Last weekend Mozchester


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Had a great day last Saturday , my first visit to Manchester , i'll definately be back !
Consumed far too much bevvy first in Wetherspoons then on to the legendary Star + Garter, what a place ,Smiths and Moz all day long! It was just great to be in a pub where everyone was so in to Morrissey .
The place was absolutely bouncing before the gig with everybody up dancing spoke to loads of fans in there, but am now struggling to remember any names.

Then on to the arena we got there a bit late and missed most of Franz Ferdinand I was really looking forward to seeing them as well. Anyway onto the main event ,and the big man didn't disappoint , even if we were miles away up high at the back of the hall .
Hopefully the rumours of an autumn tour are correct cos i'll be needing another Moz fix by then .

Cheers Peter
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