anyone seen one of these before??


Damian Morgan

Hehe, i like your promotional techniques my friend, no harm in that. I've not seen any before no, but is there anything to link it to rough trade or smiths promotional material, or is it just a canvas print of the photo used for the sleeve?

i have a feeling it's the latter. bloody ebay con artist.
i remember one of these promo silk screen items was offered as a prize in either Smash hits or the NME (My memory though sides with Smash hits), I remember the competition stated that this would be ultra rare due to the Smiths split.
i entered the competition but did not win.... a word of warning there were no pictures of the competition prize (now i'm thinking it was the NME!!!!), i just remember it being described as beautiful ultra rare silk screen for the album Rank.
You could try asking the same question in the marketplace....:)
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