Morrissey methods of murder

Good work dailyalice :thumb:

a nail up through the staff chair
blade in your soap
smother me mother
needle pressed under tight skin

Thanks - it's a topic I'd been thinking about for a while. I even started a spread sheet of songs working out the different kinds of death - suicide, murder, accidental...In surgery, initiating my staff, I'd give a brief intro to each song. One day it seemed that all the songs were about something horrible - and I couldn't stop giggling. "Someone dies in this song. *giggle*" "No one dies in this song, but it is about child abuse." "This song is about children dying." "Someone gets murdered in this song *giggle*." "Someone is stabbed in this song. *snicker*" My employees just shake their heads at me. My IT guy wanted to install some software while I was making the list, and I was like, no, can you wait? He did. :)

Are you suggesting that Morrissey's inner (creative) devil makes him to write songs about murder?


I'm just saying that evilness affects us all. It's not always bad thing. You should know.
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