fao of mozzerian


Grim O'Grady

I'm hoping to be in Chester on Saturday, want to meet up?


Grim O'Grady
How interesting that he's not answering you. He's a coward. Let's see him try to get out of this one.
> I'm hoping to be in Chester on Saturday, want to meet up?

> love

> Grim O'Grady

ooh, you like the high life don't ya fatty, chester, that's bigtime.
name the time the place etc etc, you won't show up, anyone can pretend.
you'll be sat in the house feeding the ugly sprogs pie and mash, as usual,
as for "anderson"

> How interesting that he's not answering you. He's a coward. Let's see him
> try to get out of this one.

how interesting that you expect to answer immediately
YOU spend all day here, not me, take a break saddo
oh, and i will only answer "real" screen names, not all
of a sudden cowards, so get your real name or i will ignore
you, like everyone else does lol
> I'm hoping to be in Chester on Saturday, want to meet up?

> love

> Grim O'Grady

why in God's name would anyone want to go to Ch**ter?
> why in God's name would anyone want to go to Ch**ter?

because it's twelve LOVELY miles from shit arsed wrexham you acton park freak
> because it's twelve LOVELY miles from shit arsed wrexham you acton park
> freak

HAHA! someone knows a bit too much about Wrexham I think... been looking for some dick in Acton Park,knobhead?

> HAHA! someone knows a bit too much about Wrexham I think... been looking
> for some dick in Acton Park,knobhead?

i used to live in the godforsaken hole. As for looking for dick
in acton park, thought that had stopped years ago, i bow to your
superior experience young jedi, by the way are you hung?
People, people, people! Why all the bickering and arguing? Fighting amongst ourselves is not what this site is about. This site is about hating Ian.

I assume then Ian that you don't live in Chester? Like I say, I live in Walthamstow, if you fancy meeting me there to sort out our differences. Or are you going to come up with another lame excuse not to?
i warned you to come clean with your id would not go near that dump!
i think it's CHRIS ADAMS LMAO!!! SUSSED! Hows your ugly mum?
That answers that then. COWARD!

You are so incredibly spineless. I said I'd meet you to sort you out and you have refused. You are a coward. You are still shaking from the kicking I saw you get in Bradford. YOU ARE A COWARD!!!!!!

My full name, if you really need it, is Sean Anderson. I was born in Bromley but now live in Walthamstow. I am 28 years old. ANYTHING ELSE YOU f***ING NEED, COWARD?????
Re: That answers that then. COWARD!

> You are so incredibly spineless. I said I'd meet you to sort you out and
> you have refused. You are a coward. You are still shaking from the kicking
> I saw you get in Bradford. YOU ARE A COWARD!!!!!!

> My full name, if you really need it, is Sean Anderson. I was born in
> Bromley but now live in Walthamstow. I am 28 years old. ANYTHING ELSE YOU
> f***ING NEED, COWARD?????

yeah right, just started posting here recently then, thought you saw me get a kicking so what was your name then? you're a joke, i think you knew that tho.

why would i travel 300 miles to meet an anonymous twat who doesnt know what i look like, hides behind a computer screen and stays here ALL day just to talk to me, you f***ing love me!

go out, find a girl or i suspect more likely, an older man around 60 to replace dead daddy! LMAO, i'll never give in.
Re: That answers that then. COWARD!

> You are so incredibly spineless. I said I'd meet you to sort you out and
> you have refused. You are a coward. You are still shaking from the kicking
> I saw you get in Bradford. YOU ARE A COWARD!!!!!!

> My full name, if you really need it, is Sean Anderson. I was born in
> Bromley but now live in Walthamstow. I am 28 years old. ANYTHING ELSE YOU
> f***ING NEED, COWARD?????

He needs to get out more.
Re: That answers that then. COWARD!

So you're chickening out? I knew I'd win. YOU'RE SPINELESS, YOU PISS-SOAKED COWARD!
yes, that's brilliant, you're not boring everyone to tears, keep it up bore.
Re: yes, that's brilliant, you're not boring everyone to tears, keep it up bore.

You chickened out. I won. You're spineless.
yes, you won, well done, i have to live a life, you stay here and await my next message LOL!

Well, you witnessed it here, folks. Big, tough, wealthy, gay, beaten-up Ian was offered the chance to say what he needed to straight to my face and he chickened out like the spineless nothing he really is. Next time he tries to annoy anyone, let's just remember this.

Bye, Ian. COWARD!
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