Symbolic Stuff Nobody Gives a Crap About

Yesterday someone borrowed my pliers. A nice lady, I know I'll get them back. THen someone else asked to borrow my drill, that's sorta asking a lot to borrow someone's drill if you ask me, but I leant it to him. Then he doesn't give it back until I have to walk to his apartment at 10:30 and tell them to shut up because they're laughing and carrying on and I can hear it behind my closed door. That's when I get my drill back, he didn't return it like he said he would. THEN this morning someone stole the f***ing laundry room broom. What the hell? Everyone's taking my tools. :mad:

I'm in a bad mood.

Advice? It's designed to be retardedly simple. What would make you feel better?
Okay, okay, okay, okay...I just told myself Gel Deodorant is a waste of money, like being jelly. Don't want to waste the ghosts saying don't be jelly, owrk on other stuff. This is so profoundly UNFAIR on a number of levels and I hope to be compensated in the future with an exotic vacation where I can sit and do crossword puzzles under an umbrella while you work on trying to not get skin cancer and we get tired of the sun and go back to our cabana to make sweet island love or f*** or whatever.
Also I'm trying to solve a zombie problem. What are the circumstances on the days that people report and record the videos and dialogue versus most other days when it's like a secret conclave that nobody must utter a word about? Can light be shined on a concert to get people to report it? Or can I emulate a concert and get people to comment on it and in turn...get the tidbits meant to help that I'm not getting? It's a f***ing exercise, God loves exercise.
Christmas 1979. Some guy I knew in high school just randomly liked this picture on my facebook. I got a tambo, it's to the left of Mickey. :sweet: I loved that table so much, it became my office desk. It was very professional. :cool:

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I study fast food chains and restaurants. They are the heart of evil, you can't not go there. THank God Taco Bell doesn't put lard in their beans or I'd have no reason to eat with the enemy.


Okay. A perfectly "sound" argument in the LOTB has equal parts Bird (phonetic) and equal parts Green (written).

LIVE is easily anagrammed to EVIL (green)

MAS is phonetically the same word as Moz (bird)

Taco Bell is LITERALLY showing it's fear in it's own damn marketing campaign. THe devil can be revealed in design and marketing. They aren't infallible, we can bully them back. THey're afraid of Moz.

Moz is the moon. Flip the z to the right 90˚, it tilts to an N. MoN. The moon is the feminine manifestation of the hermetic androgyne. See, he holds the loving cup and she holds the snake, they're standing on Taco Bell, etc...let's go practice.

FAN is FNA which is Free 'N' Accepted. Then Semen is cum, it freaked me out. I'm over it. The devil got into my brain yesterday, it only takes a second to destroy a whole days work, but the rewards are huge when you don't get fear. I'm human, I get fear.
Hopefully in the distance one of my high-powered zombies experiences the same epic thread fail I'm about to experience. :D
Fun (no longer a) Fact Sunday.


Evan fell in love with a Danish woman who saw through his wickedness and fell in love with his best friend. Evan's best friend was Jeff Newmar. Jeff Newmar's sister is Julie Newmar, they lived across the street from Evan in Palos Verdes. I know a lot of Newmar family stories. :D


According to her wikipedia she doesn't have a brother named Jeff. Jeff and Evan were in the same classes together and he was born in 1945. I wonder if he lied about that...that f***er. :angry: I've been telling that story for years, it's not even true. Welcome to being-friends-with-Kristeen world, lol.

Seriously, he'd say, "Well, she was his older sister and so she wasn't around a lot so it's not like we hung out, but I knew her family and she'd come by for parties and holidays." I wonder if the internet has RUINED life for liars. Jeff got a job at JPL building space shuttles, he was a math genius. He didn't marry Karen, I think she married a Danish man and had tons of kids. Devastated Evan forever, i was always compared to Karen, pronounced Karn.
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My friends were in India for a month. I asked if the cows allow you to pet them or if it's advised against...she said they are full of love, that they "vibe off your energy." I sensed that at the stables too where I was around a cow a lot. If you were in a bad mood, she was in a bad mood. If you were agitated, she got agitated. If you were happy, she got cuddly and loving. Cows are really sensitive.

The Winds' resident YOR cover days are over. Ben bought Dailey a car! :sweet: She must've been getting too heavy to heft around the neighborhood. He's strapping her in, I was sweeping the alley when I spotted it. You can't really see but Dailey is the most beautiful creature to exist on this earth. Black mom + Mexican dad = Future super model. (Goddam that alley is clean. I'm good. :cool:)


UPDATE: Spoke too soon! He just got back, YOR cover toting a car behind him. She starts off okay but then cries and wants to be held. :D It was the first day, she'll get the hang of it. (She's wearing tiny Toms shoes, she is soooooooo precious. :love:)
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I went to two doctors today, the first a Neurologist and the second a Neuro Surgeon. The Neurologist was testing lots of stuff. He looked into my eyes with a scope and told me to look in the distance. He laughed then said, "Wow. You need glasses." :D
Dailey just got back from her morning drive. (Every morning they walk her around the neighborhood so she'll take a nap, it's a regular thing so I watch the anomalies.) THis time mom took her out and she sat and steered and loved the drive. When dad takes her out she cries and wants to be held. So I don't know if that's speaking to anyone regarding PPPLMGWIW, but Ben is stopping and holding and comforting and Bianca is getting shit done and going places and doing things. New things. Shocking things. :straightface: It's all about learning the gears of your car. The wants of the demure woman control the go into woman mode and get your man to give you what you need.
Someone quietly returned the laundry room broom. :cool:

I love deadheading the lavender. There's something so south-of-france-deep-in-the-ghetto about it. It smells so delicious and lingers on your hands all day.

Anyone who google's "Maya Angelou Poetry" and goes to the first sight on the list is treated to an ad for WPINOYB before they get to hear the poem. :eek:

EDIT Nevermind. Its a dumb cookie.
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I am an idiot.

I thought today was the first. Nobody was paying the rent, people are smiling and waving and making small talk and I'm sitting here waiting and nothing. Lol. I'd be sitting here for two days!

I think the other day I looked at a calendar in another house turned to the wrong month and just quietly convinced myself that was the truth.

Sudden day off, bitches!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:
I think that Cali photo is great. Joey's saying "Hey...YOU. You're Matt."
I think it's good that mother f***ers are crying now. :straightface:

In other news, should I explain 42 and coat hangers and Jupiter's glyph again? Or should we just enjoy this? :D

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