My Morrissey Theory

Well, I don' think it's "depressing", I think it has a melancholic feel to it.
And, yes, he sings about life. Life can be cruel when you don't belong or when you choose not to go along with the sheep, do you guys understand what I am trying to explain?

> I feel the same way. Morrissey's music is not depressing, if anything it
> keeps me/people from getting depressed or more depressed. It's just a
> label the media put on it to control it and dismiss it. the music reaches
> the deepest parts in all of us and, lets face it, many have a hard time
> with that--facing that. In many cultures and parts of the world, the music
> there is very much like Morrissey's style. . .but not in America or other
> Western countries. Here it's considered 'gay', depressing, and whiney
> (especially for a man to do so). It's too bad it is. Americans especially
> need to get more in touch with their insides. What's depressing about
> that?
> Yes- Now I'm blushing ugh!

haha.. i totally met you then! me and my two friends were standing right behind you guys.
> haha.. i totally met you then! me and my two friends were standing right
> behind you guys.

and i don't know why this posted under a different name.... sweetadeline/jen.. its all me.

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