my shortlist of musicians Morrissey should work with next... instead of "the lads"



1 Johnny greenwood - radiohead
2 John Squire - ex stone roses/ seahorses
3 bernard butler - possibly too marr-esque
4 when he finds the right guitarist he needs an exciting producer - like Eno.
5 Mani of stone roses and primal scream on bass, or simon jones, ex verve
an ideal band set up might be

Morrissey - voice
John Squire - lead guitar
Johnny Greenwood - orchestration
Mani - bass guitar
Spencer Cobrin - drums
Brian Eno - producing

imagine the potential of a band like that

Why do you keep changing the spelling of your name?
Its getting longer and longer.
Re: brokenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Why do you keep changing the spelling of your name?
> Its getting longer and longer.

The Lads have to go, you are right. I'd love to see a constantly shifting line up. Greenwood and Squire are excellent choices. I wonder if Graham Coxon might work well too? If Quarry had been co-written by Richard Hawley it would be the torch masterpiece he wanted instead of the generic mediocrity it is. The Lads cannot write diverse music - IHFJ is a prime example!

Other suggestions - how about a voice and piano album with Diamanda Galas? She can play exquisitely and Moz can sing exquisitely (not that DG can't - she has one of the most oustanding voices in the world!). It would certainly be "out there"!
Re: brokenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

well, i have loved a lot of his solo music - some of it is stunning. I'm not hugely critical given how much great stuff they've co-written. I love some of Alain and Boz's work - i'm just saying it's time for a change.

Morrissey needs a new direction.

And yes, I also like your suggestions.
> 1 Johnny greenwood - radiohead
> 2 John Squire - ex stone roses/ seahorses
> 3 bernard butler - possibly too marr-esque
> 4 when he finds the right guitarist he needs an exciting producer - like
> Eno.
> 5 Mani of stone roses and primal scream on bass, or simon jones, ex verve

My dream band for Morrissey would be:

Vocals: Morrissey (er.. obviously)

Guitars: Chris Cheney (from Australian band The Living End, he is a f***ing fantastic guitarist that has written some really interesting tunes but somehow still manages to make them really really catchy which could fit into Moz's pop-rock style)

Bass: Gary Day (I honestly see nothing that Gary is doing wrong, he is filling his role as a good bass player, he's not having to write music and his playing compliments most songs that he's been written into. If it aint broke, don't fix

Drums: Chad Gracey (from the band Live, Chad's drumming in concert is awesome, he hits the skins so god damn hard it just gets into your soul. His studio drumming is awesome as well .. his drumming just has this really alive feeling about it, it's never flat which is something Moz's drummers has pretty much always suffered from besides sparks of hope from Spencer).

Keyboards: Flake (from Rammstein .. strange choice but bringing in Flake with his symphony of voices style could bring a really spooky yet beautiful touch to Morrissey's concerts. He is a bloody fantastic keyboardist that unfortunatly gets slotted into being a "dance" keyboardist simpley because of "Du Hast" but working some of his dark magic into Moz's music could really work.)

...I realise none of this will never ever happen.
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