Andy Ison


Soldier Blue

I used to think you were harmless but I've changed my mind a little. You are as mad as a bucket of frogs. I've walked the streets of London for 26 years and met some strange folk but nothing like you, quite intriguing. Do you really only ever think and speak of Mr. Rourke?
> I used to think you were harmless but I've changed my mind a little. You
> are as mad as a bucket of frogs. I've walked the streets of London for 26
> years and met some strange folk but nothing like you, quite intriguing. Do
> you really only ever think and speak of Mr. Rourke?
> x
Soldier Blue- Andy is an autistic person. Autistic persons fixate on one thing or person and that becomes their whole world. I had a friend whose brother is autistic and he would go to the airport every day to see the planes take off and land. And that was ALL he cared about. My friend passed away, and I went out to lunch with her brother, trying to find out more about what happened to Susanne ( she had killed herself ). He would only say things like, "Oh, I dunno." and I was doing my head in trying to get info out of him about what happened. I said, (while we were watching airplanes take off and land- this is a small airport for two passenger planes) I said, "Reid, don't you care what happened to your sister?" and he said, totally placid, "Not really. Hey, look at that plane!" It's the same with Andy, for some reason she's focused all of her attention on Mr. Rourke, and that is all she will talk about, among other weird things. Anyway, hope I answered your question. I don't think Andy is dangerous, but I wouldn't put it past her to do anything she could to meet Mr. Rourke.
> And it's took you this long to work that out?
LMAO well, I was just trying to explain this to Soldier Blue. Autism is not easy to explain in a few short words.
FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

> LMAO well, I was just trying to explain this to Soldier Blue. Autism is
> not easy to explain in a few short words.
Is she autistic, I thought she had OCD.
Re: FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

> Is she autistic, I thought she had OCD.
OCD? LMAO, well maybe she has that, too. I shouldn't laugh, but you never know! I do believe she's really autistic. That's why she's fixated on Rourke. They do that, you know. I have some psych books that explain it, but it's very frustrating when you're trying to get info out of an autistic person. I don't believe Andy is SEVERELY autistic, since she mentions other things, colonic irrigations, enemas, other TIM ( Too Much Information ). So, you might have a point there, Devs.
FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

I first knew of her way before I saw her crop up on here. She used to post these INSANE things on the message boards about him, Heather, etc. You can still go there and read the boards, but they SHUT them down because they were getting so freaked out and scared over her. She has met Rourke, many times, and she even was referred to at first jokingly, and then seriously, as Rourke's stalker. And now, she's not allowed into bars/clubs where he and Joyce are playing. Joyce is unkind to her, it seems (what a surprise), while Rourke tends not to be, and I'm assuming that only adds fuel to the fire. I feel truly, genuinely sorry for her and I hope she gets some help.
Re: FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

> I first knew of her way before I saw her crop up on here. She used to post
> these INSANE things on the message boards about him,
> Heather, etc. You can still go there and read the boards, but they SHUT
> them down because they were getting so freaked out and scared over her.
> She has met Rourke, many times, and she even was referred to at first
> jokingly, and then seriously, as Rourke's stalker. And now, she's not
> allowed into bars/clubs where he and Joyce are playing. Joyce is unkind to
> her, it seems (what a surprise), while Rourke tends not to be, and I'm
> assuming that only adds fuel to the fire. I feel truly, genuinely sorry
> for her and I hope she gets some help.
I mentioned yesterday I think that one of my friends committed suicide, and her brother is severely autistic and can only focus on ONE thing with a passion ( in his case, it's small airplanes, two seaters ). Sometimes I get VERY frustrated. I feel the same as you, but autism is something that I believe one has to live with forever. I don't think there are any brain operations specifically for it, like severe retardation or cerebral palsy. I hope she gets the help she needs as well, but it does not seem her parents take much interest in her or her problem. I wonder how old she is. Yeah, it does not surprise me in the LEAST that that prick Joyce is unkind to her, and Rourke just seems to be a happier person, more accepting. But it's hurting, not helping.
Re: FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

I think Andy is the same age as me.....25. Or maybe 24. I'm not sure but I remember her mentioning what year she was born in in one of her posts, and I remembered it because it is the same year as me.
Re: FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

> I think Andy is the same age as me.....25. Or maybe 24. I'm not sure but I
> remember her mentioning what year she was born in in one of her posts, and
> I remembered it because it is the same year as me.
OH okay, just wondering. I wish they could somehow cure autism. Terrible disease.
Re: FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

I know. An old friend's brother had Asperger's Syndrome....which I think is what Andy said she had?

I don't know if there is cognitive-behavioural therapy you can have for it or anything, or whether they give you drugs. I know schizophrenia can be completely suppressed by taking the right medication. I dunno if there is an equivalent 'miracle cure' for autism.

Anyway, I was pleased to read in another thread that you had beaten anorexia twenty years ago. Eating disorders are evil and very difficult to get rid of. I'm a 'recovering bulimic', but while the symptoms fade I find it never really goes away, it's always lurking at the back of the brain....Bah!

> OH okay, just wondering. I wish they could somehow cure autism. Terrible
> disease.
Re: FAO Colleen RE: Andy Ison

If that's what it is. Could be just good ole-fashioned lunacy. Not unheard of, you know...

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