10 Prerequisites to being a Moz fan



To be a true Morrissey fan you must demonstrate the following characteristics:

1. Cynical
2. Judgmental
3. Critical
4. Self-righteous
5. Inhospitable
6. Sardonic
7. Hypocrite
8. Scornful
9. Jealousy
10. Resentment

Certainly not all Moz fans are this way, but that's not what the messages on this board convey.
> To be a true Morrissey fan you must demonstrate the following
> characteristics:

> 1. Cynical
> 2. Judgmental
> 3. Critical
> 4. Self-righteous
> 5. Inhospitable
> 6. Sardonic
> 7. Hypocrite
> 8. Scornful
> 9. Jealousy
> 10. Resentment

> Certainly not all Moz fans are this way, but that's not what the messages
> on this board convey.

It's rather ironic that by virtue of you posting your list of 'characteristics', you have in fact embraced most of them yourself. You're not the judge that branded Morrissey deviant truculent and unreliable are you ?

> To be a true Morrissey fan you must demonstrate the following
> characteristics:

> 1. Cynical
> 2. Judgmental
> 3. Critical
> 4. Self-righteous
> 5. Inhospitable
> 6. Sardonic
> 7. Hypocrite
> 8. Scornful
> 9. Jealousy
> 10. Resentment

> Certainly not all Moz fans are this way, but that's not what the messages
> on this board convey.
What if you are 2 out of the 10?
> It's rather ironic that by virtue of you posting your list of
> 'characteristics', you have in fact embraced most of them yourself. You're
> not the judge that branded Morrissey deviant truculent and unreliable are
> you ?

> J

My thoughts exactly. Oracle forgot to add sexy as all get out to the list...
But you all forgot to mention - fabulously intelligent, witty, and charming!

They're all qualities all Morrissey fans have, of course.
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