Morrissey Central "DAVID VANCE" (June 17, 2023)



SER is the person 'super fans' tag to see some of their posts which then appear on Central (look at tour posts on IG) - I've seen that happen in real time (normally even quicker if Jesse liked/shared it first).
I have seen with my own eyes him come online and a post within minutes appears on Central. The secondary IG acc. was made by him. Central is hosted on his own web space and there was a period of time where some of the anti-vax, conspiracy rants and animal welfare stories were shared on his private FB prior to then appearing on Central.
I don't subscribe to the hysterical take on the state of things, but to say he has no role is just not true IMHO.
Similarly, Donnie has been suggested as having influence there & Jesse too (there have been several cases of Tobias posting something on socials to appear on Central within minutes too). Obviously, that plays in to recent narratives around group dynamics also...
He has - but it was the NME who linked him to the BNP & he denied it & eventually sued.

Now a website run by his nephew is connecting him to the far right.

If he's not fully aware of it, then it's a really cruel thing to do to him. If he is aware of it, then he's not gaining anything by not talking about it.
Malarkey, I like you and your contributions, but you need to stop living in denial about Morrissey. He is a grown man, who has agency, his own voice and his own opinions, many of which have been unpleasant and align with posting about David Vance. He isn't some poor, geriatric old man being groomed and controlled by his nephew. He's a multimillionaire with shit opinions. There's nothing new or surprising about that - it's par for the course where rich c***s are concerned.

Assume that everything posted on Central is done with Morrissey's approval and align completely with his views.
But promoting this guy's tweet on Morrissey Central does the opposite of showing that Morrissey despises any of his views. Why would you want to have a discussion or find common ground with someone who calls gays Satanists? How exactly did Moz think that would help his recent PR problems? In addition, was Moz aware that this Vance guy is proudly declaring himself as a meat eater with pictures of steaks on the grill? Unless, of course, M has superglued his finger to the self destruct button......
Let me explain this to you really simply. It's ok to disagree with someone on some things. And agree with them on other things. Or at least, it used to be ok.
So if SER doesn't decide what goes on Central and it's *obviously* not our beloved Moz, because that would just be too awful to contemplate, then who could the mystery person be?

Is it...Damon?
Has he actually said anything homophobic? Or has he just criticised kids in primary school being exposed to fairly adult and extreme LGBTQi+abc-xyz propaganda?
I'd agree that kids are being exposed and swamped in 'LGBTQ whatever letter is next' and shouldn't be. They're too young for all that scour. There is an agenda out there to sexualise kids. It's a disgrace. Let kids be kids.
Malarkey, I like you and your contributions, but you need to stop living in denial about Morrissey. He is a grown man, who has agency, his own voice and his own opinions, many of which have been unpleasant and align with posting about David Vance. He isn't some poor, geriatric old man being groomed and controlled by his nephew. He's a multimillionaire with shit opinions. There's nothing new or surprising about that - it's par for the course where rich c***s are concerned.

Assume that everything posted on Central is done with Morrissey's approval and align completely with his views.

But he's not aligning with his own views!
But he's not aligning with his own views!
What are his own views?

Remember, this is the same Morrissey who said "the Chinese are a subspecies"; "Berlin is the rape capital of Europe"; he voiced support for For Britain, a known far-right party.

Which views are you thinking of?
Folks act like they hate it when Moz posts stuff like this,
but they actually really like it.
It allows folks to get on their high horse.
Others get on their soap box.
Some do a little smug nugglin'.
There's also those who get to messin' with vaingloriousness.
So if SER doesn't decide what goes on Central and it's *obviously* not our beloved Moz, because that would just be too awful to contemplate, then who could the mystery person be?

Is it...Damon?

You're keeping a close eye on Twitter.

And yet people still act surprised that it's Morrissey who approves this shit, because they like to pretend he's still the same Morrissey who played gigs at Red Wedge and can't possibly handle that he's just turned into another boring, middle aged man with shit opinions (this isn't surprising by the way - these men exist in almost every British family, and we grew up with blokes like this around us).
What are his own views?

Remember, this is the same Morrissey who said "the Chinese are a subspecies"; "Berlin is the rape capital of Europe"; he voiced support for For Britain, a known far-right party.

Which views are you thinking of?

That he despises racism, fascism & would do anything for his Muslim friends for a start.

He said Germany. Der Spiegal changed it to Berlin to make it make more sense.
Let me explain this to you really simply. It's ok to disagree with someone on some things. And agree with them on other things. Or at least, it used to be ok.
This is the most bizarre thing, isn't it? Just such a huge change in how we are now encouraged to deal with other people. That if they have even one thing that goes against our own beliefs, then they must be shunned, shamed or ignored. It is the most bizarre time to be living through.

There's a great interview in the Telegraph today (I know, oh my god, the Telegraph, evil, etc) with Martin McDonagh and Lily Allen, which touches upon all of this. Quote from Lily Allen:

LA I think we’re at a really interesting time, in terms of civilisation, the internet and freedom of speech, and "The Pillowman" raises a lot of questions around that. One of the reasons why I’m doing this play and not doing music is because I do feel, as someone who likes to push boundaries in terms of commenting on society and politics or whatever it is – sex, relationships – I’m not up for it at the moment. I can’t be bothered with the pushback. I’m exhausted by it.

And quote from Martin McDonagh:

MM I’ve had theatres asking me to change words [in scripts] and then not put the play on when I refused. I always thought a lot of small towns in Ireland were racist places, so not to have that language in some of the plays would have been lying. One theatre didn’t get that it’s a comment on Ireland, as opposed to me being a racist writer. When you’ve got a thousand theatres like that, then you’re in trouble. If there’s a war on creativity, I’ll be leading the resistance – but I’m hopeful that cancel culture is a passing fad. At the time of the Hollywood blacklists, it seemed it was always going to be like that. But it’s gone.
That he despises racism, fascism & would do anything for his Muslim friends for a start.

He said Germany. Der Spiegal changed it to Berlin to make it make more sense.

Many people who are racist say they aren't racist, and similar such things as "I can't be racist, I have a black friend."

Maybe Morrissey doesn't see himself as a racist. However, he finds himself adjacent to racists, or endorsing known racists (For Britain, Tommy Robinson etc.), reposting known racists (David Vance), saying things that racists say, like Germany being the rape capital of Europe, or that Hitler was left wing, or the Chinese are a subspecies etc. etc.

Actual fascists and racists also deny being fascists and racists - this is very common and, again, nothing new or surprising.
And yet people still act surprised that it's Morrissey who approves this shit, because they like to pretend he's still the same Morrissey who played gigs at Red Wedge and can't possibly handle that he's just turned into another boring, middle aged man with shit opinions (this isn't surprising by the way - these men exist in almost every British family, and we grew up with blokes like this around us).
So you're 'just another' ageist and anti- men super-exciting unique no name for it yet lifeform.

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