To anyone who is interested


Original Rebel

Greasetea and Mr BillyBull@#!!! are all a bunch of @#!!!en posers who don't even now what the hell is going on. To all those asses get a life you know who the hell you are!
Re: To anyone who is intersected

This actually made me smile. Thank you fatass, i'll remember to get a life after i fist your mother with freaky freezey gloves i wore when i was a kid you toink! (the ones with the UFO's that appear when it gets cold)

Oh yes, and Original Rebel, please next time you attend a concert, can you at least brush your damn toofy-tusks? Nobody likes to watch a fat hoary hoagly chunky chunk screaming "I was BORN in Moz ANgeles, I was born..." with whole tv dinner trays of peas swinning in goop and hearty steakloafs flipping all over us. You are one gross silly bitchcake!

And I for one would love to see you fall into a ditch only to crawl out and then get hit by a truck like in Run Lola Run. Of course I would then urinate on your corpse and sprinkle oregano for seasoning you big jackmutt.

It's true, it's true...
Even Original Rebel is funnier and more intelligent than greasetea

> This actually made me smile.
> It's true, it's true...
You're all mouth and no trousers- scram (N/M)

> Greasetea and Mr BillyBull @#!!! are all a bunch of @#!!! en
> posers who don't even now what the hell is going on. To all
> those asses get a life you know who the hell you are!
Re: To anyone who is intersected

> This actually made me smile. Thank you fatass, i'll remember to
> get a life after i fist your mother with freaky freezey gloves i
> wore when i was a kid you toink! (the ones with the UFO's that
> appear when it gets cold)

> Oh yes, and Original Rebel, please next time you attend a
> concert, can you at least brush your damn toofy-tusks? Nobody
> likes to watch a fat hoary hoagly chunky chunk screaming "I
> was BORN in Moz ANgeles, I was born..." with whole tv
> dinner trays of peas swinning in goop and hearty steakloafs
> flipping all over us. You are one gross silly bitchcake!

> And I for one would love to see you fall into a ditch only to
> crawl out and then get hit by a truck like in Run Lola Run. Of
> course I would then urinate on your corpse and sprinkle oregano
> for seasoning you big jackmutt.

> It's true, it's true...

Re: Greasetea is a *-----SQUARE -------*

Oh man! Now I know what kind of education you have, I can see that you don't have that much. Greasetea I think, I know you should drink some tea and get a life. Why in the world do you answer back at 1:00 in the morning, I know the truth hurts, but you got to get on with your life you pathetic looser. Do something in your life and don't sit down at 1:00 in the morning writing all of your garbage. If you are having problems just get a shrink or something, Oh one more thing go back to school and get some manners. When you have accomplished that then you can come back and talk to me again.

You know it, you sure do, its true!
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