Bands and Bingo (Last friday - Manchester)


Vauxhall Driver

I went down to the railway mens club by Deansgate Staion last friday night. What a top night - 3 bands and a game of bingo! What else do you need on a friday night!
> I went down to the railway mens club by Deansgate Staion last friday
> night. What a top night - 3 bands and a game of bingo! What else do you
> need on a friday night!

What about a night of casual sex in a Mancunian hotel room?

PS, I was in Deansgate area as well.. Bar called Barca?

There 's alot of Orange women around Deansgate after dark.
what time did the pies come?

Was there a break after the turns & prior to the bingo when it was announced "the pies 'ave come!".
You must have been in the best room, where they allow women in.
Thank You, Please. Order!
Grim O'Grady (collect those bloody glasses)

There was a steady steam of pies all night but I was stuffed after going to the eat as much as you want chinese on whitworth street.
Its always good to see an establishment that sells mild, its a treat i dont often get in leeds.
Re: Pies

was the mild dark or light, not seen dark mild in many a year?

Grim O'Grady
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