Documentary now on Kazaa!



Filename - The Importance Of Being Morrissey.mpg
Size - 201MB
Keywords - Morrissey The Smiths Nancy Sinatra Will Self Kathy Burke Alan Bennett Noel Gallagher Chrissie Hynde

Original file was just under 1GB, so video and audio have both been compressed heavily for the sake of getting it out there. A much smaller file will be available on Kazaa tomorrow night for 56k users (probably divided into 4 parts).

I'm going to reimport the original DV copy to my desktop via a firewire connection later in the week, so those looking for a top notch copy for free will have to wait until then. If you pay for it, you're a mug.

Hey Lutewhine,

I have a good amount of webspace to share. Do you have aol Messenger so we can transfer the file there. My search on Kazaa finished without any results. My aol screen name is (achildill). Once I get it I'll upload onto my server and help you distribute it even more, especially those who don't have Kazaa or are unable to download the program because of firewalls.

Just want to help.

ta, but...

AOL Messenger likes to destroy my computer, I'm afraid, so unless you can think of another way for me to get it to you, you'll just have to keep searching.

If you've had no joy by tomorrow, post on here and I'll sort out getting a CD copy to you.
Need a Mac version, QuickTime

> Filename - The Importance Of Being Morrissey.mpg
> Size - 201MB

Thanks, for that. I'm on a Mac. Can't get kazaa for a Mac. Any chance of a QuickTime version.
Re: ta, but...

Great... I've tried about 50 times now to search for it but to no avail. If anyone successfully gets the file through Kazaa and you have AOL instant messenger please let me know and Instant Message me @ this screen name :: achildill

Thanks for the cd lutewhine...Hopefully I get it by tonight.

> Filename - The Importance Of Being Morrissey.mpg
> Size - 201MB
> Keywords - Morrissey The Smiths Nancy Sinatra Will Self Kathy Burke Alan
> Bennett Noel Gallagher Chrissie Hynde

> Original file was just under 1GB, so video and audio have both been
> compressed heavily for the sake of getting it out there. A much smaller
> file will be available on Kazaa tomorrow night for 56k users (probably
> divided into 4 parts).

> I'm going to reimport the original DV copy to my desktop via a firewire
> connection later in the week, so those looking for a top notch copy for
> free will have to wait until then. If you pay for it, you're a mug.

> Enjoy!

Can you transfer it on MSN? I'm willing to trade if you want.
Re: Need a Mac version, QuickTime

> Thanks, for that. I'm on a Mac. Can't get kazaa for a Mac. Any chance of a
> QuickTime version.

It's an .avi renamed as a .mpg, so it should be fine for Quicktime. Short of someone downloading it and hosting it (as the above poster has offered to do) Kazaa's the most straightforward way I can think of to circulate it. Apols if this alienates all ye mac folk!
Re: Need a Mac version, QuickTime

Perhaps you could email it to me, Lutwhine? And I could then, in turn, post it on a site -- most likely an FTP server -- for the faithful to download?
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