Stretford Poet

Hello everyone again!
does anybody know where Morrissey lives ? ,i mean ,the exact address.
I think he must live inside of a kind of closed condominium....
MORRISSEY'S ADDRESS and american fans etc etc zzzzzzz

> Hello everyone again!
> does anybody know where Morrissey lives ? ,i mean ,the exact
> address.
> I think he must live inside of a kind of closed condominium....
> SP

I think you will find that there are loads of people that could help you but WONT.

They are quite a few fans that know Morrisseys address and some hang round there quite a lot but for some really warped reason keep it there little secret.

I can imagine that Morrissey does not want loads of people messing around his house night and day but its amazing that nobody ever gives out the address.

These are some of the people that when they visit the UK want to know where to visit and people this side of the world are only to happy to help.But not so in the states i think you will find.

Happy hunting my friend.

If i had the proper address i would give it to you via e mail...I known roughly where it is but not the proper house number or anything.
But the British are known for being polite

Americans are known for stalking, killing, chasing, breaking in, swimming in pools......Were nuts over here man! Of course your not just going to give out your idols address. Thats how idols die!

well, like that, or on the toilet.
Re: Er, nooooo...

I think you'll find that British people are evil! Just watch any American film and you'll see how right I am!

I believe everything I see on T.V.
> Hello everyone again!
> does anybody know where Morrissey lives ? ,i mean ,the exact
> address.
> I think he must live inside of a kind of closed condominium....
> SP

why would you like that? what would you do? Maybe going there and take some pictures? Or knoc at his door, or,...what? don't get me wrong, i'm sure you must have your reasons, but... is that what YOU fans do??? isn't it a little unhealthy? ok, i'm not the right guy to say, but... it's strange for me, i mean, going near a house of a person i don't even know. i don't know...
> Hello everyone again!
> does anybody know where Morrissey lives ? ,i mean ,the exact
> address.
> I think he must live inside of a kind of closed condominium....
> SP

You people are fooking crazy!!!! For the last time, his address is 8911 Santa Monica Blvd., in W. Hollywood!!!!!! Check it out.
Re: But the British are known for being polite

> Americans are known for stalking, killing, chasing, breaking in,
> swimming in pools......Were nuts over here man! Of course your
> not just going to give out your idols address. Thats how idols
> die!

> well, like that, or on the toilet.

Bows most politely.

> I think you'll find that British people are evil! Just watch any
> American film and you'll see how right I am!

> I believe everything I see on T.V.

That's genius! And very very ture.

> You people are fooking crazy!!!! For the last time, his address
> is 8911 Santa Monica Blvd., in W. Hollywood!!!!!! Check it out.

It is no where near 8911 Santa Monica Blvd, hell I am in Texas and even I know that! One person who responded was right, people who know keep it to themselves and I too would tell you in an email where it is.

the ordinaryboy homepage
> It is no where near 8911 Santa Monica Blvd, hell I am in Texas
> and even I know that! One person who responded was right, people
> who know keep it to themselves and I too would tell you in an
> email where it is.

If you have enough decency you won't even do that..... what's the difference between telling a stranger via email or telling it on a publich website? It can end up in the wrong hands both ways.
> If you have enough decency you won't even do that..... what's
> the difference between telling a stranger via email or telling
> it on a publich website? It can end up in the wrong hands both
> ways.

It is just me being polite. It'snot like the emails are pouring in or anything like that...

the ordinaryboy homepage
> It is no where near 8911 Santa Monica Blvd, hell I am in Texas
> and even I know that! One person who responded was right, people
> who know keep it to themselves and I too would tell you in an
> email where it is.

Duh.......If you knew what 8911 SM Blvd. was, you would obviously know that it was a joke. I do really know where it is, and no, I do not tell anybody. Just out of decency for the poor guy. The 8911 thing was a joke people. He does not live in Rage

That address was a Local joke.

The address he gave was to RAGE...A popular Gay bar in West hollywood.

If you have enough decency you won't even do that..... what's
> the difference between telling a stranger via email or telling
> it on a publich website? It can end up in the wrong hands both
> ways.
> Duh.......If you knew what 8911 SM Blvd. was, you would
> obviously know that it was a joke. I do really know where it is,
> and no, I do not tell anybody. Just out of decency for the poor
> guy. The 8911 thing was a joke people. He does not live in Rage

I wish i was a million quid poorer than Morrissey.
sing-songy...and I don't know why!

> POOR??????????????????????????
> I wish i was a million quid poorer than Morrissey.

I think I agree with your comment, but at the same time, I think he was saying "poor" in the sense of dejected...not monetarily. I am sure you caught on to that, but felt you had to make a 'point'. In that case, then OK! But otherwise I would feel sorry for YOU at that point!

"doo-wop, do-wop, do-wop!"


P.s. I TOTALLY agree with Sharron, as usual...I DO think it is unfortunate that people like Abrahan would offer to give out the address for no reason, just because someone would email him and ask him...If Morrissey wanted us ALL to know and have his address, wouldn't he just list it at the front of this page? Think about it, people. It kind of bothers me that this is still an issue. But I am not blind- I know it will be until he runs from LA to Orange County to hide away with all of us conservatives! :::Ghasp!::: Could it be? No, I am just wishing...
> The address he gave was to RAGE...A popular Gay bar in West
> hollywood.

ah, that's the address i want. what kind of dudes go there?
Re: sing-songy...and I don't know why!

> I think I agree with your comment, but at the same time, I think
> he was saying "poor" in the sense of dejected...not
> monetarily. I am sure you caught on to that, but felt you had to
> make a 'point'. In that case, then OK! But otherwise I would
> feel sorry for YOU at that point!

Iwuz only kidding Laura.Anyway, I'll leave you alone you were only singing.

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