under the affluence on incahol


Reg Plate

Maybee I am under the under the affluence on incahol or as full as a fat womans sock, but for the rest of this week I am going to be using Aussie Slang.

G'day n g'dnight.

> Maybee I am under the under the affluence on incahol or as full as a fat
> womans sock, but for the rest of this week I am going to be using Aussie
> Slang.

> G'day n g'dnight.

> Reg
Crikey. What's come over you? Pissed as a parrot or just wishing to undo
grammatical purity for the sake of this place.
There's vegemite on toast to cure your hangover if you like.
This is hard Yakka, do I sound ridgy didge?

Veggimite Sandwich to cure a hangover? never heard of that one - does it work? I use fried Cackleberry (Bumnuts or Chookfruit) Rolls with loads of Heinz Orgainic Tomato Ketchup.
Re: This is hard Yakka, do I sound ridgy didge?

> Veggimite Sandwich to cure a hangover? never heard of that one - does it
> work? I use fried Cackleberry (Bumnuts or Chookfruit) Rolls with loads of
> Heinz Orgainic Tomato Ketchup.
You sound like you're on the right track, (if that's what you like to eat,
fair enough) just dont forget your slouch hat. That's a special hat
Australian men wear with corks around the brim to stop the bush flies.
Um, but if you're a city boy, you won't need one. Gosh, this is hard work.
Or else, you could just get really drunk and watch football and/or cricket all
the time like a lot of boring Australian men do.......
Get really drunk and watch football?

Sounds like a job for Reggie!

Where do I apply?

Re: Get really drunk and watch football?

> Sounds like a job for Reggie!

> Where do I apply?

> Reg
Just come to Melbourne.
It's just me being cynical and nasty. I'm sure there are some half
decent men who dont just get drunk and watch football.
Or maybe its the suburban blues again.
And, isnt it horrible,nasty and appalling the guestbook and most
of the forum? What's become of this place, I just don't know.
A horrible nasty place!

This place really has degenerated in the last few years (and lets face it - it weren't brilliant then), you can avoid most of the idiots by looking at the ip address though - which is one small mercy.

We avoid you by looking at your username dickwad. Much easier.
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