These are crazy times

Re: hate to tell u guys but england has always been wacky...

Yep! And we wouldn't be any other way.
England and America; both f***ed up

PROUD to have no English or Yank blood in me:)
Re: England and America; both f***ed up

> PROUD to have no English or Yank blood in me:)

Re: f*** off back to Africa you black bastard!

Yes, racism is rampant alright.
Re: maybe he is scottish!

Well that would explain everything!
Whoops, now I'm doing it.
Only joking of course. Scottish people are lovely. Very friendly lot.
Re: maybe he is scottish!

> Well that would explain everything!
> Whoops, now I'm doing it.
> Only joking of course. Scottish people are lovely. Very friendly lot.

i think so, erm i am one of them
Re: maybe he is scottish!

> i think so, erm i am one of them

Oh well, there you are then. You seem nice enough.
But I could just be incredibly naieve of course.
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