America PWNS Morrissey??

margaret thatcher pwns morrissey as well.The song margaret on the guillotine
When will you die ?
When will you die ?
When will you die ?
When will you die ?
and she is still alive :mad:
In "America is not the World" Morrissey says Americans:
*are fat
*discriminate women
*have blue eyes (?)
*are cold (?)

Now that America is going to have either a black president or a female vice-president this song sounds incredibly pretentious, I'm going to LOL at Morrissey everytime I listen to it 'cos honestly, what the hell was he thinking with that song? "Your belly is too big"? seriously, what the hell??

I still love you morrissey. call me.

This song has turned out to be remarkably accurate america is going to have a black president or a female vp, its almost a prophecy! I am pretty sure the reference to cold blue eyes with no love in them is a reference to one particular american who vast numbers of you voted into power. Twice.
This song has turned out to be remarkably accurate america is going to have a black president or a female vp, its almost a prophecy! I am pretty sure the reference to cold blue eyes with no love in them is a reference to one particular american who vast numbers of you voted into power. Twice.

Do not call me "vast" once or twice. :rolleyes:

That is pretty surreal how the 'song' is playing out, tho 'gay' will never happen (I'd vote for 'em ;)) as that would mean the end of the world.
She has a new baby, too. I think it's her fourth or fifth kid.

But seriously, who the hell picks VPs from Delaware and Alaska? Totally, utterly insignificant states.

I am just impressed that she has a new baby and looks pulled together- I just had a baby and I am lucky if I get a shower let alone have time for makeup and real clothes... She must get help or she stays in her makeup and clothes around the clock...
This song has turned out to be remarkably accurate america is going to have a black president or a female vp, its almost a prophecy! I am pretty sure the reference to cold blue eyes with no love in them is a reference to one particular american who vast numbers of you voted into power. Twice.

I'm pretty sure the voter turnout was 50% for the 2000 elections and 60% for the 2004 elections. That means the amount of Americans that actually voted for Bush is in the 26-31% range.
In "America is not the World" Morrissey says Americans:
*are fat
*discriminate women
*have blue eyes (?)
*are cold (?)

Now that America is going to have either a black president or a female vice-president this song sounds incredibly pretentious, I'm going to LOL at Morrissey everytime I listen to it 'cos honestly, what the hell was he thinking with that song? "Your belly is too big"? seriously, what the hell??

I still love you morrissey. call me.

it's a great song because it sounds pretentious! I think you missed the point.
You see, thats is what is wrong with the song "guillotine" see it's French. We always prefered a good hanging in England.

I have in the past reviewed a good ol English drawn and quartering when I am utilizing crime and punishment in certain lessons. The kiddies instantly are divided. Some are like "cool" and some are like "vomit".
they didn't have Playstations back then and they had to get their gore somewhere.
africa banana moz is not the world penguins vp killer bitch
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