the Scum backs labour



the sun newspaper are backing blair, another reason to tell labour to f*** off
nobody this time around

i know that if you don't vote you should keep shtum but i'm not voting for anyone this time simply because i don't believe any of them.
Re: nobody this time around

I think the pressure to vote is ridiculous. People always use the same comments like "You should use your democratic right". Surely this means you also have the democratic right not to vote.

As for people who don't vote because they're too lazy and stupid to care about politics. They're just idiots.
Vote Moz

I want to vote but at 34yo I've learned not to trust any of the parties.

To show my desire to have been able to vote for someone, who isn't power or money mad and isn't a liar, I will scrawl MOZ on my ballots. I ask you to do the same.
Re: nobody this time around

> i know that if you don't vote you should keep shtum but i'm not voting for
> anyone this time simply because i don't believe any of them.

What is your issue with Michael Howard? He DID support the war on iraq, for the most part, which is good. AND he's pledging to crack down on crime, immigration, and asylum seekers. Harpie Anne Widdecombe's nocturnal quote about him notwithstanding.

Re: nobody this time around

> What is your issue with Michael Howard? He DID support the war on iraq,
> for the most part, which is good. AND he's pledging to crack down on
> crime, immigration, and asylum seekers. Harpie Anne Widdecombe's nocturnal
> quote about him notwithstanding.

> J.T.

I will never vote for any right wing party. My moral standards are too high.
> the sun newspaper are backing blair, another reason to tell labour to f***
> off

The biggest turn off for Tony, must be their reasoning:

"His closeness to Bush".

Bet Tony loved that?
Re: Vote Moz

> I want to vote but at 34yo I've learned not to trust any of the parties.

> To show my desire to have been able to vote for someone, who isn't power
> or money mad and isn't a liar, I will scrawl MOZ on my ballots. I ask you
> to do the same.

If you don't have faith in any of the main parties (and who could blame you?), why not vote Green? Do you care about the environment? A wasted vote is just voter apathy.
Until Mozzer decides to stand for Parliament we will have to make do with what's on offer.
Re: Vote Moz

point of order but surelt voter apathy would be not to go & vote at all! The act of voting for non of 'em is a great message, let them know that we are out & voting but not for any of them shitheads.
I'm in the Vote Moz camp!


> If you don't have faith in any of the main parties (and who could blame
> you?), why not vote Green? Do you care about the environment? A wasted
> vote is just voter apathy.
> Until Mozzer decides to stand for Parliament we will have to make do with
> what's on offer.

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