Describe yourself... in one word!

Was that Eskimo?! :eek:

According to Wikipedia:

The word itself has obscure origins, pertaining as to when it was first used, but the roots are fairly clear, as Richard Lederer wrote in his book Crazy English: super- "above," cali- "beauty," fragilistic- "delicate," expiali- "to atone," and docious- "educable," the sum meaning roughly "Atoning for extreme and delicate beauty while still being highly educable."
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Mom says : "anti-social"
Brother says: "nerd"
Brother's Girlfriend says: "wierd"
Friends say: "fabulous"

I say... "apathetic" :p
this is something i try to be and believe in:

(I am sure nobody figured that.)
^Funny, I thought for sure it would have been: poet.
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