Where did all those Mexicans come from?

Re: Good Comments on Mexicans

You are forgiven all your sins!!! you goofball!

> All right enough of this. We each need to mention one good thing
> about the Mexican culture to atone for our sins.

> I will go first.

> Mexicans grow the best weed.
Re: Good Comments on Mexicans

Your sins are also forgiven........ and yes we are beautiful WOMEN not hynas.

> I'll go second. There are some damn beautiful mexican hynas. I
> lerv 'em!
> No I think it's cool that young people have thier own claim to
> Morrissey, some of them are annoying sychophants, but
> whatever...

> back in the smiths days I use to buddy up to security so I could
> get the smiths autographs and it was a lot of fun, and if
> anything serious
> happened we would talk about it... the worst that happened back
> in those days was a girl would get crushed here and there.
> How I found out about yesterday's stabbing was not from the
> internet but from one of the security staff... try reading the
> post next time before you spout off...

I did in fact read the post and I was not spouting off. I was seriously interested in what is was you meant by your statement: "I go to shows and see people that weren't even born when the Smiths started, has to tell ya something." What DOES that tell us? (That is now a rhetorical question, because you still haven't answered it. Maybe someone needs to read posts more carefully?)

I never questioned you about the stabbing Wednesday. I was there myself and saw all the blood. All I said was that we as a public are more aware of things like this now due to the proliferation of information that things like the internet created. This was in offering an explanation as to why this sort of thing has never happened before. My point being, maybe we just never got wind of it.

Joey Joey Joey, you're too much.

> Don't tease me. :) I'm so glad I'm a Morrissey fan right now. I
> never thought that it would be possible for my girlfriend to be
> a Morrissey fan. See, I have a thing for mexican women (hot
> ones! :) and I've dated three in my life but we haven't had
> much in common each time. So I'm very happy about what the
> future could hold!!!!!
Re: They came from nowhere, they are in AZTLAN.

> If anyone did not like the idea of the RAZA being a major part of Morrissey's career, then go suck a toe. We've been here, and we'll stay by Morrissey's side till the end.
Hey, moron, if you live in L.A. you may have noticed a large Latino population. Haven't you noticed that the top radio station is Latino and that Y107 just switched from it's alternative-KROQ format to Latino rock? Maybe it has to do with percentages. Plus, not every Latino has to listen to Ricky Martin!

It's nice to see a such diverse crowd at a show since L.A. is a geographically segregated community.

-white girl
> Mi querido General,
> This is Zapata reporting back from Chihuahua. I forgot one very
> inportant detail in my last telagram. Tu nombre se escribe
> Pancho, no Poncho. No wonder the white man call you greaser,
> there is too much grease between your ears.

> Que Dios te bendiga en la guerra.

If you love Mexico so much, why don't you live there? Maybe Mexicans once owned this land, but the white man made it inhabitable.
Were it not for the white people who took over this area, all of california, etc. would be just like Mexico! And Moz would play New York, not L.A.!
If the Mexican race is so great, why is Mexico such a sh*thole? Your parents didn't want to live there, so why do you scream "viva mexico"? Let it die! you're americans now (legally or otherwise), not Mexicans!
> If you love Mexico so much, why don't you live there? Maybe
> Mexicans once owned this land, but the white man made it
> inhabitable.
> Were it not for the white people who took over this area, all of
> california, etc. would be just like Mexico! And Moz would play
> New York, not L.A.!
> If the Mexican race is so great, why is Mexico such a sh*thole?
> Your parents didn't want to live there, so why do you scream
> "viva mexico"? Let it die! you're americans now
> (legally or otherwise), not Mexicans!

First of all my friend, I do not have an ounce of mexican blood in me, and YES I lived in Mexico for 2 years and if I weren't going to school I would live there, I do love it. You don't need to read so much into all of these silly posts.
Q: If Morrissey really loved Mexico, why doesn't he play shows there or live there?
A: He fears for his life!

> If you love Mexico so much, why don't you live there? Maybe
> Mexicans once owned this land, but the white man made it
> inhabitable.
> Were it not for the white people who took over this area, all of
> california, etc. would be just like Mexico! And Moz would play
> New York, not L.A.!
> If the Mexican race is so great, why is Mexico such a sh*thole?
> Your parents didn't want to live there, so why do you scream
> "viva mexico"? Let it die! you're americans now
> (legally or otherwise), not Mexicans!
yeah, I heard the title of Morrissey's new cd is gonna be 'Echo Park and I'

he is also going to be in a new Del Taco for their new Vegan Burrito...

> Hey, moron, if you live in L.A. you may have noticed a large
> Latino population. Haven't you noticed that the top radio
> station is Latino and that Y107 just switched from it's
> alternative-KROQ format to Latino rock? Maybe it has to do with
> percentages. Plus, not every Latino has to listen to Ricky
> Martin!

> It's nice to see a such diverse crowd at a show since L.A. is a
> geographically segregated community.

> -white girl
You are terribly misinformed

Attend a few Morrissey shows in LA and then come and talk to me....

I think that people have a right to complain and to express their dislike towards the Mexicans. I find them their behavior completely disgusting. It has nothing to do with being judgmental, prejudicial, jelous or whatever. What more do you want? Some one got killed.

I go to Morrissey concerts to enjoy the music. I expect to get pushed and crushed to an extent, but why do I also have to be over cautions with the fans because I might get beaten up or even killed. These people are just animals and have never been to such a passionate general admission shows. At San Francisco, we got pushed, got squished, got thrown on stage etc., but never did I fear for my safety. I came with out any bruises while my sister that tried to the same at the LA shows has a bunch of bruises and blue spots all over her legs.

The one causing these disturbances are the Mexican as most have stated. People have a right to express their dislikes toward the attitude and behavior of these people.

BTW, I don't know why you had such a terrible time at Coachella when it was such a phenomenal event for me, the best thing I've done this year (and I got to do a lot since I finally graduated from college and was able to do them). I saw some phenomenal performances and I will find myself making tedious comparisons between those performances and the current ones for a time to come.

Also, you are missing out by not going to anymore Morrissey shows if you are able to attend. I understand there is nothing new, but I wouldn't mind attending the remaining three shows if I was able even though I have already been to four. Each time there is something new. There something about Morrissey's charisma and stage presence that makes, oh-so worth it. Also, the dynamics of going on inside the crowd, of getting pushed, the jumping around, the signing etc. How often does you a performer to bring out such emotion in their fans and the same time perform an excellent set?!?

Re: You are terribly misinformed

> Attend a few Morrissey shows in LA and then come and talk to
> me....

> I think that people have a right to complain and to express
> their dislike towards the Mexicans. I find them their behavior
> completely disgusting. It has nothing to do with being
> judgmental, prejudicial, jelous or whatever. What more do you
> want? Some one got killed.

Well, ya know, we the white americans send our armies all over the world and kill millions of people. We killed women and children in My Li, our trade sanctions in Iraq have killed nearly a million people, all civillians which is technically illegal. Cops go into "bad" neighborhoods and kill and beat "bad" people all the time with no provocation. Drug companies forge their test results and nearly 100,000 people a year die from legal prescribed drug use. Corporations go south of the border and dump tons of toxic pollutants into the water, kill the wildlife, and make the people who live around it sick.

The point I'm getting at is that there is no race and no level of education that makes you see the value of human life. Just because someone physically has a knife in their hand and stabs you with it makes them no worse than anyone...and if you think about it, they killed one person. Not millions like our government does.

> I go to Morrissey concerts to enjoy the music. I expect to get
> pushed and crushed to an extent, but why do I also have to be
> over cautions with the fans because I might get beaten up or
> even killed.

The thing is, this was probably a personal scuffle between these two that had been brewing for a while.

>hese people are just animals and have never been
> to such a passionate general admission shows. At San Francisco,
> we got pushed, got squished, got thrown on stage etc., but never
> did I fear for my safety. I came with out any bruises while my
> sister that tried to the same at the LA shows has a bunch of
> bruises and blue spots all over her legs.

Well, gee. Are you telling me that it was only the Mexicans doing that? Are you telling me that all the white people where politely standing in a corner and looking forlornly at Morrissey way off in the distance?

When I went to Coachella and stood in line at Vegas, I really didn't see to many hispanics. I saw asians, and I saw a bunch of whiney neo yuppies, but I didn't see a large overwhelming mass of angry hispanics with brass knuckles and guns in their hands.

And being where I was, the white people were as anxious to trip over anyone to get a good spot as anyone.

> BTW, I don't know why you had such a terrible time at Coachella
> when it was such a phenomenal event for me,

everyone has their reasons.

>the best thing I've
> done this year (and I got to do a lot since I finally graduated
> from college and was able to do them).

Aren't you the lucky one. I'll bet you actually had a job waiting for you once you graduated, and one that paid something beyond way below the poverty line.

>I saw some phenomenal
> performances and I will find myself making tedious comparisons
> between those performances and the current ones for a time to
> come.

> Also, you are missing out by not going to anymore Morrissey
> shows if you are able to attend.

Don't you see? I'm not able to attend. I just got through with my own gig tonight and I have way too many other things going on to put this high on my priority list.

Even so, I won't make the time to attend. I think the hours I waste worrying about how it's going to happen, and where to go, and what to do, and whatever else I'm going to do beyond the hour Morrissey plays on stage are much better served somewhere else. The past 2 shows I've flown out to see were just more of a letdown than anything.

True, his performance at Coachella was good, but really, do I feel like standing in line at Vegas for 2+ hours with a bunch of self righteous screaming banshees, finally making it inside (if I get to make it inside at all if the idiot didn't decide to turn around and maul Boz this time and another show gets cancelled), have a bunch of people who are much bigger and stronger than I am muscle their way through to my spot regardless that they already saw 20 shows and didn't pay a dime in travelling there beyond gas money because I'm smaller and don't bite, get painfully squashed by every hippie who owned every bootleg of the Smiths and think they are better than everyone else for having this great status, and watch the show get cut off short once the westham girls decide that they want yet another chance to get on stage?

Anywhere in the country...doesn't have to be California...I feel very stupid standing in the middle of it. I feel like an idiot fighting for my turf, basically, and I don't like feeling like and idiot. I'm a mellow person by nature. It's just not in me to be punching everyone's lights out just so I can touch MOrrissey's hand, and yet, that is the only reason to go to such an event....

>I understand there is nothing
> new, but I wouldn't mind attending the remaining three shows if
> I was able even though I have already been to four. Each time
> there is something new. There something about Morrissey's
> charisma and stage presence that makes, oh-so worth it. Also,
> the dynamics of going on inside the crowd, of getting pushed,
> the jumping around, the signing etc. How often does you a
> performer to bring out such emotion in their fans and the same
> time perform an excellent set?!?

The same ones you are afraid will stab you? You need to sit down and think about this for a bit.

Re: You are terribly misinformed

> Well, ya know, we the white americans send our armies all over
> the world and kill millions of people. We killed women and
> children in My Li, our trade sanctions in Iraq have killed
> nearly a million people, all civillians which is technically
> illegal. Cops go into "bad" neighborhoods and kill and
> beat "bad" people all the time with no provocation.
> Drug companies forge their test results and nearly 100,000
> people a year die from legal prescribed drug use. Corporations
> go south of the border and dump tons of toxic pollutants into
> the water, kill the wildlife, and make the people who live
> around it sick.

> The point I'm getting at is that there is no race and no level
> of education that makes you see the value of human life. Just
> because someone physically has a knife in their hand and stabs
> you with it makes them no worse than anyone...and if you think
> about it, they killed one person. Not millions like our
> government does.

> The thing is, this was probably a personal scuffle between these
> two that had been brewing for a while.

> Well, gee. Are you telling me that it was only the Mexicans
> doing that? Are you telling me that all the white people where
> politely standing in a corner and looking forlornly at Morrissey
> way off in the distance?

NO, of course not, BUT at the concert, YES!!! Sad, but TRUE. I agree with this comment totaly after wed night show.
> When I went to Coachella and stood in line at Vegas, I really
> didn't see to many hispanics. I saw asians, and I saw a bunch of
> whiney neo yuppies, but I didn't see a large overwhelming mass
> of angry hispanics with brass knuckles and guns in their hands.

> And being where I was, the white people were as anxious to trip
> over anyone to get a good spot as anyone.

> everyone has their reasons.

> Aren't you the lucky one. I'll bet you actually had a job
> waiting for you once you graduated, and one that paid something
> beyond way below the poverty line.

> Don't you see? I'm not able to attend. I just got through with
> my own gig tonight and I have way too many other things going on
> to put this high on my priority list.

> Even so, I won't make the time to attend. I think the hours I
> waste worrying about how it's going to happen, and where to go,
> and what to do, and whatever else I'm going to do beyond the
> hour Morrissey plays on stage are much better served somewhere
> else. The past 2 shows I've flown out to see were just more of a
> letdown than anything.

> True, his performance at Coachella was good, but really, do I
> feel like standing in line at Vegas for 2+ hours with a bunch of
> self righteous screaming banshees, finally making it inside (if
> I get to make it inside at all if the idiot didn't decide to
> turn around and maul Boz this time and another show gets
> cancelled), have a bunch of people who are much bigger and
> stronger than I am muscle their way through to my spot
> regardless that they already saw 20 shows and didn't pay a dime
> in travelling there beyond gas money because I'm smaller and
> don't bite, get painfully squashed by every hippie who owned
> every bootleg of the Smiths and think they are better than
> everyone else for having this great status, and watch the show
> get cut off short once the westham girls decide that they want
> yet another chance to get on stage?

> Anywhere in the country...doesn't have to be California...I feel
> very stupid standing in the middle of it. I feel like an idiot
> fighting for my turf, basically, and I don't like feeling like
> and idiot. I'm a mellow person by nature. It's just not in me to
> be punching everyone's lights out just so I can touch
> MOrrissey's hand, and yet, that is the only reason to go to such
> an event....

> The same ones you are afraid will stab you? You need to sit down
> and think about this for a bit.
RibenaUK Is One Ignorant Bitch....

Title sais it all...

> Q: If Morrissey really loved Mexico, why doesn't he play shows
> there or live there?
> A: He fears for his life!
I notice a lot of tickets for upcoming shows for sale, is it white flight. The Palladium attracted some of the roughian types Morrissey
so longingly sang about on 'I want the one I can't have'and I for
one totally related.
Re: You are terribly misinformed

> NO, of course not, BUT at the concert, YES!!! Sad, but TRUE. I
> agree with this comment totaly after wed night show.

Whatever. Go ahead and live under a rock and be afraid of all Mexicans. If you pack enough diehards in one area, and you have someone like Morrissey who likes to coax that crap on, someone is going to get hurt.

And it's sad that people don't figure it out that Morrissey likes to see people hurt themselves in his name. He's an intelligent man and has two eyes in his head. He should have seen that people were being hurt and being carried out, but he didn't back off, and why? He just loves the sight of seeing something resembling the gremlins watching Snow White and the 7 Dwarves.

My rib cage hurt for a day after Coachella and I don't remember there being a greaser in sight. I don't remember a single person there wanting to give an inch or be nice.
Re: They came from nowhere, they are in AZTLAN.

But are you so sure he will stay on YOUR side to the end?
Look how carelessly he tossed aside the white kids for the Mexicans,
What makes you think that the asians wont be his next "pet" race?

> If anyone did not like the idea of the RAZA being a major part of > Morrissey's career, then go suck a toe. We've been here, and we'll
> stay by Morrissey's side till the end.
I came from Holland to catch some of the US tour dates, and most of the shows have been fairly good, but the whole LA mexican gansta thing, has been quite a drag. I have tix for Ventura but no way in hell am I gonna risk it. I'll stick to seeing Moz back in Europe were it's quite safe and Mexicans are not allowed citizenship.


> I notice a lot of tickets for upcoming shows for sale, is it
> white flight. The Palladium attracted some of the roughian types
> Morrissey
> so longingly sang about on 'I want the one I can't have'and I
> for
> one totally related.
Re: What Mexicans?

I didnt see any Mexicans or Blacks or Whites for that matter, all I saw was Morrissey Fans.

And I still have two tickets for sale ($60) for the Vegas Show 12/19 Sunday. Somebody do me a favor and buy them. As alway if you are seriously interested Email me and tell me all about it.

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