Something to get a good laugh about

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP of the fuckin nation..and proud f
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Mr.Improper PIMP of the fuckin nation..and proud f

With alot of f***in useless shitdicks here crying about how much they "hate Amercians"...I thought it would be funny to show you all this. Looks like we "Americans" aren't the only f***ed up ones huh??
> With alot of f***in useless shitdicks here crying about how much they
> "hate Amercians"...I thought it would be funny to show you all
> this. Looks like we "Americans" aren't the only f***ed up ones
> huh??


Poor kid, he'll be scarred for life. I'm so glad that never happened to me.
Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

I had one good looking one in 6th grade, I remember, but at that age I wouldn't have known what to do.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> I had one good looking one in 6th grade, I remember, but at that age I
> wouldn't have known what to do.

does it really boil down to how the teacher looks?

seriously. you get any person who has their own house, car, and can purchase alcohol and not think that teenagers won't be interested?

even one of the scary older coaches at my high school scored with one of the homecoming princesses and lost his job.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

I'll admit that looks aren't everything, but I do not picture a teenage boy making it with a 60 year old woman, who keeps her tisue up her sweater sleeve,no matter how much weed or drink the teacher may have.
Or a teenage girl with an old male teacher dressed in a polyester leisure suit, unless he has "greased" her up a bit.

But I may be wrong. It has happened before..once or twice.
Two female teachers have been suspended for allegedly having a threesome with a 16-year-old male pupil.

But police are understood not to have pressed charges because the teenager did not complain of any crime.

Ha! What on earth would he be COMPLAINING about?!
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> I had one good looking one in 6th grade, I remember, but at that age I
> wouldn't have known what to do.

My first crush was my third grade teacher. She had this thing where if it was your birthday she'd kiss you on the cheek. Usually the boys would make a game of running away from her all day, until she'd sneak up and plant one on ya while you're playing Connect Four or something. As for me, it made me look forward to my birthday even more.

We had the absolute hottest Latin teacher at my school. And since she taught both junior high and high school, and helped out at swim meets (I was on the swim team), I was able to crush on her for years. None of the teachers at my school were the kind of people who'd buy you drugs and bed you though. Quite the opposite. I guess standards have fallen in recent years. I wish I'd been born later. :/
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> even one of the scary older coaches at my high school scored with one of
> the homecoming princesses and lost his job.

There's a high school in Cleveland's suburbia where the principal had invited the varsity cheerleading team over at his house for a swim party. He told the girls to change in this bathroom, and one eagle-eyed girl noticed a red light behind the mirror. The f***er had installed a hidden camera behind a mirror to tape them changing into their swimsuits! Not just some teacher, but the PRINCIPAL.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> My first crush was my third grade teacher. She had this thing where if it
> was your birthday she'd kiss you on the cheek. Usually the boys would make
> a game of running away from her all day, until she'd sneak up and plant
> one on ya while you're playing Connect Four or something. As for me, it
> made me look forward to my birthday even more.

> We had the absolute hottest Latin teacher at my school. And since she
> taught both junior high and high school, and helped out at swim meets (I
> was on the swim team), I was able to crush on her for years. None of the
> teachers at my school were the kind of people who'd buy you drugs and bed
> you though. Quite the opposite. I guess standards have fallen in recent
> years. I wish I'd been born later. :/

My first ardor was my fifth-grade G.A.T.E teacher, Ms. Taves. Disorderly students were required to spend the remainder of the period seated beside her desk.

I used to be a sweet boy...
No joke, during my first years of elementary school I was rewarded "the quiet sticker" EVERY OTHER DAY (the class had an autistic child).
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> My first ardor was my fifth-grade G.A.T.E teacher, Ms. Taves. Disorderly
> students were required to spend the remainder of the period seated beside
> her desk.

Ha. That just reminded me of this math teacher I had in junior high. She seemed to like kids to be scared of her. If you were goofing around during times when you were supposed to be quietly working out math problems, she'd loudly order, "Mr. So-and-So, approach the throne!" Then she'd stare at you and roll her long fingernails on the desk in dramatic fashion (or whatever you call it when you tap each fingertip down in order, quickly, over and over) as she thought about how to punish you. It sooo turned me on!

> I used to be a sweet boy...
> No joke, during my first years of elementary school I was rewarded
> "the quiet sticker" EVERY OTHER DAY (the class had an autistic
> child).


I was always in trouble for whispering jokes and stuff.
Re: The teachers are a-what with the pupils?

Bloody hell, if only I'd had my wicked way with my PE teacher. I convinced my 14yr old brain that I was in love with that man, made absolutely no secret of the fact I fancied him and he ended up moving schools ... to Australia. I still remember one RE lesson where I sat dreamily staring out of the window, watching him referee a football match; the RE teacher asked me loudly if I knew that lust was one of the seven deadly sins ... cue furious blushing and the oh so witty taunts of 'beetroot head'.
Bet that guy passed all his exams with flying colours.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> Ha. That just reminded me of this math teacher I had in junior high. She
> seemed to like kids to be scared of her. If you were goofing around during
> times when you were supposed to be quietly working out math problems,
> she'd loudly order, "Mr. So-and-So, approach the throne!" Then
> she'd stare at you and roll her long fingernails on the desk in dramatic
> fashion (or whatever you call it when you tap each fingertip down in
> order, quickly, over and over) as she thought about how to punish you. It
> sooo turned me on!

Ms. Taves (Tawes(?)) used to demurely touch her lips before turning a leaf of text w/ moistened finger

The squalor of the mind...

Interestingly, I DID have a teacher in high school pay me rather inordinate attention. Perhaps I should have minded the extracurricular suggestion and "helped her with papers" over the summer.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> Ms. Taves (Tawes(?)) used to demurely touch her lips before turning a leaf
> of text w/ moistened finger

> The squalor of the mind...

That Latin teacher I mentioned. She had this habit of holding a pencil as she was speaking, and she would rub the pencil in highly erotic fashion. I wasn't the only one who took notice of this.

> Interestingly, I DID have a teacher in high school pay me rather
> inordinate attention. Perhaps I should have minded the extracurricular
> suggestion and "helped her with papers" over the summer.

I had a college film professor who went out of her way to befriend me and sometimes I wondered if I had a chance (of course I was never gonna try).

I did get into her bedroom once, but only because she had me help move all her furniture to a new apartment. Story of my life.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

>I had a college film professor who went out of her way to befriend me and sometimes >I wondered if I had a chance (of course I was never gonna try).

>I did get into her bedroom once, but only because she had me help move all her >furniture to a new apartment. Story of my life.

I thought 'Oh God, my chance has come at last'
(But then a strange fear gripped me and I
Just couldn't ask)

The story of my life as well -- only, my fears are even stranger and I often waken before entering the bedroom.
Lucky bastard

That never happened to me when I was in school.
Re: Teachers must be younger and/or better looking than when I went to school.

> There's a high school in Cleveland's suburbia where the principal had
> invited the varsity cheerleading team over at his house for a swim party.
> He told the girls to change in this bathroom, and one eagle-eyed girl
> noticed a red light behind the mirror. The f***er had installed a hidden
> camera behind a mirror to tape them changing into their swimsuits! Not
> just some teacher, but the PRINCIPAL.

A drama teacher did this in the school I went to in North Wales. He filmed a load of year 11 girls while they got changed. The dirty f***er.
He grabs and devours, he kicks me in the showers...

> even one of the scary older coaches at my high school scored with one of
> the homecoming princesses and lost his job.

Some years ago, I read in the newspaper of a particularly nasty coach from my high school being charged in the sexual assault of a female student. Personally, I was delighted to see this belligerent ghoul brought to justice -- the man had once chastised me with great severity for something of which I was entirely innocent, even to becoming physical. An odd sense of guilt(!) and embarrassment prevented my mentioning this to my father. Also, a girl with whom I modelled related a similar event to the newspaper account, only charges were never brought.
LIAR! ! He just couldn't ask.
Re: What ARE you talking about, Flawed?

I can't say.

I'm Catholic.
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