Unite and Take Over

  • Thread starter Lifeguard Planting Seeds
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Lifeguard Planting Seeds

Did anyone happen to catch that VH-1 "Behind the Music" series with Julian Lennon last night? HE gets an hour on that network, but the Smiths have YET to surface. I smell another music channel terrorism scheme hatching.....

So how about it, my fellow Tweed Coat Mafiosas? Ya wanna pummel the VH-1 website with requests of a Smiths "Behind the Music" program?
> Did anyone happen to catch that VH-1 "Behind the¿ Music" series with Julian Lennon last night? HE gets an¿ hour on that network, but the Smiths have YET to surface. I¿ smell another music channel terrorism scheme hatching.....¿ So how about it, my fellow Tweed Coat Mafiosas? Ya wanna pummel¿ the VH-1 website with requests of a Smiths "Behind the¿ Music" program?

Sounds good...let me know when to "sign up"
I would go along with of course.......but I am afraid that VH1 would do quite a poor job. If there was anyone working there who understood the Smiths and could do the show well, Im sure that it would already have been done. Maybe Im just bitter that young guns spoke of the court case more than the music......
Here's the Info

> I would go along with of course.......but I am afraid that VH1¿ would do quite a poor job. If there was anyone working there who¿ understood the Smiths and could do the show well, Im sure that¿ it would already have been done. Maybe Im just bitter that young¿ guns spoke of the court case more than the music......¿ -Iamawas

I completely agree with your doubts as to its quality, but they've managed to impress before - albeit infrequently. What have we got to lose?

For those interested, I've linked VH-1's URL at the bottom of the screen, though the only way to reach them is at he following address: [email protected].

Just some tips:

Try and make this a "pleasant" assault; unlike MTV, VH-1 hasn't done anything to tick off Morrissey fans...yet! :)

Keep messages brief; if they get as many e-mails as I hope they do, they'll probably just glaze over them if they're too long.

I know this may sound a bit sophomoric, but hey, it WOULD be nice to see a Smiths documentary - and know that we had a tiny part in making it possible (of course, if it turns out terrible, you may all blame me - I know how it works!) And to non-North American posters, please join in the cause - we'll make tapes for ya!

ASK (just do it, it couldn't hurt)

Hello. I have been thinking alot about trying to get ahold of VH1 to do a behind the music. I know i cant do it alone so i am glad that you all have some insparation to do it. I hope you all try to make it happen and when i say all i really mean every single person that visits this site at least. I think its very importand for kids to see The Smiths and moz these days especially with the quality of music that is being made today. And i wanted to know that MTV has done to offend Morrisey and Smiths fans?? I haven't been around the whole morrisey thing for very long, only about 2 years now. Sorry. And i would like to say thanks to Jamie, whoever you are, for helping me out with the Smiths court case. I truly appriciate it. Thanks again everyone. Morrisey means alot to me as i am sure he does to you. Every word he wrote rings true to me. Thank you Morrisey.
Good idea.. you Think they will listen?

Im Willing to write to vh1.. But DO u guys think they will actually do it? I guess It depends ON the former smiths, They've done Behind the music on depeche Mode And u2, SO i do't see why they Wouldn't want to do one of my favorite band in the whole world!!
> Did anyone happen to catch that VH-1 "Behind the¿ Music" series with Julian Lennon last night? HE gets an¿ hour on that network, but the Smiths have YET to surface. I¿ smell another music channel terrorism scheme hatching.....¿ So how about it, my fellow Tweed Coat Mafiosas? Ya wanna pummel¿ the VH-1 website with requests of a Smiths "Behind the¿ Music" program?
That is a good idea.Let me know when.
Hang the VJ?

> Did anyone happen to catch that VH-1 "Behind the¿ Music" series with Julian Lennon last night? HE gets an¿ hour on that network, but the Smiths have YET to surface. I¿ smell another music channel terrorism scheme hatching.....¿ So how about it, my fellow Tweed Coat Mafiosas? Ya wanna pummel¿ the VH-1 website with requests of a Smiths "Behind the¿ Music" program?

How about this, I'll make the bombs and borrow my dad's tweed coats. You drive the BMW your daddy bought you to the VH1 studios after picking me up. Hey, a bomb can bring us together. (Just a joke, people).
Great idea, hopes will be destroyed, though.

> Im Willing to write to vh1.. But DO u guys think they will¿ actually do it? I guess It depends ON the former smiths, They've¿ done Behind the music on depeche Mode And u2, SO i do't see why¿ they Wouldn't want to do one of my favorite band in the whole¿ world!!

That's like saying MTV will do a "Rockumentary" on the Ocean Blue. It's not going to happen. But hey, weirder things have happened in this world.
no need to be so worried about it...its completely wort a try

> That's like saying MTV will do a "Rockumentary" on the¿ Ocean Blue. It's not going to happen. But hey, weirder things¿ have happened in this world.

Well if you are a real morrisey/smiths fan then why wouldn't you want to try??? think about it.
only if moz wants too

i think this is a good idea...

but I do believe it won't work unless morrissey helps it work.....I don't want to see a behind the music where it is going to be all rourke,joyce, and marr sayin things about the band and morrissey leaves himself out because then it will be biased... you know what i am saying? I am sure VH-1 has thought about it before since they do all those other bands noone really cares about..... I will add my vote of course,but i wil not expect it to be any good or see it happen with out morrissey contributing to it......
Re: only if moz wants too

> but I do believe it won't work unless morrissey helps it¿ work.....I don't want to see a behind the music where it is¿ going to be all rourke,joyce, and marr sayin things about the¿ band and morrissey leaves himself out because then it will be¿ biased... you know what i am saying?

I know exactly what you're saying, and I've thought about that, myself. However, it would still be nice to see a doc on the Smiths. Anyway, I don't think Morrissey would EVER contribute to a Smiths doc.....just because! I recall him stating in an article that he wouldn't write his autobiography until most of the people in his life were dead - so as not to attract any undeserved attention to them! Haha - LOVE that Morrissey!

PS: [email protected]! : )
Re: no need to be so worried about it...its completely wort a try

> Well if you are a real morrisey/smiths fan then why wouldn't you¿ want to try??? think about it.

Who said I wasn't a real Smiths' fan? Did I ever say I wasn't going to send VH1 or maybe even MTV a request for a documentary? No. It's unrealistic for those two worthless cable channels to do anything that's creative or original. Unfortunately, the Smiths haven't sold 400 million copies of their albums and are not in the mainstream and this is probably what MTV or VH1 are looking for when they want to sell the idea of a Smiths' documentary. Like I said, it's a nice thing to dream about.
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