the mystery of the new Morrissey interview online




Initially I assumed it was a bona fide album preview and probably by a journalist but now there's a new morrissey interview on there i'm a bit confused. It could be a fraud, but it looks pretty real. The thing is, if moz's lawyers have already contacted david steng over the video link but haven't done anything about the blog, that surely means it's authentic?

If it's a fraud, fair enough. It's possible though unlikely. But if it turns out to be real, I hope david tseng does the decent thing and apologises to me. He probably owes the blog an apology too for making it look like it was a hoax site.
If it is fake...

it's a high quality one. If it was known to be legitimate, I wouldn't think it was atypical for Morrissey, but the fact that its authenticity is in question...Tthere are some word choices that seem a little unMorrisseyesque, but still...

Nonetheless, I always like when props are given to Morrissey's longtime musicians.
And what's the point of posting a hotmail address in the previous blog entry? Defo NOT like Moz
> Initially I assumed it
> was a bona fide album preview and probably by a journalist but now there's
> a new morrissey interview on there i'm a bit confused. It could be a
> fraud, but it looks pretty real. The thing is, if moz's lawyers have
> already contacted david steng over the video link but haven't done
> anything about the blog, that surely means it's authentic?

people post b.s. about Moz all the time and don't get sued.

there isn't anything copyrightable about the website.

nobody really seemed to buy that it was legitimate anyway.

> If it's a fraud, fair enough. It's possible though unlikely. But if it
> turns out to be real, I hope david tseng does the decent thing and
> apologises to me. He probably owes the blog an apology too for making it
> look like it was a hoax site.
I think it's fake.

It just doesn't have that quips and sarcasm that come with any Morrissey interview. Sure there are a couple but there is just no edge.
I still think it is legit - as does almost everyone who posted on this board
you seem to be the one saying it's not real. Funny, you were saying it must have been copied and pasted from past moz interviews yesterday

It could be a fraud but basically if you look at the preview and then the interview that reads like a great morrissey interview i doubt there are many people who could pull it off. Give it a go. Let's see you come up with a fake moz interveiw like that right now
Re: I think it's fake.

lol you really do talk crap - look at the eloquence and wit! You're probably too thick to get the jokes!
what a loon. Where? AM I seeing things? I bet this is david posting all of these comments!
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