To all the "improper haters" out there........

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP that eats yoshinoya
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Mr.Improper PIMP that eats yoshinoya

Just read the front page of this website.....I rule!!! if david hated me like you all claim,why is he posting something from me???? because,as always,I rule!!!! I dont mind contributing david,you're the man,I have told you that from the beginning and will continue to tell you that. Thanks for posting it,I have now dubbed you a"PIMP" as well. Youa re now the "PIMP" of the world....I'm the PIMP of the nation...morrissey is PIMP of the universe(with all due respect to you),and stevie franchise is the PIMP of the NHL. But seriously,I dont mind contributing to the me the respect I's not everyday you all come into contact with a PIMP. And a famous one at that. Which brings me to my name...I should change it to: Mr.Improper INTERNATIONAL PIMP of the nation.....Im an Icon now....legions of people look up to me for guidance......Im here for you all.
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