Baltimore-area Morrissey fans?



I'd like to hear from and/or meet fellow Morrissey fans in the Baltimore area. I am 26, female, and currently living in Millersville, Maryland. I work in Baltimore as a community and labor organizer. I am vegan, and in addition to Morrissey and The Smiths, I like movies, comedy, and all (or most) things British.

If you are a vegan or vegetarian Morrissey fan in your twenties or early thirties, and you live nearby, you really ought to write to me (or reply here). I'm hetero, but I am not only looking for romance; friends of either sex are welcome.
oooh a nice bacon sarny, or a veal burger, yum yummy
Oh, I am so offended...I had no idea anyone ate meat...

My vegan friends are not going to believe this. Most of us thought this whole flesh-eating business was just an urban legend. Now you're telling me there is someone--with access to a computer, no less!--who actually eats bacon? I'm beside myself.
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