Mimi! I can't live without you!

Re: I want the things you've got and I'm going to take them from you with my bare hands...

Well for what it isn't worth that's me and mine...and if I can't take it by force then I'll slash your tyres and make your mother cry.
dO you @#!!! on 1st dates ??does your dad own a brewery??

YOU are so SO so SO so right....

> Well for what it isn't worth that's me and mine...and if I can't
> take it by force then I'll slash your tyres and make your mother
> cry.
shut your filthy mealy mouth you degenerate

Asking her if she f.ucks on the first date, f.uck off you inbred scumbitch! She belongs to an exclusive club that doesn't involve you, so you'll be kind to refrain from asking such a question you shankface!
greasetea is a donut sh?iter

I pity you.....your one of those desperate loud people who crave attention and if you dont get it you throw your dummie in the dirt..

I bet you were raped by your father and his mad bad brothers in your caravan as a child...but as dad was making you @#!!! donuts you loved every second didnt you...

I hope your boyfriend dumps you GREASETEA you prick and you find out that your results are positive.........

yOU ARE a coward and a prick and your family line is full of rapists and scumhead pieces of shhhhhiiiittttttttteeeeee....

I hope you get MS soon sadsack and leave this message board to real fans not spastics like you..

YOU window licking mongol @#!!!...deep down you know im right ;0)

> Asking her if she f.ucks on the first date, f.uck off you inbred
> scumbitch! She belongs to an exclusive club that doesn't involve
> you, so you'll be kind to refrain from asking such a question
> you shankface!
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