F.A.O Nick the Zionist

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Re: I don't abide Codreanu's Jew-bashing. It's a pathetic world I'm trapped in.

I totally agree with you regarding Che Guevara.
I don't see why people admire this man.
Same with Stalin, who murdered as many people as Hitler and Mussolini did and is considered a "hero" by a great many people.

Never heard El Vez, though, don't know where he's coming from and what does he talk about in his lyrics.

> I've always felt conflicted about Codreanu, given the source of his screen
> name and the way he always pats Seriously Flawed on the back when she's
> giddily and tediously obsessing on Jews. Seriously Flawed has often said
> that she just likes to argue any point for the heck of it, which makes one
> never really abl to know where her heart is. However, she's pretty
> consistant on the hating Jews thing, so I'm inclined to believe that's
> sincere. Same goes for Codreanu.

> Outside of his racism, I like Codreanu. He's got a lot of redeeming
> qualities: intelligent, great taste in music, funny, nice and thoughtful
> to everyone. I wish he wouldn't continue to undermine all his good
> qualities with his racism. People will always be able to dismiss him as a
> racist. I try not to dismiss the good points of people, but others will,
> and he's asking for it. Why does he do that to himself? And what is so
> cool about the real Mr. Codreanu from whom he gets his name? I went to
> Cod's links and the guy was the lowest of the low.

> At the end of the day I find myself having to accept the idiocy of others
> everywhere I turn, on the left and the right. For example, last night I
> was listening to one of my El Vez CDs and I've gotta hear El Vez (whom I
> generally like) screaming "Che it loud!" (shout outs to Che
> Guevera) and yapping about totalitarian Zapatistas, and then I have to
> read empty-headed lefty music critics lauding El Vez for
> "educating" people. Excuse me for laughing at the idea that an
> admirer of a communist murderer could be educating anyone. But I don't
> think this means El Vez has a rotten heart. He just got his head filled
> with bullshit from somewhere, thinks it's fashionable, and knows little
> about what he's talking.

> It's a pathetic world I find myself stuck in.

> I'm just passing through here, on my way to someplace civilized.
Re: Theo, I saw this and thought of you

> Can't say I took it all in myself, just noted the two subjects and
> remembered your interest in both.

> Here's something else.

Wow! Thanks, Benton. Christopher and Peter together! I'm really glad you forwarded this to me!!!

Did you click to the extended version of it?

I loved this part:

Female audience member: Excuse me. I'm not usually awkward at all but I'm sitting here and we're asked not to smoke. And I don't like being in a room where smoking is going on.

CH: Well you don't have to stay darling, do you? I'm working here and I'm your guest, OK? And this is what I'm like; nobody has to like it.

IK: Would you just stub that one out?

CH: No. I cleared it with the festival a long time ago. They let me do it.

FAM: We should all be allowed to smoke then.

CH: Fair enough. I wouldn't object. It might get pretty nasty though. I have a privileged position here, I'm not just one of the audience, so it would be horrible if everyone was like me. This is my last of five gigs, I've worked very hard for the festival. I'm going from here to Heathrow airport. If anyone doesn't like it they can kiss my ass.

I think I now have enough time to read the previous link you sent, which does indeed interest me.

Thank you.
Re: I don't abide Codreanu's Jew-bashing. It's a pathetic world I'm trapped in.

> I totally agree with you regarding Che Guevara.
> I don't see why people admire this man.
> Same with Stalin, who murdered as many people as Hitler and Mussolini did
> and is considered a "hero" by a great many people.

We're totally in agreement, lg.

I read something interesting once comparing the current cult of Che to the cult of Napolean amonst young males in the 19th century, and how people who should've known better would separate his evil from his glamour. I'm a little too spaced out right now to post on that, however.

> Never heard El Vez, though, don't know where he's coming from and what
> does he talk about in his lyrics.

El Vez is really fun. He's a goof who means well and makes me smile anyway. It's just a few things he throws in the lyrics that are slightly grating to me. He thinks what the world needs is a cross between Elvis Presley and Che Guevera. He probably just thought that sounded cool.
Re: I don't abide Codreanu's Jew-bashing. It's a pathetic world I'm trapped in.

Live and learn. I thought we could never agree on something.
Viva Moz-solo.
P.s. I don't think Napoleon was a bad leader, despite the guillotine overuse.

> We're totally in agreement, lg.

> I read something interesting once comparing the current cult of Che to the
> cult of Napolean amonst young males in the 19th century, and how people
> who should've known better would separate his evil from his glamour. I'm a
> little too spaced out right now to post on that, however.

> El Vez is really fun. He's a goof who means well and makes me smile
> anyway. It's just a few things he throws in the lyrics that are slightly
> grating to me. He thinks what the world needs is a cross between Elvis
> Presley and Che Guevera. He probably just thought that sounded cool.

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