Berlin, Germany - Tempodrom (Aug. 16, 2016) post-show

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Suedehead / Alma Matters / You Have Killed Me / Ganglord / Speedway / Istanbul / I’m Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Jack The Ripper / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Kiss Me A Lot / All You Need Is Me / The Bullfighter Dies / Meat Is Murder / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores / One Of Our Own / I Will See You In Far-Off Places / What She Said / Oboe Concerto // Irish Blood, English Heart

setlist provided by an anonymous person and Sarcasmos.

  • Rückblende in Bildern: Morrissey live in Berlin (12 photos by Nils Witte) - Spex Magazine. Link posted by JoeSellMozza

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It's hard to feel anything but sympathy for him at this point. It's a great shame that a man who could have had it all finds himself in these venues rambling on in between tunes to smatterings of applause.

If you'd have told me it was possible even a decade ago I wouldn't have believed it.

Good to hear from you Johnny hope you are well.
Have to agree it's all been a terrible, terrible CrankFraud let down.
Hopefully the ghosts of Anthony H Wilson and Sir David Bowie will not let us down sometime very soon.
The kind ripped off fans have a wonderful dream, make the dream real, when will he just get on with it and DIE !
Drop dead and make the dream real Steve ffs ! It's dragging on now. MWA ! MWA ! Missing you already F O and die you money grabbing cheese munching doctor do little CrankFraud.

Mozzxit/Mancfester is on, mark my words .

It's all become very embarrassing now
Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
It's really very simple. The difference is that Bush and Blair believed they were getting rid of a potentially genocidal dictator called Saddam Hussein. They were wrong but they claim they acted in good faith. Hitler was an actual genocidal dictator who slaughtered millions because he thought they were vermin. There's a BIG difference and only imbeciles like yourself and Morrissey would claim moral equivalence. Now, where's my f***ing salute?

I'm sure innocent civilians disintegrated by bombing would think in a different way than you. Likewise, rendered conscript teen soldiers coming back to their homes on board ARA General Belgrano (Morrissey named Thatcher as war criminal, too).

But... you seem to think you are the "voice of reason" here. Because YOU are the one who thinks people from Irak, Argentina, and other places cowardly massacrated are vermin.
It's really very simple. The difference is that Bush and Blair believed they were getting rid of a potentially genocidal dictator called Saddam Hussein. They were wrong but they claim they acted in good faith. Hitler was an actual genocidal dictator who slaughtered millions because he thought they were vermin. There's a BIG difference and only imbeciles like yourself and Morrissey would claim moral equivalence. Now, where's my f***ing salute?

I did not claim any moral equivalence. But the difference between death and death escapes my mind. Whatever other differences there might be.
So you think it is allright to kill innocent people if you claim that it is necessary for a greater good?
And are the Iraqi people better off now? And are "we"? The non Iraqi people?
I don't like Morrissey's comment because ALL comparisons with Hitler are useless and non-arguemental.
I will still salute you if you explain the difference to the relatives of the victims that Bush and Blair made.
Those victims are dead, and so are the victims of Hitler.
I don't care you are calling me imbecile. But I don't understand why you get angry.
Off topic...
An excellent piece on the 'myth' of Hitler's vegetarianism.
On topic...
See some of you in Manchester.
The periscope footage here bodes well for Saturday.
I found it interesting. What is cringe worthy is your aweful manners. If you don't like Morrissey (a) don't watch the videos (b) don't come here and post nasty things. Since you don't really seem to care that much ahem. You all care , but you are all probably really nasty to even those you love what you say here is probably no shock.
Actually this is the place where all haters are. It's not without a reason that it's called solow. This place is bad and i'm happy that i was at THAT middlesborough show :-D
Actually this is the place where all haters are. It's not without a reason that it's called solow. This place is bad and i'm happy that i was at THAT middlesborough show :-D

And this is the place you say this at every possible opportunity. You're persistent, I'll give you that. But dull as hell.
I agree. Great picture! He won't be beaten down!
But, there is some kind of tragic atmosphere in it.
Something like " le grandeur et le misère " of the great artist that he is.
I love this man with all my heart and I am not gay and don't see him as a god and I am not a mozbot.
Yet again I miss silly Moz just a little bit.
When he was unwillingly funny and playful.
But his singing voice is better than ever!
Love this man and I am not gay either. Hope he is doing well. That bandage on his chest is worrisome.
Having kids, I wanted them all to see Morrissey with me once before it's too late. I managed to get all but one to Salt Lake, Oregon, and Seattle last year. The only person who didn't make it was my daughter. I was gonna take a road trip with her to Reno, but I just can't justify spending the money on a set list that hasn't changed much. It's not worth the money. Suedehead/Alma is a great 1/2 combo to start...but it's just been done too much already.
I wish it were different.
Sounds like Moz was making the rather obvious point that 'democracy' can be used by evil men to further their own ends. Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany, after all.

Comparing Bush and Blair to Hitler does not seem outrageous to me at all. They invaded a country on the pretext of a lie - both knew there were no weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam Hussein had absolutely zero involvement in 9/11 - and reduced it to a state of primitive barbarism by dissolving every institution of state authority and governance, thereby resulting in the evolution of Daesh. Why did they do this? One can only assume it was to make trillions of dollars for the military industrial complex that really runs the USA. They both knew exactly what they were doing. So many people died in Iraq that they have given up counting. From a morality point of view, that puts them in exactly the same ball park as Hitler.
I'm sure innocent civilians disintegrated by bombing would think in a different way than you. Likewise, rendered conscript teen soldiers coming back to their homes on board ARA General Belgrano (Morrissey named Thatcher as war criminal, too).

But... you seem to think you are the "voice of reason" here. Because YOU are the one who thinks people from Irak, Argentina, and other places cowardly massacrated are vermin.

At the time of the Falklands conflict Argentina was run by a fascist military dictatorship led by Leopoldo Galtieri.

Argentina owes its democracy today to the British. Like all defeated nations it is necessary to create a myth excusing its military humiliation. If the Brits ever lost a war I'm sure we'd do it too. If.

Even now every time an Argentinian leader faces domestic travails he or she reignites the Falklands issue. Kirchner was an expert at it, wrapping it up in the old colonialist Bolivarian socialist bullshit that still infests much of South America and any other nation which suffers from poor educational standards.

You'd never guess the Brits didn't colonise the southern part of the Americas if you listened to many of their leaders. We turned up late bringing railways and football. The Spanish brought the death and destruction some centuries earlier.
At the time of the Falklands conflict Argentina was run by a fascist military dictatorship led by Leopoldo Galtieri.

Argentina owes its democracy today to the British. Like all defeated nations it is necessary to create a myth excusing its military humiliation. If the Brits ever lost a war I'm sure we'd do it too. If.

Even now every time an Argentinian leader faces domestic travails he or she reignites the Falklands issue. Kirchner was an expert at it, wrapping it up in the old colonialist Bolivarian socialist bullshit that still infests much of South America and any other nation which suffers from poor educational standards.

You'd never guess the Brits didn't colonise the southern part of the Americas if you listened to many of their leaders. We turned up late bringing railways and football. The Spanish brought the death and destruction some centuries earlier.

Big LOL. Wow, that's a great example of ethnocentrism!!! Congratulations, you approved the first lesson in Brainwash 1.
"If the Brits ever lost a war"? The island used to be a roman province, that poor people got tired of losing wars during centuries.
Now I understand why someone had to write a book to teach people to think outside the box...
I understand why you dislike my post 12" on the slack. You are from Sweden and your country was not unfairly bombed by war criminals.

How gullible some people are. "Man of pain", "worrisome plaster", "touring while soo exhausted". Don't make me laugh. It's a carefully crafted image. He is playing with peoples' emotions and he is trying to shift a few more tickets by making people believe it's their last chance to see him before he dies. It's all ice cold and cynical.

I can't believe people fall for this crap.

When you're dying from cancer you are not physically able to stand on a stage with the spotlights on you and perform for two hours. You don't treat esophageal cancer (on the inside of the body) by sticking sticky plasters on the outside of your body. Neither do you treat an inflammation by sticking a sticky plaster on the affected area. This huge white is so strategically placed and attention-seeking it's laughable. CrankFraud indeed.
I'm sure innocent civilians disintegrated by bombing would think in a different way than you. Likewise, rendered conscript teen soldiers coming back to their homes on board ARA General Belgrano (Morrissey named Thatcher as war criminal, too).

But... you seem to think you are the "voice of reason" here. Because YOU are the one who thinks people from Irak, Argentina, and other places cowardly massacrated are vermin.

Your desperate attempts to tell everyone that you know what I'm thinking shows how delusional you are. I said no such thing, described nobody as 'vermin', though noted Hitler did and Thatcher, Bush, Blair didn't. Morrissey supports the actions of an Argentine regime that sent ill-prepared conscripts against the British Armed forces, a junta led by criminals who threw dissidents out of helicopters leaving the Mothers of the Disappeared to be remembered in a U2 song which actually isn't nonsense, for once. Voice of reason on a Morrissey 'fan' site? How hard would that be? LOL!

Can somebody please throw Morrissey out of a helicopter & put a stop to his offensive public support for the dictatorial Argentinian regimes who he eulogises with his ignorant support for the Malvinas propaganda machine as part of his blanket infatuation with Margaret Thatcher as a simplistic figure of 'evil'? Pathetic creature is Morrissey. At least Bono had the bollocks to risk losing some of his Argie fans unlike Morrissey with his mouth gaffa-taped for the entire Brexit 'debate'.

U2 Live - Mothers of the Disappeared 1987

I did not claim any moral equivalence. But the difference between death and death escapes my mind. Whatever other differences there might be.
So you think it is allright to kill innocent people if you claim that it is necessary for a greater good?
And are the Iraqi people better off now? And are "we"? The non Iraqi people?

I don't like Morrissey's comment because ALL comparisons with Hitler are useless and non-arguemental.
I will still salute you if you explain the difference to the relatives of the victims that Bush and Blair made.
Those victims are dead, and so are the victims of Hitler.
I don't care you are calling me imbecile. But I don't understand why you get angry.

I said no such thing and don't Gerrit me, you fool. And you can salute my arse, mate, if you think I'm going to answer to your repeated stupid questions. Re-read my orginal reply. And I'm not angry, I'm Laughing Out Loud at yet another idiotic 'Morrissey Fan'. Are there any who aren't stupid Cult casualties?

Hitler? Morrissey presents 'Godwin's Law' live on stage. Total arsehole.

Anyone recall how Morrissey claimed to be a Kadim 'fan' when he was hanging with that Iraqi bird, but hasn't mentioned The Greatest Singer Of All Time since Kadim told him to f*** off about a proposed collaboration. Wonder if Kadim will be up for a collaboration with BrummieBoy....*thinking*....LOL!

Kadim Al Saher ... Ahbini - Video Clip | كاظم الساهر - احبينى - فيديو كليب

At the time of the Falklands conflict Argentina was run by a fascist military dictatorship led by Leopoldo Galtieri.

Argentina owes its democracy today to the British. Like all defeated nations it is necessary to create a myth excusing its military humiliation. If the Brits ever lost a war I'm sure we'd do it too. If.

Even now every time an Argentinian leader faces domestic travails he or she reignites the Falklands issue. Kirchner was an expert at it, wrapping it up in the old colonialist Bolivarian socialist bullshit that still infests much of South America and any other nation which suffers from poor educational standards.

You'd never guess the Brits didn't colonise the southern part of the Americas if you listened to many of their leaders. We turned up late bringing railways and football. The Spanish brought the death and destruction some centuries earlier.

For Morrissey, the Falklands tragedy is just another Victim Script/Chip on his Shoulder to add to his Pity Party. He is a clown. Your comment totally nails it. Kudos.
How gullible some people are. "Man of pain", "worrisome plaster", "touring while soo exhausted". Don't make me laugh. It's a carefully crafted image. He is playing with peoples' emotions and he is trying to shift a few more tickets by making people believe it's their last chance to see him before he dies. It's all ice cold and cynical.

I can't believe people fall for this crap.

When you're dying from cancer you are not physically able to stand on a stage with the spotlights on you and perform for two hours. You don't treat esophageal cancer (on the inside of the body) by sticking sticky plasters on the outside of your body. Neither do you treat an inflammation by sticking a sticky plaster on the affected area. This huge white is so strategically placed and attention-seeking it's laughable. CrankFraud indeed.

He's been doing since the start of The Smiths. Depression, my arse. Depression Chic to sell Consumer Products more like.

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