Mexico is excellent


fat boy

I am drinking my way through 24 bottles of cheap Sainsbury's lager and listening to a Moz bootleg of Vegas 2002. C'mon I think Mexico is great but Moz ain't pushing the singles is he?

Maladjusted had some great singles. He's definately a 'singles' writer. I think he's getting slightly sloppy in foresight. Maladjusted was definately a bit 'mellow' compared to say Vauxhall.

Oh, I'm up to bottle 18. That's 9 pints so far and I'm pissing like a fire engine (Richard E Grant said that first in 'How To Get Ahead in Advertising; good film).
Re: You squiffy goon


Why not my friend? It's Saturday.

Oh, and Peter Sellers was the best goon.
I think Mexico is a bit weak lyrically

I haven't actually heard the song yet, but got hold of the lyrics. To be honest, I don't think that they're up to the usual standard.

Long ago,
High on a mountain in Mexico
Lived a young shepherd boy, Angelo
Who met a young girl and he loved her so

Rich was she,
Came from a very high family,
Angelo knew it could never be,
They ran away to their destiny

Running away together
Running away forever
Running away from danger
Running from every stranger
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand

Long ago,
High on a mountain in Mexico
Lived a young shepherd boy, Angelo
Who met a young girl and he loved her so

Running away together,
Running away forever,
Running away from danger,
Running from every stranger,
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand

Running away together,
Running away forever,
Running away from danger,
Running from every stranger,
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand

Running away together,
Running away forever,
Running away from danger,
Running from every stranger,
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand
Re: You squiffy goon

Exactly. I think I'll join you in a tipple. There's some Sheriden's left over from Xmas in the fridge.
Re: I think Mexico is a bit weak lyrically

Yeah, I think he should reconsider 'shepherd boy' and replace it with 'rent boy.'
hold your nose & neck it

Not sure what Sheriden's is. Not a spirits man meself. Is it sherry?

That's what retired headmistresses drink (?)
Sheriden's is a coffee and cream liqueur. Very sweet, but slurp-some

So you get the shakes and get slaughtered at the same time?
hey fatboy, where did you get vegas 2002 bootlegs?

i've been trying to get them, but haven't found them either online or off. do you have a boot from the friday or the saturday show (or both)? i talked to someone who sells a lot of moz bootlegs and he said that he hoped he'd get some vegas boots, but that if he hadn't gotten them by now, they might not exist and the soundboard guy must not have let anything out. is it a crowd recording? thanks.
I went to Mexico once on an all inclusive and my mate ended up in the hossie for 4 days
Re: hey fatboy, where did you get vegas 2002 bootlegs?

I'm just lucky. I have the 7th Sept gig and it's soundboard I think because it's excellent quality. I'll trade with you if you like.

Are you Mindy really?

Yep. You can get pissed without falling asleep!
Re: hey fatboy, where did you get vegas 2002 bootlegs?

> I'm just lucky. I have the 7th Sept gig and it's soundboard I think
> because it's excellent quality. I'll trade with you if you like.

damn, i was hoping you had the 6th sept gig, since that's the show i was at. i'd go for the trade, but haven't got anything you'd probably be interested in.

> Are you Mindy really?

and yes, regrettably.
Re: hey fatboy, where did you get vegas 2002 bootlegs?

> damn, i was hoping you had the 6th sept gig, since that's the show i was
> at. i'd go for the trade, but haven't got anything you'd probably be
> interested in.

> and yes, regrettably.

Ghost of Mindy, send me your address via email and I'll post it to you. Do you have anything like an old Moz show? Don't worry too much I'll post it anyway.

Why don't you change your name back to Mindy? We really did like you as you were and you were rather popular. Why not?

Anyway, you're not actually 'dead' (Mindy's Ghost) thankfully. You used to remind me of 'Mork and Mindy' - I mean that in a very pleasant way, from when I used to watch TV as a kid. I don't suppose Mindy is your real name (as is mine) but it would be nice to know Mindy again.

Oh, and I've never seen your picture and I've never called you fat. F**k them. I understand if you want a bit of privacy. Email me anyway.

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