"...to stand up and resist all forms of street harassment..."

The Seeker of Good Songs

Well-Known Member
I came across these sites from a link from a link...you get the idea.


I found it very interesting.
examples from a couple of related links:

'Tis The Season For Scumbugs

"I was out christmas shopping at the mall and decided to stop by victoria's secret to pick something up for my best friend. When I left the mall and headed to my car in the parking lot, a guy who was older points
to the victoria secret bag and says, "Got something nice to wear for me in that bag sweet cheeks?", so i just look him right in the eye and walk off. It's sad thatI can't even just go christmas shopping without being
bothered by some pervert."

- Lisa, 20

"You shouldn't be wearing a dress then."

August 25th, 2006

I went out to pick up some lunch today and made the dreaded walk down S(c)ummit Ave. Two blocks down some crackhead started yelling things to me. “Damn girl, what chu gots around yo neck?”, “That a ruby?”, refering to my big red plastic necklace. I just kept walking and feeling perturbed, there were way too many of his kind around for me to feel safe saying anything. Then he gets pissed that I don’t respond and starts telling me that the least I can do is smile and I must be a bitch. I pick up my lunch and deliberately take another route back to the office. Sure enough I encounter another one but this one was alone. He starts announcing to the neighborhood how nice my legs are and how I’m so sexy. I gathered my nerves, called upon the spirit of the hollaback and yelled “Just f***ing shut up! Don’t be yelling at girls who are just walking down the street”. He looked a little shocked and shut up for a minute. Meanwhile two guys that were working on a car looked up to see what all the commotion was about as I’m sure they’ve never heard a girl yell back at a guy before. The yeller noticed that he was being watched and that his “manhood” was at stake so he yelled back “bitch, you shouldn’t be wearing a dress then”. I just kept walking and the next two hood rats addressed me with a polite hello. It felt good to hollaback.

Who's Responsible?

Sorry, but maybe I'm crazy. I have had several indecent exposure experiences. My husband blames me each time. I'm either wearing the wrong clothes or in the wrong place or with the wrong people.
Here is an example: Last Summer there were women in our apartment building who said a young guy was appearing naked (sometimes in broad daylight) and masturbating. He would just run away after he finished. My husband just laughed about it.
One afternoon I was in the laundry room with 2 other women and this guy walked in. He stood in the back for a while. I thought something was fishy about him but what can I do? Anyway, he finally steps out from behind the washing machines. He had his pants down around his ankles. He had been looking at us and masturbating. He was ejaculating right in front of us. After he finished, he pulled up his pants and ran out. Guess what; my husband is mad at me for "watching".
Does he have a clue? Does any guy have a clue? I thought he would comfort me. Men are pigs!

Submitted by Jasmine in San Francisco

Next time it's the Louisville Slugger

I was on my way home from the grocery store in Portland Oregon one evening, when I sensed I was being followed. I would whip around every now and then, but could see no one. Still I couldn't shake that eerie feeling. The rain had ceased momentarily so my umbrella was tucked under one arm. I also had a huge fountain soda in one hand and a magazine. My hands were full, but I was one block from my house, so I wasn't too scared.

As I rounded the corner a man approached me from behind. He asked if I knew what time it was. I said no and kept walking. He stayed within two feet of me, and moved to block my path and then in a really creepy voice he asked are you sure? That's when I noticed his arm moving. I looked down and saw that his penis was out of his pants and he was jacking off. I flipped out. My first reaction was to throw my 44 oz soda at him. the lid came off and drenched him in pepsi but he kept going! I yelled at him and called him a nasty mother f***er, but to no avail. I then lunged at him with my umbrella, and he started to run. I chased him down the street but I lost him.

Since it was the THIRD time this has happened to me (although it was the first time I was alone) I was more angry than anything. I ran to my apartment, and grabbed a blunt object from the kitchen (ok, it was an ice cream scooper, but I was in a blind rage). I ran back out to find him. I've never felt so angry. This pervert represented every time I've been put into a situation where a man degraded, scared, stalked, or in any other way harmed me. I didn't get far from my door. Right out in front of my building I noticed a parked car with a figure slouched down in the drivers seat. I ran up to the window. It was him! I took the ice cream scooper and tried to smash his window with it. All that did of course was brake the plastic section off the stainless steel based scooper, and the guy took off. I learned two things from this incident. Get a license plate number no matter how out of it you are, and keep a bat by the door. I'm not taking this shit any more. - via email

posted by Hollaback Pacific Northwest @ 7:18 AM

A Tale of Stinky Vengeance

This happened a while back, but I just found your awesome site & had a pretty good story to share.

I live in Seattle, and I used to work in Union Square downtown. Getting hollered at by some disgusting piece of shit was a daily occurrance and definately nothing new, but typically I wouldn't respond to anyone when these things would happen. Usually I'd just ignore them & go about my business.

On this particular day, I was just getting off of a hard day at work. I was tired, grumpy, and (this may be TMI, but it's an important part of the story) I reeeeeally had to fart. I know, gross. But everybody farts, so don't look at me like that.

Obviously I didn't want to pass gas in front of the swanky clientele we had at work, so I was doing my best to wait until I got to a restroom. As I was crossing the street, there was a man who was walking to the corner at the same time. He looked like a normal guy, obviously out for a jog judging by the hotpants he was rockin'. He glanced at me, and then it looked like he was going to go straight so our paths would intersect, but then he did a double-take, gave me this incredibly creepy look, and as I approached the corner he decided to walk along side me. Well, I wanted no part of this.. I knew what was coming. I did my best to try & scoot along in front of him while holding in my foul gas that was building up fast.. this one was going to be monumental, and all I could think of was getting to a place where I can let it go finally. I was just about a foot ahead of him when we were stopping at the next traffic light, and that's when it happens:

"You've got a beautiful ass!"

I knew he was going to say something, but I had no idea it would be so.. to-the-point.

I thought to myself, "This asshole's got some nerve.. I've had a crappy day, I'm exhausted, and I have to fart so bad it's giving me a stomach-ache.."

So instead of yelling at him, instead of just letting it go, I knew what I had to do to get him away from me as quickly & efficiently as possible. I had to kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. And that's exactly what I did.

I farted.

Right in front of him, practically in his face I let it go, and it felt damn good. Immediately after, I turned around to him & said, "Still think it's beautiful??" This is the part where I'd explain the look on his face, but there really are no words that can paint a good picture. It was priceless. Shock, disgust, and complete disbelief is the best I can do. I have never been so delighted with myself for farting in public. As the traffic signal changed, I couldn't wipe the shit-eating grin off my face.

As soon as I got off at my bus stop, I told my boyfriend about what had just happened. After a good, long chuckle, he said to me, "See? I could never be with anyone else because no ohter girl that I know of would have the balls to do that."

Hell yes!

I highly recommend this method to any lady who's sick of dealing with assholes who just can't contain themselves. It's the most effective way I've ever gotten a douchbag pervert off my ass.

- M
Seattle, WA
I read about Stinky Vengeance on other site, but the situation was far more unpleasant, the woman was groped by a pervert on the crowded train. :eek:
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