Cardiff - Motorpoint Arena (Mar. 18, 2015) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


The Queen Is Dead / Suedehead / Staircase At The University / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Kiss Me A Lot / Istanbul / Neal Cassady Drops Dead / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Speedway / Scandinavia / One Of Our Own / Meat is Murder / Trouble Loves Me / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Kick The Bride Down The Aisle / I'm Not A Man / The Bullfighter Dies / What She Said // First Of The Gang To Die

setlist provided by mozzalini999.

  • Photo by Kevin Pick - from We Are Mozzerians / Facebook. Link posted by docinwestchester.

  • Review by Kirstie McCrum (5/5 stars) - Wales Online
  • Review by Leah Davies - South Wales Argus
  • Review and photos (20 total) by Kevin Pick -
  • Morrissey review – in shockingly good voice throughout by Ben Thompson (4 / 5 stars, 1 photo) - The Guardian. Link posted by an anonymous person.
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Hi all i'm here to talk about my experience of the concert. It was my first time seeing Moz, i'm 17 and from Powys in Wales, and I absolutely loved it! It was INCREDIBLE! I went with my friend Bella, also her first time seeing him. I was seated (which I think I rather really, and it became a blessing as I had a nosebleed about 4 songs in. I couldn't get out and go to the toilet, no chance I was missing any of it, so I just got a hanky, pinched my nose and kept watching. I stained my 'Smiths Is Dead' t shirt in the process. Typical me, typical me, typical me). Where I was sitting, Buffy Sainte Marie was met with bemusement and stiff upper lips. Not quite what I expected, pretty nutty and not necessarily in a good way. She is 74 though, fair play to her! There was cheering when Buffy and her band left the stage. The montage of Youtube-quality videos was interesting if maybe a little tedious in parts, but it felt like Morrissey was showing you something he wanted you to watch and that was very cool. Nice to see Visage in there, nice tribute. The actual gig, well it was of course fantastic! I loved the setlist, rather rounded and not 'greatest hits'. The new album translates very well live, especially the more upbeat numbers like "Kiss Me Alot" and "The Bullfighter Dies". "Istanbul" is my favourite on the album, very happy to hear that. Of course, the Smiths tracks (That bit of Rubber Ring! Oh!) and stuff like "Suedehead" "Every Day Is Like Sunday" and "First of the Gang" were the highlights. It was the first time i've ever heard "One of Our Own", I must have missed it last year, and I really love it it's become a favourite. It was a real highlight for me. Moz's tribute to Free's Andy Fraser, who's passed away, was very sweet "Some of you are too young to remember, but some of us are too old to forget". OH and did I see Moz pick up somebody's flowers and VERY briefly swing them around Smiths style? I really hope my eyes weren't deceiving me, that was very special. I don't know what else to say about the gig that hasn't already probably been said. After the concert ended me and Bella waited outside the back of the venue for nearly two hours in the hope of seeing M. There was a few other young fans with us too, nice to see that. We were the last ones waiting there, he went past in a blacked-out lorry, we didn't see him but we weren't disappointing. The gig was fantastic, a great memory. I really really want to see him again. I hope everybody else had a great time too.

Thanks for this, takes me back to my first Morrissey gig x glad you enjoyed it and you should try to go to Birmingham...even if old men with cheesy agendas might be in attendance. And I don't mean Morrissey

Note to mods: This is what the reviews threads should be like.
I don't continually engage with them but then I don't continually engage with anyone.

It's just getting beyond a joke now with their observations clogging up every tour thread. I mean it's always been bad with trolls etc but having read the reviews from say 11 years ago (or even 5) I posted about gigs this website has become redundant for discussing each fan's experience of a Morrissey show. Perhaps that's down to the growth of social media or, more likely, people just cannot be bothered enlightening other fans of Morrissey from around the globe

Hence I can't be arsed writing detailed reviews about the gigs anymore. That's because I'm obviously a drunken oaf at any gig I go to who rubs his body with cheese panini in the foyer of his local arena.

But I would like to read about other's experiences. How many actual reviews are there on this post-show thread? It's a f***ing joke and we await with not-so-baited breath the latest outpourings from the belligerent bastards after tonight's gig where they'll be hovering over their computers waiting for the comments thread to open.

Next week should see the double whammy of a gig and a television appearance. I hope Brummie Biy et al have their tangerines and nooses ready for what will be the height of their orgasmic life this century.

I just hope they put it on X-hamster too.

The lunatics really have taken over the asylum

Explain to me how Morrissey is allowed his (often vile) opinions, you are allowed your opinions, and yet others are not allowed theirs? How exactly does that work?
I don't continually engage with them but then I don't continually engage with anyone.

It's just getting beyond a joke now with their observations clogging up every tour thread. I mean it's always been bad with trolls etc but having read the reviews from say 11 years ago (or even 5) I posted about gigs this website has become redundant for discussing each fan's experience of a Morrissey show. Perhaps that's down to the growth of social media or, more likely, people just cannot be bothered enlightening other fans of Morrissey from around the globe

Hence I can't be arsed writing detailed reviews about the gigs anymore. That's because I'm obviously a drunken oaf at any gig I go to who rubs his body with cheese panini in the foyer of his local arena.

But I would like to read about other's experiences. How many actual reviews are there on this post-show thread? It's a f***ing joke and we await with not-so-baited breath the latest outpourings from the belligerent bastards after tonight's gig where they'll be hovering over their computers waiting for the comments thread to open.

Next week should see the double whammy of a gig and a television appearance. I hope Brummie Biy et al have their tangerines and nooses ready for what will be the height of their orgasmic life this century.

I just hope they put it on X-hamster too.

The lunatics really have taken over the asylum

I completely agree. But what I find actually even more annoying is that someone like this 17 year old person shares this lovely concert experience (even the first concert) with us and then, maybe, reads all this pointless drivel and is put off. That must not be. I mean, I'm quite used to it now, even though it still upsets me more than it should, but is it really necessary to spoil the experience of such young people?
Explain to me how Morrissey is allowed his (often vile) opinions, you are allowed your opinions, and yet others are not allowed theirs? How exactly does that work?

It's a f***ing thread about the gig in Cardiff where as far as I am aware Morrissey said nothing controversial, did nothing controversial and undertook a rather professional performance in front of half-full venue. (although I may have been drunk but i really wasn't that inebriated, mum)

Even Brummie Boy seems enlightened by somebody who allegedly was indoctrinated in the "Dad-rock cult" informing him about the tribute to the Free bassist. Which is ironic in itself. And how many pages to gleam that info????

So feel Free to criticise Morrissey, he often deserves it, but I just think the gig reviews should just concentrate on the shows and NOT the agenda some people have concerning the Fuhrer. Unless Morrissey's actions or remarks invite such criticism.

We all now the Meat is Murder video and the arguments for and against it and it's becoming increasingly tedious.
I agree that Morrissey needs to be challenged.

He is fascinating. Like a car-crash. This site is rubber-necking, but that goes with being a fame whore and he's the worst of those.

Sadly, I expect him to implode catastrophically soon as he realises there is no way he can carry on peddling his silly conspiracy theories about his failure to achieve superstardom. The reality is most people just think he's an amusing prat who happens to have a nice voice.

For whatever reason that torments him, yet he's assiduously cultivated his crank image.

Nobody on this site ever provides a rational defence of his excesses, merely claiming that by posting to such a site one is signing up to some archaic notion of 'fandom' and that this precludes stinging criticism of his behaviour.


Even if you, Benny and Barleycunt DO believe that Morrissey "needs to be challenged", why not do it on a bigger, more prominent platform, rather than a single inconsequential website? It's not as though the music industry or the wider media takes notice of this site or that you've been able to influence the world's opinion of Morrissey by posting here. You, Benny and Barleycunt are in a very tiny minority (which you acknowledge because everyone who doesn't agree with you three are "sycophants" and "blind followers" and "The Cult" etc). You clearly think you have a flair for prose or you wouldn't continually post such epic verbiage on here. Entertainment sections in newspapers and magazines are crying out for original, witty, insightful freelance pieces, ditto the wide variety of music magazines. If you have a serious conviction about this, it's odd that you should limit yourself to one irrelevant website where no one takes you seriously. Personally, I think this "Morrissey needs to be challenged" crap is just a grandiose way of trying to justify the endless amount of time you spend here saying essentially the same thing to no effect whatsoever. But hey, if that's what floats your boat...

"Fascinating like a car crash" - yeah, but no one sticks around gawping morbidly for as long as you do, day after day, year in, year out. Sorry, but that's an incredibly weak and implausible reason for the amount of time you spend here.

"Silly conspiracy theories to achieve superstardom" - and if that's not itself the silliest conspiracy theory of all, then heaven knows what is.

"Most people think he's an amusing prat who happens to have a nice voice" - but that doesn't really explain the worldwide devotion you're at pains to insist doesn't really exist. The Cult of The List amounts to about thirty people at the very most. This isn't anywhere near enough to sustain the amount of tickets he's able to sell all over the world - and does so in spite of his well known history of illness/cancellations, nor does it explain the fervour shared by thousands at these gigs. There has to be something more than an "amusing prat". In any case, we know you're not talking for "most people" - you're just expressing your own prejudices and inventing the generalised and unconvincing anecdotal evidence of "most people".

"Assiduously invented crank image" - slighty ironic coming from you of all people, Bummie.

"Rational defence of his excesses" - maybe because no one here ever makes a rational case that he has any "excesses"? Certainly nothing you, Benny or Barleycunt write is ever rational, it's just a tsunami of unfocused anger, unintentionally hilarious syllogisms and bizarre conspiracy theories - you know, like the conspiracy theories you accuse him of indulging in. And that's the biggest irony of all - you demonstrate time and time again that you lack the self-awareness to see that you yourself (and Benny and Barleycunt) are just as guilty of many of the same things for which you tediously berate Morrissey.

Come on Bummie, put your money where your mouth is. Dont be all talk and no f***. Set out your grievances and insights in a proper essay and submit it to a major newspaper or magazine. You say he needs to be challenged, well, by your own admission that doesn't work here because of The Cult and the sycophants who simply refuse to acknowledge or accept your startling revelations. But if that's your conviction, then why don't you do something serious about it instead of whining on an interenet forum every day (then pretend to leave, then come back, whine some more, etc etc) ?
It's a f***ing thread about the gig in Cardiff where as far as I am aware Morrissey said nothing controversial, did nothing controversial and undertook a rather professional performance in front of half-full venue. (although I may have been drunk but i really wasn't that inebriated, mum)

Even Brummie Boy seems enlightened by somebody who allegedly was indoctrinated in the "Dad-rock cult" informing him about the tribute to the Free bassist. Which is ironic in itself. And how many pages to gleam that info????

So feel Free to criticise Morrissey, he often deserves it, but I just think the gig reviews should just concentrate on the shows and NOT the agenda some people have concerning the Fuhrer. Unless Morrissey's actions or remarks invite such criticism.

We all now the Meat is Murder video and the arguments for and against it and it's becoming increasingly tedious.

How kind.

I'm pleased you enjoyed Cardiff and it went well for all concerned, however, Morrissey does not exist moment to moment. He, like the rest of us, is trapped in linear time. His opinions are known and the controversies he has often seemed to have deliberately manufactured stay with him. He has not resiled from a single one, however awful. That is the action not of an iconoclast, but a fool.

"You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?"

"I wear the chains I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it."
It's a f***ing thread about the gig in Cardiff where as far as I am aware Morrissey said nothing controversial, did nothing controversial and undertook a rather professional performance in front of half-full venue. (although I may have been drunk but i really wasn't that inebriated, mum)

Even Brummie Boy seems enlightened by somebody who allegedly was indoctrinated in the "Dad-rock cult" informing him about the tribute to the Free bassist. Which is ironic in itself. And how many pages to gleam that info????

So feel Free to criticise Morrissey, he often deserves it, but I just think the gig reviews should just concentrate on the shows and NOT the agenda some people have concerning the Fuhrer. Unless Morrissey's actions or remarks invite such criticism.

We all now the Meat is Murder video and the arguments for and against it and it's becoming increasingly tedious.

have you read any of your posts? they rants that have nothing to do with the gig.
Morrissey's voice is better than it has ever been. I'm glad that he's no nostalgia act and plays a majority of newer material.
I don't really see how it not being totally sold out has any relevance at all - the set was perfect, band were loud and Moz's vocals were on point. The thousands of people who were there seemed to go away happy. Who gives a shit about the people that WERENT there?
How kind.

I'm pleased you enjoyed Cardiff and it went well for all concerned, however, Morrissey does not exist moment to moment. He, like the rest of us, is trapped in linear time. His opinions are known and the controversies he has often seemed to have deliberately manufactured stay with him. He has not resiled from a single one, however awful. That is the action not of an iconoclast, but a fool.

"You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?"

"I wear the chains I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it."

The tour section explicitly states post your reviews and info. Nothing else. There are plenty of other opportunitites here to vent one's spleen about Morrissey's implied and express hypocrisy. E.g. Wouldn't most of the contents on this tour review thread been more appropriate in the PETA merchandising stall section? Therefore allowing those of us who wanted to read of a communal experience watching someone whom has beguiled us/ infuriated us/ I've got the Smiths Greatest Hits on CD in the car and thought he was quite good live the opportunity to discuss the concert?

Anyway regardless I appreciate your Scrooge analogy above., although you are subtly accepting Morrisey's insistence that he is not a performer! Which even I a veteran of 30 plus gigs find increasingly nonsensical.

And this is why posters like yourself and the other two B-Boys should not be put on ignore as you do make intelligent critiques some of the time.

I just get frustrated with lthe randomness of the editorial control here. Tour section should be for the reviews of shows and other related info.

There are plenty of other sub-forums to criticise Morrissey's latest records, pronouncements and sexual habits.
Then why don't you add to the content with some stimulating thoughts? Instead of just complaining?


Because I was not at the Cardiff-Motorpoint Arena and thus have nothing to say about the gig. I was hoping to read from those that did. Apparently, other people who also did not attend the concert in question, have decided to post the same thing on this thread they do on every other. And for some reason--people who claim to be annoyed at their disruption of this form--encourage them by responding to and arguing with them as opposed to ignoring them. Quite frankly the lot of you all deserve each other.

This site might as well be called Brummie Boy Solo as opposed to Morrissey-Solo at this point.

I really hope you're pleased with yourself. In fact, I have no doubt that you are.
have you read any of your posts? they rants that have nothing to do with the gig.

I'm fully aware of the irony of my later posts here. Thanks for pointing that out. Self-awareness has never been my strong point. Lmfao

My initial posts did start off reviewing the gig (in fairness to me) but I've allowed myself to become embroiled in a pointless slanging match because I'd really like the tour thread to be about the Morrissey gigs I and others have attended.

"Is that too much to ask?"

Evidently so
Morrissey's voice is better than it has ever been. I'm glad that he's no nostalgia act and plays a majority of newer material.
I don't really see how it not being totally sold out has any relevance at all - the set was perfect, band were loud and Moz's vocals were on point. The thousands of people who were there seemed to go away happy. Who gives a shit about the people that WERENT there?

i wasn't there and you have no idea what worries me - it was silent break during 'speedway'. he wasn't inspired for more? :(
I completely agree. But what I find actually even more annoying is that someone like this 17 year old person shares this lovely concert experience (even the first concert) with us and then, maybe, reads all this pointless drivel and is put off. That must not be. I mean, I'm quite used to it now, even though it still upsets me more than it should, but is it really necessary to spoil the experience of such young people?

What kind of stupid person are you? I thanked this young person for their extremely interesting and informative review. FAIL


- - - Updated - - -

Then what would be a proportionately misogynist word?

Bitch, please...

I don't continually engage with them but then I don't continually engage with anyone.

It's just getting beyond a joke now with their observations clogging up every tour thread. I mean it's always been bad with trolls etc but having read the reviews from say 11 years ago (or even 5) I posted about gigs this website has become redundant for discussing each fan's experience of a Morrissey show. Perhaps that's down to the growth of social media or, more likely, people just cannot be bothered enlightening other fans of Morrissey from around the globe

Hence I can't be arsed writing detailed reviews about the gigs anymore. That's because I'm obviously a drunken oaf at any gig I go to who rubs his body with cheese panini in the foyer of his local arena.

But I would like to read about other's experiences. How many actual reviews are there on this post-show thread? It's a f***ing joke and we await with not-so-baited breath the latest outpourings from the belligerent bastards after tonight's gig where they'll be hovering over their computers waiting for the comments thread to open.

Next week should see the double whammy of a gig and a television appearance. I hope Brummie Biy et al have their tangerines and nooses ready for what will be the height of their orgasmic life this century.

I just hope they put it on X-hamster too.

The lunatics really have taken over the asylum

I know it's a radical proposal/solution, could always just put people on Ignore?

Even if you, Benny and Barleycunt DO believe that Morrissey "needs to be challenged", why not do it on a bigger, more prominent platform, rather than a single inconsequential website? It's not as though the music industry or the wider media takes notice of this site or that you've been able to influence the world's opinion of Morrissey by posting here. You, Benny and Barleycunt are in a very tiny minority (which you acknowledge because everyone who doesn't agree with you three are "sycophants" and "blind followers" and "The Cult" etc). You clearly think you have a flair for prose or you wouldn't continually post such epic verbiage on here. Entertainment sections in newspapers and magazines are crying out for original, witty, insightful freelance pieces, ditto the wide variety of music magazines. If you have a serious conviction about this, it's odd that you should limit yourself to one irrelevant website where no one takes you seriously. Personally, I think this "Morrissey needs to be challenged" crap is just a grandiose way of trying to justify the endless amount of time you spend here saying essentially the same thing to no effect whatsoever. But hey, if that's what floats your boat...

"Fascinating like a car crash" - yeah, but no one sticks around gawping morbidly for as long as you do, day after day, year in, year out. Sorry, but that's an incredibly weak and implausible reason for the amount of time you spend here.

"Silly conspiracy theories to achieve superstardom" - and if that's not itself the silliest conspiracy theory of all, then heaven knows what is.

"Most people think he's an amusing prat who happens to have a nice voice" - but that doesn't really explain the worldwide devotion you're at pains to insist doesn't really exist. The Cult of The List amounts to about thirty people at the very most. This isn't anywhere near enough to sustain the amount of tickets he's able to sell all over the world - and does so in spite of his well known history of illness/cancellations, nor does it explain the fervour shared by thousands at these gigs. There has to be something more than an "amusing prat". In any case, we know you're not talking for "most people" - you're just expressing your own prejudices and inventing the generalised and unconvincing anecdotal evidence of "most people".

"Assiduously invented crank image" - slighty ironic coming from you of all people, Bummie.

"Rational defence of his excesses" - maybe because no one here ever makes a rational case that he has any "excesses"? Certainly nothing you, Benny or Barleycunt write is ever rational, it's just a tsunami of unfocused anger, unintentionally hilarious syllogisms and bizarre conspiracy theories - you know, like the conspiracy theories you accuse him of indulging in. And that's the biggest irony of all - you demonstrate time and time again that you lack the self-awareness to see that you yourself (and Benny and Barleycunt) are just as guilty of many of the same things for which you tediously berate Morrissey.

Come on Bummie, put your money where your mouth is. Dont be all talk and no f***. Set out your grievances and insights in a proper essay and submit it to a major newspaper or magazine. You say he needs to be challenged, well, by your own admission that doesn't work here because of The Cult and the sycophants who simply refuse to acknowledge or accept your startling revelations. But if that's your conviction, then why don't you do something serious about it instead of whining on an interenet forum every day (then pretend to leave, then come back, whine some more, etc etc) ?

I was thrilled and delighted to receive the following compliment earlier which claimed I was responsible for this forum becoming:

A hateful online creche dominated by a self important art hound.

Your claim that this site has no effect on Morrissey or his career is implausible given his explosions in Bradford and Copenhagen. I choose to find it all terribly amusing. I'm also very clear that I'm doing nothing other than express my own views about this singing Troll. The fact that doing so enrages so many of his cult is hilarious, especially since they can simply ignore me.

If I were ever to become a public figure it would be in relation to something *slightly* more interesting than dissecting the corpse of Morrissey's career.

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