Why oh why are the majority of yanks so totally boring? Codreanu excepted!

  • Thread starter All the leftover people.
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I'll answer for you then, as you obviously can't read.

"Because that's the way God planned it"

I'm a Southron Gentleman born and breed! Why, Miss Irene, I've produced my flintlock over lesser slights...
Re: Yankee?!

> I'm a Southron Gentleman born and breed! Why, Miss Irene, I've produced my
> flintlock over lesser slights...

Apparently "Im" not much of one.

In proper Southron Orthography the appostophe is ommited in single syllable contractions.

And, given this is among your pet peeves, you will be pleased to know that S.O. retains second syllable "our" nouns and verbs.
Re: Why oh why are you such a ballbag?

No one knows but you. I think you should go back to f***in your dog shitstick. Do us a favor? Unless we're speaking to you(which I can assure you, we won't)? don't take the dick out of your mouth ok? makes things a whole lot easier for us. Got it f***nutt?
Re: Yankee?!

> I'm a Southron Gentleman born and breed! Why, Miss Irene, I've produced my
> flintlock over lesser slights...

Well I've witnessed lesser men than yourself produce a flintlock half the size.
Dear Sir, why admonish me this way?
Re: Yankee?!

> Well I've witnessed lesser men than yourself produce a flintlock half the
> size.
> Dear Sir, why admonish me this way?

Woman, mind thy tongue or get thee to a nunn*... wait a second, we Southroners are Scotch-Presbyterian: get thee to a plantation!

*every Southron gentleman worth his cotton was versed in Shakespeare.
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