The Official My Chemical Romance Thread

The gig last night was pretty intense i would say try not to get to the front cause the moshin was mental. Me and my mate ended up on the floor 2 or 3 times before the third song.
The set list for The Black Parade went in order of the album, expect lots of bangs and fire :D
They had a quick swap when 'Blood' was played from the cd to change to the Revenge set. They played the singles from Three Cheers and a couple of others which i can't remember :o

They are a really great live band but Plymouth is pants for sounding.

Was a really good gig full of surprises.

I'll put pics up later the quailty isn't that great and i have to get to college now :rolleyes:
^^Thanks for the info, sunny. :) So I see they are treating The Black Parade like its own different band still. :cool:

So I just heard that Teenagers is going to be the next US single and I Don't Love You will only be released in the UK. I still say Dead! will be a single one day...
The gig last night was amazing, thursday were ok. Gerard appeared on stage in a hospital bed :D and they played the album in sequence. We were all up on our feet throughout the entire gig jumping about and screaming like mad women. Lots of screaming,, lots of confetti, lots of flames, lots of bangs, OUTSTANDING.....:D Can't wait to go back and see them again. I also don't think he swore too much, although he did call us all motherfu*kers a coupple of times....Bloody good live though....I hurt all over today, i can hardly move and my head hurts but sooooooooooooo worth it!!!
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