American guns strike again

i want to know why it is getting so much coverage here in england
it doesnt concern us that all americans are psychopaths
americans love this kind of thing


The media gives the masses what it demands. It is not my fault that media coverage tells a story of the British citizens fascination with the US.
Please explain why I am an idiot? It is easy to call me one, but can you substantiate your claim?
And simply disagreeing with your view point is not an answer.

Jukebox Jury

you fear being turn away by US immigration. So you have a false idea of what US is.

also, you see the news on your tv because there is a demand for it in your country. they wouldn't put it on if it didn't bring in ratings.

edit: i wrote this before reading zom's post just so you know, i didn't copy his idea.
you fear being turn away by US immigration. So you have a false idea of what US is.

also, you see the news on your tv because there is a demand for it in your country. they wouldn't put it on if it didn't bring in ratings.

edit: i wrote this before reading zom's post just so you know, i didn't copy his idea.

I do not fear being turned away by US immigration. They do not read this messageboard and my passport name is not Jukebox Jury. But I have been to the States in recent years and my finger prints and eye scans have been taken. Yet American's visiting the UK do not need any visas or scans / finger printing. The British government are very silent on this aspect of our 'special relationship'. Such a one way special relationship.

News and ratings? The BBC is funded by threatening people with prison if they dont pay an annual licence fee (I'm proud to say I have not paid for almost seven years.....) The BBC does not need ratings. The money is there upfront regardless of how many people do or do not watch. The UK news agencies simply look to CNN and Murdoch's News International for the headlines.

Jukebox Jury
Thank you for affirming my assertion.

I didn't affirm anything.
The British media are lazy bastards.
Their choice is thus:
'Shall we do a piece exposing corruption within UK government or local councils or maybe a piece campaigning on behalf of the common people for a common course. This may take a while to investigate and sometime ensuring facts are correct. Damn, that takes too much time and too much money.

or shall we

do a piece on some 'alleged' celebrity doing absolutely nothing of any value other than being 'somewhere' at the right time to be caught by the camera with the right people around them at the right time. Or some totally irrelevant news item from across the pond. Like that model who killed herself the other week. Ann somebody or other. No one knew about her - or gave a shit - in the UK. She hooked up with an older bloke, shagged and married him, he died, then she died and it's all over the UK media. Why? Because it was a piss easy story to cover. Cheap and easy. Much cheaper than an investigative a story on corruption that should be covered. No wonder politicians laugh at us.
They are laughing all the way to the bank with our apathy.

Jukebox Jury
I didn't affirm anything.
The British media are lazy bastards.
Their choice is thus:
'Shall we do a piece exposing corruption within UK government or local councils or maybe a piece campaigning on behalf of the common people for a common course. This may take a while to investigate and sometime ensuring facts are correct. Damn, that takes too much time and too much money.

or shall we

do a piece on some 'alleged' celebrity doing absolutely nothing of any value other than being 'somewhere' at the right time to be caught by the camera with the right people around them at the right time. Or some totally irrelevant news item from across the pond. Like that model who killed herself the other week. Ann somebody or other. No one knew about her - or gave a shit - in the UK. She hooked up with an older bloke, shagged and married him, he died, then she died and it's all over the UK media. Why? Because it was a piss easy story to cover. Cheap and easy. Much cheaper than an investigative a story on corruption that should be covered. No wonder politicians laugh at us.
They are laughing all the way to the bank with our apathy.

Jukebox Jury

it's been a very long time since I've been to your you guys have commercials on TV?
American's visiting the UK do not need any visas or scans / finger printing.

Could it be that this is because any of the 4.2 million CCTV cameras in England (Source: BBC January 2007) would probably do the job? Maybe it's merely that the methods of security differ, and there isn't some "secret relationship".
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I didn't affirm anything.
The British media are lazy bastards.
Their choice is thus:
'Shall we do a piece exposing corruption within UK government or local councils or maybe a piece campaigning on behalf of the common people for a common course. This may take a while to investigate and sometime ensuring facts are correct. Damn, that takes too much time and too much money.

or shall we

do a piece on some 'alleged' celebrity doing absolutely nothing of any value other than being 'somewhere' at the right time to be caught by the camera with the right people around them at the right time. Or some totally irrelevant news item from across the pond. Like that model who killed herself the other week. Ann somebody or other. No one knew about her - or gave a shit - in the UK. She hooked up with an older bloke, shagged and married him, he died, then she died and it's all over the UK media. Why? Because it was a piss easy story to cover. Cheap and easy. Much cheaper than an investigative a story on corruption that should be covered. No wonder politicians laugh at us.
They are laughing all the way to the bank with our apathy.

Jukebox Jury

Bastards all.
Another American educational establishment gets the gun treatment.

I'm not a big fan of our UK government right now, but thank God I was born in England.
We don't love guns.


So typical of SoLow. Every tragedy that occurs in America is an occassion for some more knee-jerk, degenerate anti-Americanism. That is your European epidemic disease. Nutters.

Needless to say, if any of the American victims of this psycho Korean had been allowed to pack heat at Virginia Tech, he may have been stopped.
and its just one more reason i am happy to be in

Lovely bridge for postcards. As long as you don't think about this:
Since the bridge was built in 1937, an estimated 1,300 people have taken the deadly 220-foot plunge from what many consider the world's leading site for suicides. An average of 20 people pitch themselves over the 4 1/2-foot-tall rail each year.

That's a far higher death count than the Virginia Tech psycho Korean. Maybe you San Fran folks should think about installing some safety features?

OTOH, I suppose if Californians are so suicidal, San Francisco is nice to provide a beautiful bridge to off themselves from.....
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So typical of SoLow. Every tragedy that occurs in America is an occassion for some more knee-jerk, degenerate anti-Americanism. That is your European epidemic disease. Nutters.

Needless to say, if any of the American victims of this psycho Korean had been allowed to pack heat at Virginia Tech, he may have been stopped.

Theo...people, especially young students, do not carry around guns, even in the know this. How often do you hear gun crime being stopped by citizens with guns? you don't...even in states where you could carry around concealed guns. Most people don't carry guns...only criminals or conservative, gun-loving, nutty, rural Republicans who are neither found on US campuses, nor urban/suburban areas.

guns shots are fired and people run hoping for police to come soon. Guns being freely carried around by majority of citizens is not the solution (the police can back this up...they overwhelmingly support strict gun control. They are out there and see the gun crime first hand and know what's up). If many students carried around guns, there would be guns fights at drunken frat parties instead of a good old fashion fist fight. you know it. This isn't the wild wild west, even though conservative, cowboy Texan nutters might fantasize it is or could be. this is a society of over 300 million people...would you really want to encourage us all to carry around concealed guns??? even to young students? THAT IS NOT THE SOLUTION

Everything that i said is the solution...naturally:cool:

edit: i notice you saying "psycho korean". I am curious to know if you called all those white psycho mass killers "psycho whites" or something similar? saying psycho is descriptive enough...unless you are a racist and want to point out something.
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Lovely bridge for postcards. As long as you don't think about this:

That's a far higher death count than the Virginia Tech psycho Korean. Maybe you San Fran folks should think about installing some safety features?

OTOH, I suppose if Californians are so suicidal, San Francisco is nice to provide a beautiful bridge to off themselves from.....
actually when i 1st moved here
jumping off the bridge was on my list of priorities
but since living in an expensive but fascist free enviorment
my desire to 'take the plunge' has abated :o

ps: i'm not sure we should discuss crazy Asians on this site...
Theo...people, especially young students, do not carry around guns, even in the know this. How often do you hear gun crime being stopped by citizens with guns? you don't...even in states where you could carry around concealed guns.

Um, just a few years ago at another school in Virginia, a deranged man on a shooting spree was stopped by people with guns. It was at the Appalachian School of Law in Virginia. Wikipedia entry. So, in recent years we have two unhinged people shooting up schools in Virginia, with two very different outcomes. At the Appalachian School of Law "students Tracy Bridges and Mikael Gross, unbeknownst to each other, ran to their vehicles to fetch their personally owned firearms." Then they "approached Odighizuwa [the shooter] from different angles, with Bridges yelling at Odighizuwa to drop his gun. Odighizuwa then dropped his firearm and was subdued by a third student." *applause*

Note that these students with guns did not behave like the "wild wild west" of your stupid prejudices and imaginations.

But nice try, Wink Wink. Wrong again.

Now shall we talk about how you instantly jump to shred the Constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens the moment an extreme, odd-ball incident happens? Before the bodies are even identified and all the facts are known? This, after years of you saying that's one of the things you deplore about Bush in the wake of 9/11.

Or about how perverse it is for people to think that banning guns from law-abiding citizens who want them for self-defense would stop a non-law-abiding psychopath hellbent on killing himself and others from being able to acquire weapons? A clue: Non-law-abiding people don't care what the gun laws are, as the failure of Britain's strict gun laws highlight.

Or how pathetic it is that your ideal State is one where the government has all the guns and the people are completely unarmed and helpless?

guns shots are fired and people run hoping for police to come soon.

Yes, the cops will get there just in time to clean up the bodies.

edit: i notice you saying "psycho korean". I am curious to know if you called all those white psycho mass killers "psycho whites" or something similar? saying psycho is descriptive enough...unless you are a racist and want to point out something.

I was just being factually precise about an incident where a non-American (whose name is hard to remember) mass-murdered American and non-American (*) students and professors at one of our very nice university campuses, in a thread where people infected with anti-Americanism were jumping to attack "nutter Americans". I have not said that the Asian honor/shame culture some find perverse is behind any of this. I think this was probably just a mentally-ill sicko who exploded after years of festering in isolation and rage.

A shooting spree occurred at Case Western Reserve University several years back just a stone's throw from where I was living at the time. The gunman was a loner Indian who had written nutty rants against U.S. foreign policy on his web site. But, again, a mentally-ill sicko, and his being Asian, as well as his left-wing, anti-war politics, probably didn't have anything to do with his violent explosion.

BTW, after reading the psycho Korean's retarded one-act play linked by Drudge, I wonder how he was so close to graduating from a university. Please tell me they gave that shit an F, because many of us already believe English majors are bullshit.

*Bless the Israeli professor and Holocaust survivor who died a hero.
what happened today was f***ing awful. this could happen anywhere, the UK or the US. doesnt matter. but maybe now it'll start putting things into perspective and we'll stop hearing about dumb shit like the anna nicole saga and the don imus nonsense...

"seems so unfair...I want to cry..."

If this had happened a week ago, Imus wouldn't have been fired.
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