety as much as I think
> about yours or Mimi's, or my co-workers for small example. I
> know them by association, I am a kind enough person to think of
> them pleasantly, so when the idea comes up that one of those
> people may be in harms way, I feel a tad distressed. Get it?
> Probably not.

methinks you are pissed beyond all getout that you aren't special anymore.
Re: You can't stand on the front lawn

> If you wanted to stand on his front lawn, you'd have to hop the
> fence. His street is a public road. If people want to go there,
> they can. Now if they are going there to sit and WAIT for him on
> purpose, then THAT is another story, I agree. However, I think
> in some sort of a dementia people who go to sit in front of
> Morrissey's house do it because they are star-struck, or they
> want to be near him, or they want him to sign something for
> them. I don't think it's too far from the reality that someone
> uses justification to take drugs or over drink or walk up to
> someone they've never met to say hi and maybe start a
> relationship. You see, it is all mental work that because you
> have never been in their shoes, you might not understand. Why be
> so critical of something you haven't experineced yourself? You
> have no idea what you would do in their same exact position. You
> would find some reason or another to go see his house once, just
> once. Honestly, you don't think you would?

i don't live in his state, obviously, so getting from here to there is a major expedition in itself. the only reason i would go is if he knew i was coming and we were acquainted.

but you're somewhat right. i mean, getting up the nerve to do it. if, for some reason, i had gone through years of counseling and popped out the other side some amazingly charming and jovial person who is used to collecting friends the same way you collect happy meal toys and gained some sort of brazeness thinking that some guy who sees me in his yard and is debating on whether or not to call the police or just go down and sign an autograph to get rid of me might leave the meeting potentially un-irked that i showed up....i'm eons away from being to the point where even alcohol would give me courage.

...but you see, i live my life sneaking out the back door. i like it when people don't know i'm there. i can't deny slowing down, and taking a look, but i think if the front door opened, i would probably high tail it.
Re: You mean you didn't save the pics?

> I'm glad to see Chris took the pics of Moz's house down.

Such a tempest in a teapot over a few photos of Morrissey's abode. Celebrities' homes are in many magazines, newspapers, and yes ... in the tabloids too. I'm sure he has taken care to insure home is protected just like the rest of us.

My own alarm screams out "intruder alert - leave the area", and the siren wails until the authorities arrive or I (red-faced) turn the thing off.
I didn't even read the whole reply...

> I didn't start the whole Chris is stalking crap! That was you
> and your buds.

> Oh @#!!! me up the ass and call me Juanita....where do you get
> this stuff?

> I can't control the spectrum of the space/time universe, OK? I
> can't stop random strangers from emailing me stuff i never asked
> for! How can I ask them if I don't know who they are? Do I just
> sit around and start typing in random email addresses until
> someone responds? And it's not like catching cooties!

> ooooh. i feel WEAK. my head is starting to throb and i see
> spots. grandma, is that you? hand....oh my god! it's
> dialing southwest airlines and requesting a direct flight to LA!
> No! What has become of me? What have *they* done?!?! make it
> stop! make it stop!!!!!!!

> methinks you are pissed beyond all getout that you aren't
> special anymore.

I never was special. Don't be a dope, Suzanne. I just saw the beginning and the end of this post, and it was enough. I didn't start ANYTHING involving this thread. As usual you choose to try to grandize what was only this little itty bitty thing to begin with, only to try and make YOURSELF feel more special. Good luck.

beep beep!

i'm driving a big ol' 18 wheeler through your argument.

> I never was special. Don't be a dope, Suzanne. I just saw the
> beginning and the end of this post, and it was enough.

well, then how do you know the middle part has nothing you want to read? it's very funny that you have to make it very clear you hadn't read it.

>I didn't
> start ANYTHING involving this thread. As usual you choose to try
> to grandize what was only this little itty bitty thing to begin
> with, only to try and make YOURSELF feel more special. Good
> luck.

i'm not going to give the instant replay of what just happened. But i was having a nice discussion with angel about what it means to be sitting around outside of moz's house as a past time.
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