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Meeting Morrissey, well I didn't think it was ever going to happen. My friend Rocio was hopeful, she even brought some cds and a camera. We found the house and sure enough there were two guys waiting in front of his house. Rocio and I left to amoeba for about 2 hours and when we returned at about three he was there. We parked at the bottom of the hill and walked up and just as we were turning a corner I saw him. I remember taking a deep breath and being in a state of utter shock. There he was sporting his pumas, blue eyes and sinister smile. He was sitting on the steps to his house talking with some of the people that had been waiting and taking pictures, this led me to believe that he hadn't been there for very long. So we slid in. I didn't say much to him because I was in awe, I am shy and one guy seemed to dominate the conversation. Someone asked about the Jaguares tour and how that came about, he said it was a simple invitation. Someone asked what bands he was into and he named Aphex Theory and that he was reading Edgar Allen Poe's boxed set. Various topics were discussed such as a certain Siouxsie, he said she was an extremely difficult person. He said something about the smiths albums being reissued and digitally remastered and asked if we would buy them all over again. I don't know if anyone asked about the new album. This was one of the most electrifying moments of my life. I didn't say much, I asked him to sign my id and explained that my name was "Alma" he laughed, then looked at my DOB and was like "you were born in 1982? that is so depressing" He was playful, yet introverted. I was shocked that he stayed as long as he did, it was about 45 minutes. We asked what he was doing for his birthday and he said something along the lines of 'nothing, it's just another day'

One thing I would like to make clear is that no one rang his bell. The guys that had been waiting did just that, and their patience paid off. It was very non intrusive. He stayed for as long as he did because he wanted, and left when he decided he'd had enough. I knew that in meeting him he would hold something back. He is very mysterious, although I was sitting next to him I felt like he was a world away. He was extremely cordial and signed everything we asked, posed for every picture. He seems a little uncomfortable in them, but at the time he appeared glad to pose with us. I think it's that coyness that's so endearing. We were there waiting to see him and he took the time to just sit with us and speak. That meant more than anything. He had the choice of staying in and hiding out or jumping into his car and ignoring us, and he didn't. It was truly amazing. At the time I didn't realize how much of a big deal this was, we were thrusted into the conversation and now looking back I see how great it was of him to have done this and how much of a big deal it was and will be for the rest of my life. I remember listening to the smiths/Moz as a child with an older cousin and not really understanding or relating to the lyrics, it was only in my early teens that I realized how amazing their music/his lyrics are and how much he has touched people. I have always wondered what I would say or do if I ever met someone I had idolized for so long, but there was no need for words, just meeting him and being there was what mattered. I didn't try to prove myself as being the biggest fan or even bring memorabilia, there was no need for that. We were there for him and that was enough proof of our devotion. If he ever reads this I just want to thank him for everything and apologize for posting the pictures. I just wanted to share my experience with those that adore him.

Alma (Matters of course)
wow, that's pretty neat that you actually met him...some guy on an everything but the girl email group told me that his siter is good friends with him and that he's been in his place and all...I recently met someone whom I've been a fan of for just about as long as the smiths, ben watt of everything but the girl...and that was plenty strange knees were actually knocking as I was deliberating whether or not to say anything to him...of course, when I did speak to him, I was terribly nervous and didn't say everything that I wanted, but oh well...I have no idea how I'd act upon meeting up with morrissey though, as his lyrics, along with ben watt & tracey thorn's, are some of the greatest ever written...
Re: or what?

Or else him and his fat friend will come to your house and cry.
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