Gary Day


Dorian Kray

Unfortunately I don´t have the time to check all the reports and posts about Mozzer´s shows. But is it true that Gary Day rejoined the band?
That would be simply great, eh?
So, is it a rumour or is it true???

Tell YOUR Morrissey/Smiffs story
What's so great about Gary Day? Is he a brilliant bassist or do people just like him cuz he's sexy and he has a lot of tattoos?

> Unfortunately I don´t have the time to check all the reports and
> posts about Mozzer´s shows. But is it true that Gary Day
> rejoined the band?
> That would be simply great, eh?
> So, is it a rumour or is it true???
> Chairs.
Definetly the sexiness and tatoos, anyways i wonder how does
jonny bridgwood feels about being tanked.
You mean he plays bass too?

> What's so great about Gary Day? Is he a brilliant bassist or do
> people just like him cuz he's sexy and he has a lot of tattoos?
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