For Let's Go Devils and Celtic.


Andy I.

You know all about self-tanners and tanning, and medications like for OCD, you seem very wise! Have you heard of Swiss Exersise balls in America? you can do you exersises on a blow-up ball! Do people do much yoga in America?
> You know all about self-tanners and tanning, and medications like for OCD,
> you seem very wise! Have you heard of Swiss Exersise balls in America? you
> can do you exersises on a blow-up ball! Do people do much yoga in America?
Do you do Yoga? I do a combination of Yoga and Pilates. I've seen that ball in the store, but all you need is a good mat. I really like Pilates because you get fast results and it doesn't feel like your working out at all. Denise Austin is really good.
Re: Yes we do Yoga, Pilates and Thi Chi.

I have done some Yoga and Pilates. There are so many different types of Yoga. I did Ashtanga? Yoga or something like that. I have never tryed Thai Chi but I would love to some day!! You can get much smaller health balls for doing yoga with too. Who is Denise Austin?
Re: I went to the Sivanada Yoga Centre in Putney South West London for a bit.

They had a shrine to their Hindu Gods. I liked the sky lights because you could look up at them when lying down doing breathing exersises. They used to cook sort of cross between Ayavdic food like the Indian form of medician Ayavada and also Japanese Macro-biotic food I wasn't into their food only the yoga.
Re: Yes we do Yoga, Pilates and Thi Chi.

> I have done some Yoga and Pilates. There are so many different types of
> Yoga. I did Ashtanga? Yoga or something like that. I have never tryed Thai
> Chi but I would love to some day!! You can get much smaller health balls
> for doing yoga with too. Who is Denise Austin?
Here is the link to her main site:
You sound much more advanced than I am
This DVD is really good.
Re: Yes we do Yoga, Pilates and Thi Chi.

> Here is the link to her main site:
> ?
> You sound much more advanced than I am
> This DVD is really good.
Thats a video, not DVD.
Re: For Let's Go Devils and Celtic-I want a threesome wih you and Andy Rourke

> You know all about self-tanners and tanning, and medications like for OCD,
> you seem very wise! Have you heard of Swiss Exersise balls in America? you
> can do you exersises on a blow-up ball! Do people do much yoga in America?
That would be my dream
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