My idea for T-Shirts


New Member
Would you think it's funny if they made T-shirts with posters for crappy movies screen-printed on them?

Imagine this


or this


or this


on a T-shirt. Wouldn't that be funny?
TBh, I would love a "Showgirls" or "Manos: The Hands of Fate" t-shirt.

Viva Torgo!
Showgirls is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time.

BUT, the idea with these T-shirts is that they're the kind of movies that collect dust on video store shelves.
Showgirls is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time.

BUT, the idea with these T-shirts is that they're the kind of movies that collect dust on video store shelves.
Um, those movies do collect dust at the video store.
Those are popular bad movies, though. At least among cult movie fans.

I mean like making T-shirts for completely forgettable movies.
That's kind of who I would think would wear them. But a hipster would probably wear one with something like Shazaam or an 80s teen sex comedy in it.
well ,I would say just change them slightly, maybe "artsy " them up, use wacky colors,etc.

I see them sell fairly horrible t shirts with shitting printing at Urban Outfitters all the time, for like 30 bucks a pop and they get bought up.
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