I Won't Share You

  • Thread starter The Original J.T. Ripper
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The Original J.T. Ripper

God this is a beautiful song. It's a shame I more-or-less overlooked it for so many years -- even though Strangeways is FAR and away my favourite Smiths LP, I thoroughly despise Death At One's Elbow, and as such I would frequently just listen to the first 8 tracks and then end after Paint a Vulgar Picture (awesome, awesome song). I knew IWSY was there at the end, and listened to it once in a blue moon, but never enough to really let it grab me.

That changed about a year ago, and the more I listen to it the more I absolutely adore it. Moz's voice is so elegant, so touching, so sonorous -- my favourite part is near the end, from roughly 1:52 onward, culminating in the "as long as you know, know, know, know, know, know, know, know, kno-o-o-o-ow... o-o-o-o-o-ohhhh.."

Utterly sublime. It just makes takes an already-unbelievable album to even greater heights - IMVeryHO, the first truly realised Smiths album which they just didn't manage to stick around long enough to create a followup. How would a 1988 Smiths' release compare vs. Viva Hate, one wonders?......

> God this is a beautiful song. It's a shame I more-or-less overlooked it
> for so many years -- even though Strangeways is FAR and away my favourite
> Smiths LP, I thoroughly despise Death At One's Elbow, and as such I would
> frequently just listen to the first 8 tracks and then end after Paint a
> Vulgar Picture (awesome, awesome song). I knew IWSY was there at the end,
> and listened to it once in a blue moon, but never enough to really let it
> grab me.

> That changed about a year ago, and the more I listen to it the more I
> absolutely adore it. Moz's voice is so elegant, so touching, so sonorous
> -- my favourite part is near the end, from roughly 1:52 onward,
> culminating in the "as long as you know, know, know, know, know,
> know, know, know, kno-o-o-o-ow... o-o-o-o-o-ohhhh.."

> Utterly sublime. It just makes takes an already-unbelievable album to even
> greater heights - IMVeryHO, the first truly realised Smiths album which
> they just didn't manage to stick around long enough to create a followup.
> How would a 1988 Smiths' release compare vs. Viva Hate, one wonders?......

> J.T.
It IS such a beautiful song, " I won't share you. no no, I won't share you, with the drive and ambition, the zeal I feel ....." I LOVE "Oh Glenn don'come to the house tonight, oh glenn oh glenn don't come to the house tonight because there's somebody here who'll take a hatchet to your ear ..... my favorite passage is "This hatred it renders me hateful" Brilliant line.
> It IS such a beautiful song, " I won't share you. no no, I won't
> share you, with the drive and ambition, the zeal I feel ....." I LOVE
> "Oh Glenn don'come to the house tonight, oh glenn oh glenn don't come
> to the house tonight because there's somebody here who'll take a hatchet
> to your ear ..... my favorite passage is "This hatred it renders me
> hateful" Brilliant line.

You know, interestingly enough about 2 hours after I posted that initial post re: I Won't Share You, I headed out to grab some lunch at the local grocery store here in Austin.... and it being on my mind, I had I Won't Share You playing quite loudly on repeat the whole time. So I pull into the parking lot of the store and Moz is just kicking into that beautiful finale around 1m 30s into the song... and I sit there and let it play to the end, and all the while there's a lady in the spot next to me loading her groceries into her SUV.

So when i turn off the car and get out, she smiles and says "wow, I haven't heard that Smiths song in just, AGES -- so beautiful!" I concurred with her assessment, and she said "thanks for making my day"

Now, it's Moz who really made her day and not me, but still... that sort of thing always makes me smile, when someone else recognises the tune you're playing and remembers it fondly. She was an attractive woman probably late 30s maybe early 40s, and must've been a Smiths fan in HS/college.

And yeah, that hatred rendering him hateful IS a swell line. I still can't get past the rickety melody, but it may slowly grown on me the way Billy Budd eventually did...

> oh f*** off. really, f*** off.

I love you too.

> I love you too.

> J.T.

Wow, it's so "swell" that you love me. so, so swell. you're hooot.like yeah dude. that made my day, it's so special. wow, i mean, totally, i almost *cried* when i heard morrissey sing that line. it was so swell. and that chick was HOT dude!

f***ing Seppos.
> You know, interestingly enough about 2 hours after I posted that initial
> post re: I Won't Share You, I headed out to grab some lunch at the local
> grocery store here in Austin.... and it being on my mind, I had I Won't
> Share You playing quite loudly on repeat the whole time. So I pull into
> the parking lot of the store and Moz is just kicking into that beautiful
> finale around 1m 30s into the song... and I sit there and let it play to
> the end, and all the while there's a lady in the spot next to me loading
> her groceries into her SUV.

> So when i turn off the car and get out, she smiles and says "wow, I
> haven't heard that Smiths song in just, AGES -- so beautiful!" I
> concurred with her assessment, and she said "thanks for making my
> day"

> Now, it's Moz who really made her day and not me, but still... that sort
> of thing always makes me smile, when someone else recognises the tune
> you're playing and remembers it fondly. She was an attractive woman
> probably late 30s maybe early 40s, and must've been a Smiths fan in
> HS/college.

> And yeah, that hatred rendering him hateful IS a swell line. I still can't
> get past the rickety melody, but it may slowly grown on me the way Billy
> Budd eventually did...

> J.T.
That's so cool about that lady- and it making her day- that's how that dude made me feel at the tattoo place- Hearing "Our Frank" was bizarre, but when I looked this dude, his name's Guy- and I've said it again and again but he was COVERED from head to toe in Morrissey/Smiths lore- the tats were BEAUTIFUL- must have cost him a frigging fortune. The cover on his back was breathtaking-a shaded pic of Moz from the recording studio during the Hatful Of Hollow days- glasses and all. Maybe he'll let me take a snap of him? I like Paint A Vulgar Picture because it's so fast and the lyrics are so smooth. "stay home don't drop by now, tonight" and "the frusration has rendered me hateful" ( sorry, that was the true line ). I had a hard time with Billy Budd too but like you say, it grows on you after a while. I remember wearing my dark green "The Queen Is Dead" shirt out and some people giving me the thumbs up, saying hey,cool. I don't think I am ever going to like "All The Lazy Dykes", though. Too synthy sounding.
> God this is a beautiful song. It's a shame I more-or-less overlooked it
> for so many years -- even though Strangeways is FAR and away my favourite
> Smiths LP, I thoroughly despise Death At One's Elbow, and as such I would
> frequently just listen to the first 8 tracks and then end after Paint a
> Vulgar Picture (awesome, awesome song). I knew IWSY was there at the end,
> and listened to it once in a blue moon, but never enough to really let it
> grab me.

Haven't I seen your name printed at the end of numerous album reviews in the NME ?
> Wow, it's so "swell" that you love me. so, so swell. you're
> hooot.like yeah dude. that made my day, it's so special. wow, i mean,
> totally, i almost *cried* when i heard morrissey sing that line. it was so
> swell. and that chick was HOT dude!

> f***ing Seppos.
Oh go flick your bic and support John Tesh or better yet, Kenny G.
MAN, that is, like, such a cool story duuuude, yeah like there was this one *totally* hot guy (I mean he was HOT) and I was playing this Morrissey song, and MAAAAN, he came over to me, and he was SOOOO HOT, yum yum, really sexy, all American man, just like Brad Pitt dude, and we got chatting and I was like, "y'know, we could do coffee sometime", and he was like, "ok" and then, Morrissey like changed my LIFE dude.. and this guy like had so much money he could afford all these tatoos dude, it must have been soooo expensive, how HOT that he was rich.. sigh.. AMERIKKKKA, land of dreams...
> Oh go flick your bic and support John Tesh or better yet, Kenny G.

Like, I think it's WROOOOOOOONG to say something like that to me. Really WROOOOONG.
> MAN, that is, like, such a cool story duuuude, yeah like there was this
> one *totally* hot guy (I mean he was HOT) and I was playing this Morrissey
> song, and MAAAAN, he came over to me, and he was SOOOO HOT, yum yum,
> really sexy, all American man, just like Brad Pitt dude, and we got
> chatting and I was like, "y'know, we could do coffee sometime",
> and he was like, "ok" and then, Morrissey like changed my LIFE
> dude.. and this guy like had so much money he could afford all these
> tatoos dude, it must have been soooo expensive, how HOT that he was rich..
> sigh.. AMERIKKKKA, land of dreams...
Poo, like wow, I was so STOKED to see your message for me on the board, mannnn. Totally cool. I give you major props, guy. That tattoo guy sounds totally sweet, duude, you know, because he sounded like his abs were totally ripped, man, if he looked like BRAD dude you know he'd HAVE to be. I'm going to chase some waves this weekend, maybe I'll see you guys on your boards. Bring the sex wax guys, you forgot it last time because that little bettie got your attention and that was NOT cool. The beach is full of betties, don't let one make you forget to bring your sex wax. Peace.
> Like, I think it's WROOOOOOOONG to say something like that to me. Really
Ok man, you're right, it's my bad. just hassles at home. you know how it is, guy, you meet a bettie, and you think everything in your life is cool- like, they're even making a new"Rocky" movie, that is going to RULE. Sly is gonna do, like, all the stunt stuff, when he's boxing, and that's one hell of a guy, I mean, like he does speak like he's got marbles in his mouth? But he's okay by me. Sorry again dude. Old lady hassling me. Buds again? Come on guy!
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