Quality wedding reception


Well-Known Member
Went to a wedding party on Saturday evening.

Best musiic at a wedding I've been privy to.

The Clash, Specials, Madness, the Jam, the Roses and of course The Smiths.

Bigmouth, there Is A Light, some others (was a bit worst for wear byt his stage) and the piece de resistance; I Know Its Over. At a wedding. Class.
lucky bugger, last wedding reception i went to seem to play just the dirty dancing soundtrack, bryan adams and some lastest top ten singles from the hit parade.
i was 'in the bar, with my head on the bar'....
Yeh I know what you mean re: Dirty Dancing etc etc. Hence my skanking and best Moz impressions (the quiff was up fortunately! what a happy coincidence!!)

As for modern stuff I think we had Kasabian, Arctic Monkeys, killers, Franz Ferdinand etc. Which I would have been happy enough with at a wedding but then to chuck in Madness, Specials, Clash. Jam, Smiths, Roses, Elivs etc etc. I had a ball!!!

I had quite the opposite experience on Friday when i was at a friends wedding.
These DJ's looked like a more demented Chuckle Brothers with really bad breath...which i found out when i went to ask for some decent music.
They played the new Dustbin Timberlake record about 3 times and The Scissor Sisters just as much, nearly every single record jumped like mad and everything we asked for was deemed as 'college music'...haha the utter tools.
Oh and one was quite happy to tell me about all the women he'd slept with after DJ'ing at weddings....maybe it was to get them to stop.

Like Morrissey once descibed the baggy scene..."The revenge of the daft"!

All the best x

I am still yet to go out for a night and listen to plenty of Moz and The Smiths...let alone at a wedding reception!

I demand some Smiths nights in the midlands!
Also played Joy Division, T-Rex (the DJ/ saxophonist/ gutiarist, I kid you not, knew his stuff seguing Panic into Metal Guru!)

Bowie, Baker Street (?) Associates...

Oh and the Elvis song was Maries the Name.......

IF I ever get married (I very much doubt thet will happen) this will be my wedding. Or my funeral actually. Anyway, I was lied to last weekend at a party. The night before, my friend said 'Do you have any requests for tomorrow?' 'What do you think?' I said 'Don't worry, I have Hatful of Hollow' she assured me. The party began 'Can we have Hatful of Hollow next?' I asked (with a fellow Moz fan I had aquired at my side) She opened the case...'OH MY GOD, HATFUL OF HOLLOW ISN'T IN ITS CASE!' she yelled, knowing I was not in a state to look for it. I suspect sabotage. I KNEW I should have taken my own copy... (I have done that before. And demanded it was played)
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